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I’m going Alice.

After her badass ‘h.Alice.m’ alter ego insta account… #TakingOnOneTrollAtATime 🦸🏼‍♀️
Also - can we talk about how rank Tommys nails are please? 🤢 I wouldn’t not be doing a hand announcement if my man had nails like that!!
We can’t talk about them. Tommys nails are not for the female gaze 😂
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Omg 😂😂
Her latest reel of her saying ‘goodbye’ to Alf before she went off for her hotel stay c section, could Alf look less interested
Why does she think that’s a good video to post?! Her child is literally clamouring to get away

also please Sainsbury’s gift poor Alf some new socks! They always seem to be cutting off his circulation poor boy
I’m don’t even think it’s real though??
She had the red heart nails done just before she had baby girl and in this video she has blue tips!

Imagine posting this when it was actually recorded weeks before!
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Chatty Member
Thanks for the new thread!

More of the same shit then with our old mate Ashley:
- life isn't over at 30
- men sexualize my boobs
- my body has changed shape
- please don't define me as 'just a mum' even though all my profitable content centres around being a mum
- my baby's not-SIDS-safe sleep journey
- I can't wait to be a girl mum (look at all these floral items I've been gifted but I don't buy into gender stereotypes)
- being a working mum is SO hard
- I rely on TNB to do everything for me including lay out my PJs because fuck the patriarchy; and
- here I am exploiting followers through a barrage of affiliate links on cotton wool.

Lovely day x

I just wanted to mention this as well, correct me if I'm wrong in my interpretation and I am NOT a Piers fan but I feel like she has taken his quote totally out of context. Yes it's a fucked thing for him to say but I think his comment is trying to be bigoted in relation to gender identity and perhaps against transgender women who claim to be women, where he considers a defining factor of being a 'woman' is owning a womb and female reproductive organs. Ashley sems to be using this quote to support her agenda that the patriarchy believe unless women use their womb they have no worth?? But to me his tweet doesn't seem to be related to her argument.

There seems to be a pattern of her doing this lately - Trash if you're going to use an article/clinical study/quote to push your agenda at least make sure there is a contextual link.
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She posted the sling off her shoulder purposely for engagement & reactions so she can then whinge about it. “second time mum and I still get criticising”

“You’re going to be a boy Mum” 🤢 what is this ‘boy mum’, ‘girl mum’ shite?! You’re a mum, end of surely?!

Tomorrows surely the big reveal, did anyone guess the name Allegra? Does anyone even care anymore??

She’s going to have a massive meltdown when she realises she just hates being a Mum. It wasn’t that Alf didn’t sleep, or was a boy, or Covid, or “birth trauma” etc she just doesn’t like it and thumbelina will eliminate all of her excuses and leave her with the sad reality. I actually don’t feel good about that, I think it’s incredibly sad, I just hope she realises and takes a step back instead of monetising it. She’s on a rollercoaster she can get off now. I wonder if it’s already hit her?
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She just changes like the wind for content. I swear on a recent podcast her guest said they didn’t have love at first sight after birth and Ashley said she did!!

And lol ‘I’ve waited so long for this.’ Did you?? Apparently 3 years ago you didn’t want kids! Since then you’ve had 2!
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this was my suspicion after it was clear it wasn’t going to drop last night, but I did half wonder if the name had been correctly guessed here - so she was also keeping the article back before registering baby’s name in case she decided to change it 😂
Oh I still think it’s been guessed on here, and she will hate that! (Pleeeeeeease let it be me yes I am that petty)
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Not offence to the little dude but Alf walks like me after bottomless brunch 🙈 she needs to get that boy assessed by Mensa if he knows the phonetic alphabet at 2 years old! He’ll be taking his GCSE’s and doing his driving test by age 4 if Ashley’s lies are anything to go by! Her lies get weirder and weirder. Every other person can see he can’t walk properly for his age yet Ashley claims he is a child genius.
It also sounds like he’s saying ‘no more mummy’ in the ball pit and she just ignores him, laughing and continuing to film
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Nothing much from 84World, my ex colleague works with a girl who sorts out external work for sky news presenters and - surprise surprise - she’s leaving as the clients are all moaning about the time they have to wait for invoice payment and the lack of opportunities. 84W are honestly appalling at their jobs, Ashley is a great fit.

Confirmed baby was born ‘first weekend in march’ and two photo shoots have already taken place both booked by 84World so showing on their system as job references.
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It’s insane how much she’s done to her face given her regular rants about being SO happy and comfortable in her skin. Her entire face shape has changed. She looks like a different person! I’m no expert but that can’t just be a bit of botox right?!
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Miraculously, this is the most covered up she’s ever been, no boobs hanging out. She’s even managed to mention breastfeeding without sharing a photo of her boobs. Surprised we didn’t get a story of her unbuttoning the shirt of that lovely new fashionable breastfeeding outfit she’s bought to show how easy it is to whip a boob out.
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That "bronze" statue looks like something you'd pick up at a dodgy market stall on holiday....lets face it , it could be any pregnant body why she had to get naked and get her makeup done , fuck knows!
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Why would you slather yourself in fake tan when your being sliced open? Does infection risk not enter her little airhead? I have second hand embarrassment for her that she put that on Instagram.

This birth is completely for show. She thinks she’s the first woman on earth to birth a girl and she’s making a spectacle of it. Bullshit it’s about her getting the healing birth after Alf. She wouldn’t go to these lengths of Thumb was a boy!
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Poor Alf always looks vacant behind the eyes, like his spirit has been squashed so much and/or he’s been disappointed and let down so much by his parents that he doesn’t have any vibrancy left. It’s like he’s checked out. Poor little lad breaks my heart. Bear in mind that Trashley will be posting the best photos and videos of him, and these are all she has 😢
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My son isn’t even 2 yet and runs like Roman. In all the toddler groups I go to, I’ve never seen a child his age run like that. Lucy Meck posted a similar Story too (also how much do you think she’s hating her life spending her Saturday with Ash 🤣)
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this kid was born well over two weeks ago now, as a planned section. I find it so bizarre that her magazine deal isn't for this week unless she lost her magazine deal because she screwed up the last exclusive by inadvertently revealing the gender (and arguably the one before that because we all knew she was preg like two months
before she announced).

Em Clarkson - who I used to like but now also find unbearable - did at the very least post a black and white of her in the hospital with her baby name asking for time off. totally fine. a much more grown up way to treat your followers who are inherently invested in you and the reason you are able to earn a living. it's just basic respect but of course Ashley couldn't even begin to comprehend such a concept
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It’s got to the point you can tell she thinks that she is famous enough to do this though 😂 Just announce it like a normal person. They’re not Meghan and Harry.

She wishes!
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Amazing that Hello were on hand straight away after the Granny visit, not like you had this lined up ready for tonight for your big announcement 🤣

She's honestly so transparent.
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