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Please don’t come at me - Alf is such a little beauty and I’d love to just cuddle him non stop , I’d treasure him - just things I have noticed and was wondering did anyone else- the hand flapping? in videos , the only reason I’m saying is because the school tested my child for Autism and some of the things I was told are “signs” is lack of eye contact , flapping , delayed fine motor skills . Quite a few that I notice Alf has . ( I don’t know who to be so annoyed with - me for thinking it , or Ashley for showing so much of that little child online .
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Bloody hell, here she goes again rambling on about reasons for having/not having children and that mothers should be allowed to say negative things about being a parent, and we should stop arguing with each other about whether we should have children or not. Blablablaaaaaaaa. Where has she got this idea that women with children are so offended by those who don’t want them? I don’t know anyone who is like this! Surely most people who have kids are happy with the choice they’ve made (except Ash) and don’t spend their time picking fights with friends/people who have chosen not to have kids. I think all this has to do with Ash’s unhappiness with being a mother.
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I can’t look at photos from the first 5 days. Because the trauma is so huge that it is too overwhelming.

To have been able to stand would have been wonderful but I was actually in theatre.

Has anyone had the same level of tearing as her? Were you comfortably up and about like that? Presumably she’d been stitched?
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Looks aren’t important apparently, but she posts 18 stories in the last 24 hours, 14 of which are of her.
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Just seen her latest tweet....
not having a smear because she had a "forced" painful examination during she having a laugh? need to be examined to see how labour is progressing you melt!....and yes it can be painful but you can use gas and air, or wait for the contraction to subside...thought she'd run marathons!
has she ever actually had a smear?
it's 1 practice nurse who does your smear, not the whole fucking medical faculty!

View attachment 1909379
The same birth trauma that allowed her to stand and eye fuck herself without a hint of truama in the hospital toilet immediately after giving birth.
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It just how much of a big deal she thinks this is, in that she has actually spent a day with her child on her own in that she is having to document and share every detail.
Most parents can do this without feeling the need to make such a big fuss about it.
And she is clearly so anxious about not knowing what to do with him that she clearly relies on that bloody ipad. Disgraceful.
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People who have experienced true trauma don’t make flippant jokes about PTSD.
Morning, all. Hope you’re all doing well! I’m up to the eyeballs in academic work - analysing postmodern interpretations of crisis and war - hence recent silence…
I spent five years dealing with complex PTSD, with trauma accumulated over a lifetime of poor treatment, numerous SAs and a partner who deliberately used the memories of traumatic events to gaslight, abuse and disparage me. When I came out of that relationship, my self-esteem - actually my sense of self altogether - at rock bottom, fibrillating from the cruelty inflicted. I was having suicidal thoughts and ideation due to the eighty or so flashbacks I experienced on a daily basis. I simply didn’t want to *be* any more. Without a stellar trauma therapist, I wouldn’t be here. Luckily, I’ve come out the other side. When I have finished my current studies, I am going to train as a trauma therapist, working with women who have endured SA and marital violence. I am also learning Ukrainian and, when the war is over and that shattered nation is rebuilding itself piece by piece, am volunteering to help survivors of Russian cruelty.
PTSD is no joke. It is never a joke. It shall never be a joke.
PTSD is not something to refer to flippantly, lightly, carelessly. It is crushing. It leeches all the colour from the world. It is the experience of utter darkness, as if one is separated from the world by a pane of glass: one can see that others’ lives go on, that they live free of the fear of memory.
Yet again, Ms James shows us her metaphorical (and, too often, literal) arse. She has no empathy. She is devoid of compassion. She is careless of the feelings of others.
I’m not surprised, though, given that either she or one of her minions came on here and denigrated autistic people’s mental capacity; she weaponised a psychological disorder as a means by which she (attempted to) deliver a cruel blow. As I said at the time, and say now, it had no effect on me, simply confirming how loathsome she is. But there are many, many people who will be adversely affected by her casual, thoughtless attitude towards mental conditions. There are many who will be made all the more vulnerable as a consequence of her malign attitude.
The indepth expose continues to write itself.
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Isn’t it funny how she never complains about early starts when an MUA is coming to visit and she’s gets to sit eye fucking herself. Yet if Alf wakes her up early we ALL know about it
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I can’t believe she’s actually used taking her son out for the day as content. Well actually I can 😂
It’s such a big thing she’s had to make a whole reel about it… wtf.
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Chatty Member
Does she actually say in the podcast about sleep deprivation.... DJing and partying was great because you could gong out the following day.

Totally unacceptable language!

ETA from around 6:30 to 6:40.
Ha. Tattle have changed the word for me. Replace the first "G" with an "M" and that's what she says 🙃
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Ha, I listened to that podcast she did with made by mammas. She’s just shameless all round but 100% has lied about not being offered pain relief. She refused the epidural so as not to slow things down!

Also she claims the hospital said Alf at 9.5lb (is that 9lb 5oz or 9 lb 8oz then?) was one of the biggest babies they’d ever delivered vaginally. It’s not even that big? Why lie?
Oh and that he was “so overdue”. He was due 3/1 and born 9/1 early hours of the morning, so not even a week late? But we all know she’s done her research
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those stories about her 'frustration' re women who express their child free choices are complete psychological projection. No one I know actually argues about whether it's good to have children or not, we live in the 21st century and the choice whether to have or not have children has been afforded to women in various ways and various extents since the advance of contraception in the 1960s. There is literally no reason to make an issue over this, unless her frustration stems from her own personal regret about having children and her deep resentment and anger towards women who stuck to their convictions and lived their truths and are uncompromisingly happy to be child free, because she wishes she had had that presence of mind, intellect and self esteem.

she yammers on and on about her single life but the reason she is in the situation she is now (quasi married to someone she barely even likes let alone loves and unwillingly pregnant at 3 months) is because she doesn't have and never has had a shred of self esteem to speak of. If she did, she would still be single now, childless, and probably could have focused on her DJ / TV presenter career.

When I think about it like that I actually feel incredibly sorry for her. She didn't want children and is about to have two. and there is absolutely nothing she can do about it. She pretends to love the 2 year old phase (how - #poorAlf is developmentally much the same as he was at 1) but he is still boring to her, and thumbelina will be the same. Just because she will be female doesn't mean she won't also be a baby/young child for a long long time. She is going to have a breakdown of epic proportions. and that will be a bit difficult to witness. in many ways I hope they break up and share custody so that the children won't suffer her too much.
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Her main gripe with motherhood appears to be that her child doesn’t slot effortlessly into her C List influencer/celeb lifestyle.

her examples of why motherhood is hard all relate to childcare - not the actual grind that most mums do like cooking, playing with and supporting a child’s development.
Don’t get me wrong childcare is a disgrace and should be less expensive but she makes that her issue because she doesn’t want to be around her child. She can afford (and does pay) for all the childcare in the world. She thinks other mums would be happier if they spent as little time with their children as she does.
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You can just hear the smugness
Also I don’t know why she’s feeling so smug saying he reads them all every night as if it’s some great achievement? They are way too babyish for him now! How about some books with an actual story
Maybe like the Gruffalo? Seeing as they visit that forest trail every weekend!
I suppose then though it would require some actual parenting to read a story rather than Alf flicking thru the pages of the books himself (as she’s stated previously he reads by himself in his cot/bed before sleep)

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How much of a blob does a toddler need to be to not just pull those books out? 😂
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Chatty Member
Difference between size zero and size one is probably dependent on whether he was 9.5lbs or 9lbs 5oz.
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I actually wonder if its the opposite. He always seems so docile and chilled out on instagram because he always has a screen in front of him. I think neither of them know how or want to deal with the crazy toddler stage so rather than let him sit in the trolley making a fuss or run around causing carnage they constantly placate him with the ipad. The ipad is the easy way out so they don’t have to parent him or deal with tantrums. But it means he’s not learning to deal with his emotions or learning to express himself which is what this stage in their development is all about. She’s said before how she doesn’t let him cry. I’d say they both almost have a fear of it. The first indication of tears or a tantrum they give in and put him in front of a screen
completely agree with this - it’s why they feed him sugary snacks rather than meals, take him to the same three places (library, soft play and grufallo forest), put him forward facing (he kicked Off the other way round), do all his naps in the pram and buy him the same books. Anything new or progressive might cause upset and that is too much work for these two over-inflated egos.
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