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She’ll get a full-time Nanny to help with baby Thumb, and part of their duties will be to look after Alf when he’s at home. They’ll take over the childminder run, and they’ll do most of the school holiday childcare.
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I’m usually a lurker but I had an overdue, 9lb 1oz baby and third degree tear. There was NO way I was up, in tiny undies, filming myself after giving birth. I’m utterly amazed anyone could manage that.
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Re the birth debrief, didn't she say that she was offered an epidural at 8cm in a clip from a podcast shared earlier in the thread, and that she declined it? So what is she talking about? Honestly can't keep up!
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I see Alfs diet is still as poor as ever
Also why is it being pointed out he’s self fed yogurt?! At 2 that should be the norm 🤯
Poor thing has the food of a weaning baby

also such a random breakfast… toast pancake AND croissant?

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I don't understand why she shares these updates, it should be private not shown off as some sort of talking point for her ig 'content'.
Though her 'content' seems to be all over the place at the moment, one minute on parliament discussions the next on how she just can't lie in on a morning then on to how to clean her UGG boots!!
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Can someone please call her out on this? If her birth was so traumatic, then a woman would NOT be able to stand, let alone go to the toilet and eye fuck herself while filming. Alf was probably screaming in the other room
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I’ve been reading old Made in Chelsea articles by Jim Shelley for shits’n’giggles (I broke my brain over a synthesis of Lefebvre and Foucault today - paper due on Monday 😳) and came across this gem: “Ashley discusses the Laws Of Probability with Olivia, whilst being semi-naked. [While only wearing her underwear, as per usual. Do tell, Ms James, how MiC is ‘inspiring for women’ when the blokes treat the women on the show like utter shit?]
When Ashley was doing a bikini shoot with Olivia, she trilled: ‘It's SO lucky you’re doing my make up here today !’ Wasn’t it ?!’
Couldn’t be that way because the producers *planned* it, now, could it? She was as unconvincing then as she is now.
She’s brought her disingenuity, her arrogance that she can successfully suspend belief, over to the Gram from MiC hasn’t she? She thinks she can treat her daily life as if it were a scripted reality show and thinks we’ll be none the wiser re: the multitude inconsistencies, lies, half-truths, bullshit claims, gaslighting and awful behaviour, doesn’t she? She’s so away with the fairies that she feels she can manipulate real life (such a coincidence that I’m eating AllPlants…everything about Alf is just for effect…I work so hard…) and we’ll obediently fall into line.
SO lucky you were free today to look after your son for once in between life changing knicker-shots and Tu promotions, wasn’t it - and that you had someone who just happened to be there to film it! Lovely day x
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She's a bit all over the place today isn't she. Why does she think these little people are so amazing? Am I missing something? If you want to diversify your kids life, buy some books that are inclusive.
Why can't she diversify her bloody feed? Honestly, I've mentioned it before on here and I'll say it again so maybe she will pay attention... look up fiveXmore Trash! To quote "It was initiated in 2019 when two Black mothers came together with the dream of improving maternal mortality rates and health care outcomes for Black women"
This needs spotlight on her feed, imagine being so privileged, you don't even recognise that black women in this country are 4 times more likely to DIE in childbirth or pregnancy due to being treated differently. Some of which surrounds pain relief, not being believed to be in pain because "you look strong enough to cope" genuine health care professionals racist assumption.
I also believe I read that Black women are more likely to experience miscarriage and it is only just being recognised and researched.
Anyway, I digress. It just frustrates me that these "influencers" have a platform yet all they do is talk about themselves, take photos of themselves and prance around in their size 8 body yapping on about body positivity when they haven't got an ounce of fat due to eating all plants microwave meals and calling them "healthy"
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Who's taking one for the team and listening to the podcast with Tommy...?? I would offer to do it, but hearing her voice makes me want to punch myself in the face xo
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Is she really incapable of pulling her own fucking duvet back to get in bed? Why does he insist on doing all this for her? It’s not romantic it’s just patronising! And is that a bottle of palmers cocoa butter I spy over near the mirror? Thought she only used ‘weleda’ stretch mark oil because it’s so amazing? 🤣 lie after lie after lie. And fuck off with your 3rd gifted totally unneeded baby carrier!! Just use the one you already have you greedy freeloading twat! God her ignorance just gives me actual rage. I’m not even lying when I say she’s the most disgusting person I’ve come across on Instagram. I’m not a fan of any of these Instahuns in any way but she’s on a whole other level with her greed and ignorance.
Ps, buy Your own fucking nappies instead of begging for some on your stories, how do you think every other mother gets on? If you’re really that stupid unsure just buy a combination of sizes and see which fit the best!
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I’m sure there are ways she could update everyone on her pregnancy without having to do each reel in her god damn underwear? It’s so cringe.

If this was my job I would just want the ground to swallow me up. ‘Oh today’s the day I’m going to film myself in blue lingerie and rub my bump and then post it to thousands on the internet’. Poor kids when they go to school having to have friends that have seen their mother prance about in her pants!
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Tommy literally smashed straight into Alfie at the bottom of that slide. What was he thinking?! What an idiot.

Also, who takes their two year old to soft play in jeans? 🙄 His bare belly was out on that slide too, makes me feel funny watching that and thinking of the burn.

And I’m sorry but this bra!! She looks like she’s got arse cheeks poking out her fucking chest. 😂😂😂


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Can you fucking imagine her rage if someone told her she doesn't look professional because she's so pregnant!? I'm guessing every working woman no longer looks professional once they start showing a bump 🙄

Also her hairstylist must hate her because they make her hair look absolutely awful. It looks like an old bale of hay crumpled up with mousse.
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Doesn’t make any sense to me, Alf seems like a perfectly placid little chap. Absolutely NO reason why he wouldn’t prefer to be engaged in chatter, I spy, looking out of the window… I just cannot fathom why, on what is probably no more than a thirty min journey, you’d think it was ok to get the bleeding iPad out. There’s just no need. I take my 17 month old to see my parents on a 2.5 hour train journey… never have we used an iPad. And he’s a proper busy, curious, dare I say a bit hyper little boy, not like Alf. We just move about, sing, have a train picnic, walk up and down so we don’t annoy the same passengers all the time 🤣 … I won’t lie I often (ok always 😆) need a wine at the end of it but I wouldn’t have it any other way.
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We won’t see as much as Alf when Thumberlina is born - she won’t be able to handle two, plus he will start acting out because his sister has all the attention.

She’ll attempt to do it as a “it’s for his privacy” but really it’s because he doesn’t perform how she wants him to & any sign of being unhappy, not getting his way or tantrumming, she freaks out.

As Stewart says, he’s not learning healthy expressions of emotion, but that showing emotion isn’t good, so he’ll suppress it & become avoidant. Exactly everything that Ashley saying she’s ensuring the opposite of.
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What, and I cannot stress this enough, WHAT IS SHE WEARING

Sorry to be a dick and quote myself. She can’t honestly think that looks good?
Not one of the many people who got her ready for tonight took her to one side and said “Ashley, are you sure?”
If my mates let me go out looking like that I’d be mortified and looking for new friends.
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