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That’s what that gifted cruise was for to get Saf in with some blue ticked ‘influencers’.
You scratch my back, I’ll scratch yours.
Unless they show the accounts early, which seems very unlikely, people will be kissing their ass until next year.
To be honest who out of her new circle would even give a flying F? It’s money to them and that’s all that matters in their world.

Yeah the kiss ass comment are as fake as her new shit hair
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Ashley latest post a cigar pic god he loves himself, noticed one thing we Ash he never does lives because he knows saff gets all the heat on lives and he knows full well people would call him out big time he posting only now and then he wants saff to get all the heat by her doing stupid lives and posts and takes it off himself a little he post more smartly little and often she just posts tripe and rubbish and don't make sense she going to blow soon I see her face quickly ends lives when it gets heated she can't answer as cleverly as Ash and also she knows people are clicking on. She needs Ash back to train her to speak and answer how he does. She knows more than she letting on with Ash I see it in her face I think he's told her if she behaves and proves her loyalty etc etc he might get back together in a year or two so she holding onto that. Wait till he back she be making sure she gets him in her stories or picking him up from airport he's back!!!!! The grandma on her stories other day looked annoyed by her and doesn't smile or anything around her think she not keen. Also noticed the tagged pic of her without filters and lot she's deleted it from what a fan posted next to her. That shows her true self. She's hoping Ash comes back from the carribean and loves her hair and shags her thinking she done it for him look Ash I'm sexy and carribean like. 😂🙄 Go home saff back to your mum and stepdad least she supported you throughout your life and pregnancy and helped you set up your business everything. Ash wanted Andrea out the picture because she was onto him and the family we money and I think she knew they set it up knowing she wasnt going to Singapore and Andrea didn't agree so saff cut her off forced by Ash he might have said me or her and saff so in love with him she chose Ash and now can't go back on it to much damage done.
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full of #

Well-known member
Just read through the wiki etc.
as a friend of the family (loose termed) I know a few things to clarify.
firstly ahh wanted to be with saf years ago, she wasn’t interested! He went on EOTB and suddenly she wants attention from him. She owned a salon in Nuneaton named glow, it was a flop, she’d use apprentice hairdressers and make them charge full price, they weren’t qualified and were messing People hair up because she’d be off in London from her only fans money with sugar daddies funding her lifestyle. The salon closed due to lots of poor local publicity, she got with ash and loved the attention, especially in the green lambo driving round frigging Nuneaton like celebs *cringe*
then she fell pregnant, in Labour, he was actually cheating on her with a girl named Gemma. Not quite the doting dad at this point (he wanted saf to get rid early on when she found out)
Few weeks after having the baby, she was in a salon for a hair appointment, livid her mum was running late, her words were “she’s taking the piss now, I need a break from this brat”
Not long after, the baby was diagnosed with leukaemia, they then become the best parents in the world!
She told a friend she’d fallen out with her mum as she was stealing money from donations made (this was prior to the GFM donations”
She was also using the wish list to her own advantage so ash told saf she needed to be cut and was.
they always knew theyd make a charity when the money came in from gfm if azalia wasn’t to survive as they would receive a “wage” as founders. They split before her funeral. They didn’t publicise because of continued incoming money. Now she has the book etc, she was getting tv appearances etc so didn’t rely on him for the fame. She wanted to stay with him but he’s been unfaithful throughout and even now is sleeping With different women regularly. Their money Is coming from their “wage” which is essentially coming from the charity.
So they’re accusing Andrea ? 🥲
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@icthruBS I’ve copied this over and deleted last post as there are attached in wrong way……
Reply to your last post:
I know what you Are saying, I’ve no idea, maybe because you don’t get a plot/ grave/ garden with a cremation, only a bench or tree ect later on! perhaps they wanted cremation to keep her close, but also wanted a place to focus on their Instagram stories to people could visit , decorate and keep her name alive for longer.
I know it makes no sense at all but I wouldn’t right it off, there are so many things around it that dont add up,.
But let’s be honest, nothing adds up and Nothing is out of the question with this pair, I meanwho would have thought they would have put themselves before sick kids, used money for self gain, that wasn’t even theirs that’s more unbelievable in my book.
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I think the friend is gorgeous george mum

Possibly George as she has a grid post on the day he passed.

No way will there be an undisclosed donation, he couldn’t do it without shouting it from the rooftops
Thank you. Xxx

Their strategy must be to ignore and carry on.
Completely ignoring our GFM questions and now not even acknowledging the deletion of a grid post (TAF IG) because of these comments.


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Exactly. Dr Francis is never anywhere to be seen so it makes me wonder what his role is in TAF. As a Trustee he needs to make sure that the other trustees are accountable and spending the money wisely. He clearly just lets Ash and Saf get on with things but it won't reflect well on him or the other new trustee when the shit hits the fan. If it was me, knowing the bad press, I would not be willing to risk my professional reputation by being linked to them.

The whole sham of TAF is badly managed...what exactly are the community ambassadors doing? And the social media manager??
I’m sure he has an email address.
Arnt the employees responsible for the TAF page? Whilst Ash and Saf are busy doing other stuff

Has anyone seen this on SL? What a really great idea.


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Chatty Member
Why did they get rid of the house they shared? Does anyone local know if that is final? Saf loves to show the farm hanging on to the cains.

TOC is this weekend. although the colour run has been cancelled the family ride is still going ahead in support of TAF. So, will anyone be there for the Azaylia foundation/representing/with merch etc or have all the OS cancelled due to no Ashley. Also if he’s on his way back now why can’t he still attend?
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The fuck !! They spent all that money and the child was already cremated ?? You have to be kidding me . That is all kinds of fucked up . It’s their choice to cremate or bury , the issue is the circus they paid for when the child was already “put to rest “ .
A few people got upset here about this (not us regulars) saying it was ridiculous, absurd, crazy. It’s not ridiculous at all, it’s very very possible. This is what the do in other countries, Germany for sure. They bury the urn of ashes, less any ashes requested for jewellery, or for family members ect.
it’s quite plausible. Maybe they wanted cremation, as they wanted her always close to them (I think this would be my choice actually thinking about it) but also wanted the fanfare of a grave or garden as they call it clue could be in “garden”

However in Germany, They don’t have a coffin, right enough or a parade through the streets with said Urn, but similar as in a place to bury ashes.
I have no issue on choices , burial , cremation or both ( as in burying ashes ) . However the entourage and shit show that followed is what shits me . Why weren’t they so open about these aspects ( the child was cremated already ) considering they used public money for a very public funeral.
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I spoke too soon! Shes currently on live. Someone asked about her getting a dog and she said something like i cant get one at the moment because- well i will speak about that soon actually…. Said she will share it with us soon. Im guessing shes buying a house/moving out?
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hello from me

VIP Member
Is anyone listening to her on radio? She’s turned on the tears after 3 mins
Link in her stories

What a joke!

Buzz words, the usual:-
Absolutly beautiful, navigate, soooo incredible,
Same old same old stuff, every interview is the same, so practised!
Saff is motivating people all over the world apparently 🤣

Song break now , then they are gonna discuss Ibiza!
so she will have told her that she was in Ibiza for TAf
Did they discuss Ibiza
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When she started getting some recognition for being an influencers girlfriend she unfollowed all her family/ cousins/ siblings, etc, and cut them all off. Lots of her family have reached out to her a few times off her fathers side too and even turned up at her door to see if she’s ok but she’s said she doesn’t feel up to talking with them she says and she’s busy. So she has got family who would look after her and who she was close to before Ashley came along and swooped her in to the spotlight which she is happy about. She would rather go to the farm and I think she had a trauma bond with Ashley. She has anxiety unless she’s with him.
10000% a trauma bond
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Well-known member
Anyone else notice how many times she mentioned the word work on her story ?
work on aesthetics
Work on AF
work on admin
Work on catching up on stuff

Anyone screenshot ?
I never managed too because they were deleted as quick as they posted I did see though that the foundation had liked snout---somethings comment haha sorry I can't remember there name 🤣
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