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VIP Member
No I can't see it now. I just swear yesterday she had one. I must be thinking of another thread lol

Do you just tag a mod and ask? I've never requested one, I usually come on to be a big fat stinking troll without all this added stuff 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣✌✌✌✌

Edit, I can see you said you've added one now. Thanks fellow troll xxx
I learned from getting this thread put into the Instagram threads, you have to press report and put what you want in there then it gets seen.
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Chatty Member
She’s such a smug bitch watched that video of her admitting to having an affair and she’s literally trying not to laugh she only said ‘I’m not proud of it’ cause she’d get abuse, then goes straight into ‘the sex is amazing’ can’t stand her anymore!
Absolutely vile that woman must have traumatised imagine finding out your friend violated you like that
I think the whole thing is sickening. Fine, I get she got off but that was on an altercation. Trans rights activist got a hold of it
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Active member
I said when are you going address that g aka gayle new land is a convicted rapist and your promoting love honey

it said similar posts have been reported but had the option to post it came up a sent it a few times when she was taking oidd out the Germans
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VIP Member
Wow, so potentially Gayle hasn't done anything illegal by having social media accounts, or have I got that wrong? I know you can't say much about this person but are they friends with the rapist?
Probation was because she was let out of jail half way through her sentence so under probation for remaining sentence. SHPO and it's rules, are for life as she was a sex offender with, a sentence over 5 yrs
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You don’t need to justify yourself to me, if you’re not James or one of the scabby clan then fair dos… what are the ‘things you’ve seen that most of us probably haven’t?’ Because that also makes you sound like someone from the cess pit?!

Wonder if she’s gonna claim she’s found all this out today?
no with that comment I just literally mean what we have all seen here in relation to all the articles, live snippets and Chels stories which I imagine lots of influencers don’t invest their time in looking at do they. Hense why they prob have no clu

she can’t make out she only just found out as there are the clips of her slipping up the name. She will say she’s been manipulated.
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Is it still quiet via Ash social media? I’m guessing so many people flooded Chloe Kent’s anonymous questions on Instagram about it. I noticed she’s got Chels on her followers but not Ash.. I noticed this a few months back
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Chatty Member
Unfortunately it feels like the only thing that is going to really hurt this woman is the loss of her followers, but thats not going to happen when everyone wants to see the car crash.
No one needs to follow to watch her though 🤦‍♀️😆
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VIP Member
Both TrAsh and Gail are so incredibly stupid in sharing their online behaviour as it could get them into a whole heap of trouble if the police were made aware of their online games in colliding the hide a sex offender in plain sight.

Social services will be visiting that family any day soon as I'm sure more than one concerned person has raised a "concern for welfare" call re those children.

I am also sure many people have called Harlow Safeguarding Department to discuss their very real safeguarding concerns about a mother who dates a registered sex offender and who over exposes her children online. A mother who emotionally abuses her children and regularly verbally abuses her children all whilst regularly abandoning her children and posts the evidence online.

Let's hope TrAsh isn't required to do a drugs test to prove her competence to parent. They'd only need a small hair sample to show what drugs are in her system other than prescribed "back pain" drugs.

Hopefully the children in this crazy household soon become aware just how many rights they have and how they can call Harlow social services and ask for help because if EVER there was a family who needs help it is this family.

If anyone tries to lie to these children and say social services will take them away and put them in care to scare them and stop them speaking out, I hope they are told the primary role of social services in this kind of matter is to keep them safe and to ensure all of their needs are met. Grandparents can be given temporary custody to do this.

Children do not and should not have to suffer in silence.
or their dad might get wind of it all and keep them in his care.
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