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Active member
Yes it was on insta never seen it before or been told that the account holder will know I’ve looked at their stories. She’s obviously changed her settings.
I have commented on lives before saying she was a bit harsh or words to that effect when she was kicking off and having a dig at Oscar. Thought I’d get blocked but didn’t but maybe she noted my account ???
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Chatty Member
I keep reading comments doubting the victim on tt... how couldn't she tell it was a strap on..
Maybe she was a virgin before? Maybe "Kye" had given her a load of drink? She had "Kye" on the phone and Gayle in real life to ease any concerns or suspicions she had.
Poor girl 😢 why would she humiliate herself by making it up?
And Gail has a long past of these behaviours.
Disgusting that anyone could doubt the victim.

Someone was commenting on a tiktok video, she said Gail used to go out with her sister. Apparently Gail said she had a heart attack on the day her dad died (still alive), said she had cancer, and when the girl broke up with her Gail made a fake profile pretending to be Gail's brother and said that Gail had unalived herself by jumping off a bridge and she was completely dead for hours but the doctors brought her back to life.
I read somewhere that she did try to kill herself but it was after getting caught with chloe*
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I got ignored, I doubt perrie has any say, plus Adam doesn't even work there now. I think ITS may use this as an excuse to get rid of her.

Make your mind up, what a twat
He may not be doing the day to day stuff but he still owns the company and has major says in things. He will be involved in decisions
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Chatty Member
Wish I knew more about setting up fake accounts I wanted to message Look Incredible after she said she was showing an unboxing and sharing a code but then went on to tell the world how she stuck her finger up her arse to hold a piece of shit in - she’s beyond vile. AND then the very next day that clever tattler found out Gee’s background and what does the fat cunt do - go out partying the whole weekend leaving the kids AGAIN !!!! She’s vile I honestly don’t have the words to describe what a nasty bit of work she is. I started following her when she was in charity shop she was down to earth and quite funny - don’t know if she kept her real self hidden or if shes just turned into this disgusting creature we see now-
I also think James will drop her like a hot fucking brick and I hope to god all the sheep that suck up her arse start disappearing although they seem to stick around when she’s being an utter bitch to her kids, talking about her stinking vag etc

And ….. lastly - went to snoop on her stories again and I got a message saying that she would know I’ve looked at her stories and I had to press to say I agreed - has any one else had to do this ?????
Nah I’ve never had that but then I follow her from my work account 🤣🤣🤣, I wouldn’t worry to much she ain’t going to be able to out all us tattlers now the mug especially with what we have found out
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VIP Member
I've commented on elsa frost and linsi shoes that I'm site she worked with and linking shoes saw my comment and ignore me. I think if Ash was big on tik tok they'd all be talking about it
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Well-known member
Perries live is still going! I can't watch it, why is she talking like that making a weird sound instead of an L? She's making out she didn't know but also looking stressed. I think it's highly unlikely that any influencers that know Ash don't know the news
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If I knew who this 'Greedy' was I would 😂 had to look up NoHun and hope I got the right one too message

Her manager is trying to be an author, so wants out of the agency business by the sounds of it 😂
I hope the media picks up on it. I wonder if the m.e.n has as I think they read on here. I’d share it to their fb, but I’m blocked from their page.
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VIP Member
I tried and got blocked stupid cunt
What did you write? Did it enter or instant block? I didn't see any comments at allll
She's defo put a filter on, there wasn't a single comment about chels and people mention chels every single live. They always mention Gail (well they say Gee) not a single one.
She's such a clever little bitch
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VIP Member
Wonder what Perrie is going to do to keep the bad press away from her door? Isn’t she still creative director of ITS? Probs ignore like the rest….
This Perrie bird is live now if anyone wanted to drops some questions/hints
I had no idea who she even was 😂
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Well-known member
Wtf that video chels has put up , Ash admitted to having an affair. Sorry what how have I missed her actually admitting and confirming it? How long ago was that video? And can someone screenrecord it and put it on here for the wiki please.. I've never seen that before, all the times ash said no cheating was involved.
@mammaof3 you're our go to screen grabber on the hinch thread lol
It's already on here a few pages back, I think that's where Chelsea saw it!
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Chatty Member
Yes looks like they are at the same agency
ETA and both managed by emma
Yep… I just looked on their website. Ash is currently still named on there and interestingly they manage a Janet Hamnett… Luke’s mum? I’d imagine that if they drop Ash, all their other collabs will be expected to too!
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Brian Butterfield

VIP Member
Figured out how to download. Can someone add to wiki if poss.
I didn't realise there was a Wiki. Can we get it linked to the threads? It would be really useful for newbies and lurkers.

I've reported my post to hopefully a Mod can help sort.
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So I’m confused, did she serve what was left of sentence the second time she was tried and then only was released once she was ready etc not before time?
That’s the only thing I couldn’t find. Can’t see how long of the 6 1/2 years she was sentenced to following her retrial.
That’s the only thing I couldn’t find. Can’t see how long of the 6 1/2 years she was sentenced to following her retrial.
Sorry that made no sense. I can’t see how much of the 6 she actually served.
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