Anti-Hinch Tattlers Off-Topic Chat / Support & Insomnia Club! #4

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This is a load of BULL !

Her thread needs to be re opened. She asked for comments, speculation and whatever else comes with sharing every single second of your life and your kids online to strangers.
Aslong as we are respectful over her dad's death, what's the issue.

I miss you guys. I miss the bantzzzzz

Hope you're all well x x x x
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Call me cynical but this is more to do with loulouslikes upping her own engagment than anything to do with missing Hinchy.
Defo for their own engagement. “Comment on this reel”… “use this hashtag”

Speaking of which, I searched the hashtag. Results below (spoiler “fewer than 100” is just 36. I counted them )

The girl who posted is one of the ones at the top of the Hinch community pyramid as well. Shows how many of them are still dedicated huns and how many have moved on. She’s done.


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And good riddance to her, hope she never comes back.
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Just 36 followers care where she is. That's shocking but deserved.
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My brain is a bit fuzzed today and I'm trying to remember which one of us nusties also has a heart issue on here? First inflated left hand and left foot of the year ffs. Must be the heat but it's horrid when you suddenly can't get a sandal on (have to adjust to floppiest setting!).
SWMNBN will always be so bloody extra, no matter what the circumstances....
Take care all, especially with the heat this week, A xxx
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Just popping in to say hello - I miss this thread. I really thought she would be back after Fathers Day but I’m really not sure what she has to come back to.
so many accounts jumping in her lane
I saw that Laura ( definitely the new ‘Hinch’) doing a 60 minute cleaning reel on Friday, Lydia Bright had just launched a new fragrance for Joy of Clean and Stacey has taken over with the Ducks. - grief has so many stages and for me it absolutely made me question life & purpose when I was at my darkest point of bereavement.
Hinch has never had anything taken away from her and has lived her life to now getting everything she wants. I hope that she evaluates now what is important and just enjoys her family.
she can’t spend the rest of her life instagramming under the sink & cleaning the taps. - that’s my thoughts for a Monday hope yoy all have a lovely evening
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It is just coming up to 10 weeks since her thread was closed, so end of April, and we are now in late June.
I really do hope she has realised that kind of life isn't really working and her kids deserve the privacy they are now experiencing.
She is irrelevant.
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Hello everyone
Thought by now the hinch thread would be back up and running cos Soph just couldn't put off coming back to "her job" any longer and she'd be back to her filtered, grifting narcissistic self....but alas no
Can't see her coming back anytime soon...think maybe she'll wait till the end of summer - September time she's probs got a lavish family holiday and some child free weekends away planned and all the speculation about "when she's gonna be back" and arselicking from the handful of deluded huns out there will feed her ego in the meantime
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Hey tis probably me with the CHF Haven't posted in here in a bit but have been reading along. I hear ya loud and clear on the swelling. I get it in my right ankle more so but this heat its been both. Its so frustrating. Sliders are my besties right now. I dont even attempt a sandal I have Carpal Tunnel in left hand related to thyroid issues and I've found that quite sore the last week and a little swollen so probs need to get that checked out soon. Hope u doing OK apart from that B x
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She put the announcement up about her Dad on 8th May and the thread was closed that week so, 7 weeks. I'm quite enjoying life without her if I'm honest. Hopefully it's made her realise that it's not worth ruining her kid's childhood for the sake of a few millions in the bank.
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Yeah agree. At least those kids are getting some much needed privacy. I don't care about her tbh hope she never comes back, her star has faded anyway
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You are right, thread closed for less time than she has been absent, which is 9 weeks since Dad passed. Either way, a good while! Indeed, good riddance to her!
Yes! It is you dear B @Bidscavan
I was wondering how you were getting on too, the joys of CHF & knackered thyroids. I've gone barefoot at home but just wondered as the puffing only started today, with none since last year.
You take care of yourself lovely,good to hear from you xxx
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I dunno guyscccch, I think I’m in the minority but I just can’t see her having an epiphany and giving up a lucrative tend job of sitting on her arsenal hole and the remaining huns telling her how amazing she is for doing that My prediction is she’ll make a slow return then back to the usual shite

Hope all you nusty hens are ok. Remember 10 litres of full fat coke in the warm weather
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Been watching Ss the last few days looking at her lovely pool and pool house (no I don't like she's exactly the same as you know who) but I like the pool and pool house, and can't help but think how much she fucked her gardens up with all the animals such a shame.

Hope everyone's okey and taking care of themselves in this heat
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I bet that garden stinks in the heat. Like a proper farm.

Hope everyone is doing ok xx.
Reactions: 7
Hey How's the swelling today? Is it still only the left side? Mine went down when resting but shur was only a couple hours out of bed and it swelled again. Doesn't help when one is out of bed at stupid o clock due to perimenopausal insomnia but shur could be worse x

Hope everyone else is doing okay in the heat
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She ll come back on when it's time to announce her pregnancy ....
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Hope my favourite trolls are doing well I'm over on the beckie Jones thread that shit moves like Hinch once did. She a right fat pig
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Hi everyone theres a mum at the school gates that everytime I see her I am almost 100% sure she is a hincher. She literally looks like her. I call them all the dry robe crew
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Hi B @Bidscavan
It's always just the left and my GP just said "oh, it's just yer heart" last year when I last saw her. It goes down at night or at least has now but had huge spade left hand and foot during the day (in the heat) yesterday. I've been getting in cold showers in the evening and that helps. I'm also with you and the perimenopausal insomnia! Joyous years! 🫂 xx
Hope my favourite trolls are doing well I'm over on the beckie Jones thread that shit moves like Hinch once did. She a right fat pig
Oh I've browsed that one! She really is quite gross, as is the culinary crap she puts together, and ends everything in 'um'! xx
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