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Looks like the riots in France will be cast as deliberately planned by the authorities, if not already on the government planned disorder list - first though is of course the shutting down of parts of the internet (actually not so simple, also annoying here is the need to check the translation he's given)

The giveaway as to whether this is a sane assessment or not is the 'it begins', though I'm disappointed he doesn't prefix that with the proper 'And so'.

Additional point of interest, tried to imply the source of info is via two different people but a closer look tells us the URLs are almost identical, one for a post within one person's telegram timeline, the other for the same post in the same person's telegram timeline but to display as a single post and therefore completely different - but how many people bother to look at both?

Telegram post says "France is planning shutdown of the nation's internet...", which - whilst being a lot of old bollo - is certainly more direct than the not terribly subtle quote-marks around the word 'certain' on the article headline.

Obvs the 'blackout' is somewhat limited and there's all sorts of things that depend on the internet that can't just be switched off except perhaps for a very limited time, emergency service numbers still working etc.
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Haha I see Cartland is crying again because a bunch of doctors have reported him to the GMC for spreading misinformation about vaccines. Good for them, individuals like him are bringing the entire profession into disrepute.
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Well-known member
Useful thread about how to verify and fact check online images.

Thanks for this v. interesting thread and tools for checking authenticity of online content.
It's frustrating how ridiculously easily some people - especially those with a CT leaning - fall for and share these kinds of manipulated memes & online material. Apparently that crucial critical faculty of 'questioning everything' doesn't apply to them! 🙄 😬
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Oh no another one of those fact checking things about proving something is fake!

Though as a confession, when I first saw the picture I didn't actually recognise it as the pentagon, it's been so long since I last saw the building I had forgotten it had such a fancy front so my first reaction when I saw the alleged explosion pic was "'eh? That's not the pentagon" so from my own POV the fake was an immediate fail but for entirely the wrong reason...
Thing is, it's not peculiar to AI. How long have photoshopped images done the rounds on Twitter long before AI generated images were a thing?

Some of them are done for humour, whereas others are intended to be deceptive. Personally speaking, I treat most things on the internet with a healthy dose of scepticism which I learnt to do not that long after I first started using it many years ago. :D

That's the thing I've never understood; many conspiracy theorists will say things like "the masses blindly believe anything MSM tells them :rolleyes: " and while that's true for some people, I know plenty of people like me who don't believe in the majority of CTs, but also cast a critical eye over claims made by media outlets. Whereas they often seem to think they're the only ones who 'question' things.
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I‘m just going to pretend I meant “we” as in Earthlings 😆
I believed you, SideyB! But yes, 'Earthlings and our attendant viruses and bacteria' might be more what saved the day (in the War of the Worlds story that didn't actually happen, phew!) 👌👽🤧😂
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These people sicken me, fucking hell.
I got my pre-winter booster yesterday as I didn't get one last winter and caught Covid, for the first and only time.

Who would've imagined that?
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Perhaps it's superseded by a 'government directive' to Ofcom not to 'come down' on GB News for anything. They have been found to be in breach of Ofcom rules on plenty of occasions but nothing seems to happen to them and they now have the actual Prime Minister presenting on there.
Oh I know and Patrick Christys only seems to interview Tory MPs and agrees with them. Esther McVey and Lee Anderson being two from this week alone. I'm not sure how they get away with it.
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Well-known member
Lol, is that what you think? I’ve got it on good authority that Mr Stockton Rush was actually paid by Rishi himself to send that sub down carrying a load of explosives and purposely blow it up 🤡🌎!!!
It’s all part of tHe DiStRaCtiOn, and I can see it’s worked a treat on you. TIME TO SHAKE UP WEEPLE🐑
😂 Careful there, Deez, or you might get quote-posted as a Sheeple convert to the CT light...!

I liked Dr Wibble's Schroedinger's Buried News point earlier. Plus the 'distraction' theme meted out by CTs assumes everyone else is thick and unaware of the historic flow and manipulations of tv news & other media. This choosing what topic to focus on (to the detriment of other potentially hot topics) isn't new! It's gone on for decades, centuries even - ever since radio first came out, or news bills were first plastered on walls, or even further back when town criers rang their bells & shouted out the Squire's or Mayor's messages in the village square. Whose points of view were behind these communications? It will have always tended to be the pov of someone in power/leadership. We're fully aware of this, we question what we read and see on tv, we read widely - even the shit CT stuff sometimes so we can critique with knowledge! Here endeth my rant, oyez, oyez! 🔔😂
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One of our most annoying celebrity CTs has to be chef Pete Evans. He started off relatively normal but then discovered activated almonds which led to his downfall, IMO.

He went off like a frog in a sock during lockdown and ended up being fined a total of $100,000+ for shilling some vibration machine, claiming it cleaned the air of Covid particles or some such rubbish.

For a country with a population of only 22 million we have a lot of dickheads.
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.... gradually transitioning away from cash over a long period of time ...
Isn't that what's happening? I'm old enough to remember being handed a pay packet full of cash every week. Everybody hated the idea of being paid monthly into a bank account but that's pretty much universal now.
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Yes literally 😂 the whole ‘being silenced’ thing is what gets me the most, they literally never shut the fuck up.
They don’t seem to understand that people disagreeing with the misinformation and bile they spout on social media ≠ oppression, curtailment of freedom of speech or being silenced.
It's hard to know if they genuinely can't spot it, or if it's wilful ignorance used as an attempt to get more people to agree with them. I suspect it's a mix of the two, as they're not all thick and some no doubt realise the 'woe is me' card can get some people on their side.

The Daily Mail and Sun tabloids are some of the most widely read newspapers here in the UK, both are right leaning (especially the DM). So there's no silence there. But they'll still piss and moan about being silenced or mocked, while simultaneously pouring scorn on The Guardian and its ilk - despite them having a much lower readership. They'd love nothing more than to see lefty papers going out of existence - but they wouldn't see that as a form of silence.

You can tell The DM and Sun journalists probably don't even believe half the stuff they write, but they know their audience and ensure they cater to them.
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Baby Giraffe

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Absolutely appalling. These governments seriously need to get this under control asap.
I was thinking the other day, I wonder if the antivaxers keep the same energy when it comes to vaccinating their pets? 🤔
Or do they suddenly decide that ok yeah, vaccines probably do actually work when faced with the prospect of their dog getting a terrifying disease like rabies…
One I vaguely know through work (a well educated, intelligent professional individual who works in a science based industry) thinks vets are all on the make and just peddling drugs for profit. To be fair there may well be some that are but I’ve never felt the one we take our pets to has anything but their best interests at heart and is an advocate of good diet to prevent the need for medical interventions.
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Apologies for the double post, but I spotted this on the GB News thread and I had to share it here.

Which one of you pesky anti conspiracy theorists is the guy in glasses? 😂
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Anyone else get the vibe that some of the CTists are actually getting off on this latest rumour about Macron and Trudeau getting it on 🤣🤣🤣? I always notice that every time a homophobic CT starts circulating, you get all of these hardcore MAGA types come out and start practically writing gay fanfics about the subjects of said CT

Twitter is ablaze with people fantasizing over all sorts of scenarios involving them getting caught together lmao
I do think there is some amount of internalised homophobia in a lot of those kinds of people. I'm not sure it's inherently homophobic to suggest that two men slept with each other though (although doing so without *any* evidence does make it a conspiracy theory).
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Omg they’re literally like the preachy vegans who stand in the high street all day, wearing anon masks and holding TVs showing footage of slaughter houses 💀
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I'd totally do this if it wasn't a bloody 24 hour flight to get there.
I love cryptids and ghostie stuff.
Plus I could eat Tunnock's Tea Cakes until I explode.
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This was what put GBNews off my 'hopping' list - for a channel that seems to want to put itself forward as not telling you what to think, the presenters seemed to spend most of their time opinionating at the audience and the times of catching something newsy being shown whilst hopping past were vanishingly rare.

So although it might have changed since then and I don't doubt they show a lot of interesting news pieces it's not in a format that I find useful.
(a.k.a. 'deleted to save space')
Yeah it's rare they have much in the way of balance. The presenter almost always expresses a conversative point of view and there's usually someone who agrees with them and maybe one other who attempts to put forward an opposing argument. The only issue is because it's two against one, there's a 'pile on' effect.

I prefer traditional news where you don't know what the presenter's personal views are and they moderate a discussion between two people with opposing views.
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Chatty Member
I wonder why she says it'll only turn "some" people into zombies? I wondered if they were planning ahead, so that when people don't turn into zombies they can say "we only said SOME and the ones that turned were taken away by the government" - or something along those lines!

Mind you, I remember some people kicking up a fuss about the emergency test here. There were lots of people saying emergency alerts should be deactivated on phones because it was a government conspiracy to control us all. I don't think anyone mentioned zombies, though.

They give the government far too much credit. If today's speech from Rishi is anything to go by, they haven't got a fucking clue. They can't even build a railway line - Project Zombie would never run to cost or budget either. We're gonna be OK.
I believe the thought is that it's going to activate the mrna (chip? dna code? or something) in the covid vax. So if you haven't had one or if you're one of the people that got one of the (alleged) fake ones, it won't affect you. I'll be interested to see how many drop dead or turn into a rageful killing machine, and how many are spared.
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