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Meanwhile on GLP:


(to be fair, one of the first few replies to said thread was "Do you have a brain? 🙄"...)
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And the CT in the States have latched on to a new one.

Mind you, it's only the medications that have phenylephrine (recently proven to be useless), not the decongestants or meds that contain actual psuedoephedrine. Sigh.
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Still seeing some blatantly misleading/embarrassingly CT covid vaccine stuff online, on twitter especially, from the usual dubious sources, eg so-called 'doctors' who after basic checks for affiliations & publications you can plainly see aren't legit, or right-wing commentators baiting for clicks. 🙁😬

This misinformation, usually packaged in snappy tweets or video segments rather than academic articles you can read and verify, is another example of how the internet can be a great tool for accessing data; unfortunately it's also a platform for spinning out catchy nonsense to those lacking enough critical skills to spot that THEY are the ones being manipulated by dubious online provocateurs, and have been for years and years now...

I never liked the derogatory term 'sheep' applied to people who had covid vaccines and wore masks. Such a daft insult (and not one at all if you're an animal lover!). But if the original term stemmed, as it did, from the notion of following directives & believing 'authority figures' from afar simply because that's what the rest of the herd did, then who exactly are behaving in a 'sheep-like manner' now...?
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Sideboard Bob

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When you think about it they’d have to have to have pretty amazing technology to travel that far across space in a little flying saucer. And then really bad luck to come that far and crash at a very specific place.
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@OwlAtTheMoon I see you’ve been the victim of haunting by one of the CTs. This happened to me too. You really should report it.
Thanks Carole. Sorry it happened to you too. I can't believe after everything that's gone before, a segment of one of my posts was again shunted out of context onto a separate thread. Then I'm made a target of ridicule, for absolutely no reason. What the heck is wrong with people? By 'haunting' do you mean that kind of harassment, or the weird allusions to having multiple accounts? I really have no clue what that's all about. Feel a bit sick about it all tbh. 😪
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They need to learn about Occam’s razor lol. “When presented with a competing hypotheses about the same prediction, one should prefer the one that requires the fewest assumptions”.
In order to believe that these fires are being elaborately faked by an evil group of woke globalists as part of some conspiracy with the goal of doing… idek what…, rather than just being naturally occurring fires which happen every year in certain areas, you have to make a LOT of pretty far fetched assumptions.

wtf are they even on about here, fire crawling? Ever heard of this thing called “the wind”?

Oh lord, they walk among us. Fire is well known for 'jumping', it can happen over whole streets if the wall of it is big enough.
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Lead is pretty fine as long as you don't injest it, tbf. Doesn't make his theory any less dumb though.
Yea but these are the people who inject themselves with colloidal silver and huff turpentine… we shouldn’t leave them alone around lead, I don’t trust them not to start scranning it 🤣🤣
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Bit late to comment on this one, but these snippets stood out:

It was at the Facebook anti-eviction groups that Melanie and her dad reportedly befriended a divorced father and former IT consultant, who claimed he had found a free and limitless source of energy.

According to The Times, the man invited the duo to Morocco in 2014 to see a quantum energy generator.

There, in a makeshift lab, a crowd reportedly cheered and whistled when a mysterious device switch on a dozen light bulbs without any apparent power source.

That year, Melanie took Alex, then aged eight, to live in a commune in Morocco with David.

....Some of the group the Battys were mixing in believed in conspiracy theories such as the Earth being flat, The Times reports.

From anti-eviction Facebook groups to flat Earth conspiracy theories, the duo's "off-grid" philosophy included believing a homeowner shouldn't have to pay a mortgage, council tax, electricity, gas or water bills, or for a TV licence.

In a compilation of accounts from close family sources, The Times reported how father and daughter became followers of a movement called the One People’s Public Trust.

The organisation claims to have "legally foreclosed" the global system of governments and companies, implying that all debt, including bank loans, has been wiped.

Foreclosure is the process of reclaiming property bought with borrowed funds, but the One People's Public Trust argued governments owed the people money due to years of illegal taxation and made financial demands.

All sounds similar to some QAnon thought processes - my partner's mum talks about the new Quantum Banking System* about to emerge, cure-all medbeds on the way (only for 'good people' - which can de-age and cure all ailments, including mental health issues and addictions - they don't like the government-mandated vaccine or lockdowns but believe in space age medicine??!) and how the governments all owe 'us' money because taxes, bills, mortgages / loans are 'illegal'. She also believes the banks are collapsing and they're being taken over. (Nesara-gesara).

It's amazing that Alex's mum, Melanie, was studying for a law degree yet somehow got hoodwinked by these weird beliefs. It just goes to show it's not about intelligence, but maybe a certain personality type is drawn to these utopian fantasies. We all converge on corners of the internet that are our 'echo chambers' to a degree, but surely she'd be smart enough to sense bullshit?

I've read a few interviews with Alex Batty and he seems quite level-headed and focussed for such a young lad. I wish him all the best, and I hope his family assumed they were doing the right thing by him?

The 'Quantum Energy Generator' may be loosely linked to the 'Q' Nikola Tesla theories (many CTs believe there is free and limitless energy out there already, already discovered by Tesla but 'kept from the public' - that we're being conned into paying for it by energy companies owned by governments).

As far as I know, MIL doesn't believe the world is flat, though!

Looks like another corner of society for Louis Theroux to explore, though, I get the feeling he's left oddball subject matter behind and wants to do more serious documentaries. In the US, particularly, 'Q' is about US patriots and Trump obsessives so maybe he feels he's done that to death already.

*Some believe the Quantum Banking System is overseen by Space Force - which is similar to Scientology! Maybe they cherry pick different pieces from various wacky belief systems?
Bits in bold... this is all the stuff my in laws believe in addition to flat earth stuff and that the moon is an artificial megastructure! Apparently they're part of the group bringing down the "powers that be" 😬
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😂 Careful there, Deez, or you might get quote-posted as a Sheeple convert to the CT light...!

I liked Dr Wibble's Schroedinger's Buried News point earlier. Plus the 'distraction' theme meted out by CTs assumes everyone else is thick and unaware of the historic flow and manipulations of tv news & other media. This choosing what topic to focus on (to the detriment of other potentially hot topics) isn't new! It's gone on for decades, centuries even - ever since radio first came out, or news bills were first plastered on walls, or even further back when town criers rang their bells & shouted out the Squire's or Mayor's messages in the village square. Whose points of view were behind these communications? It will have always tended to be the pov of someone in power/leadership. We're fully aware of this, we question what we read and see on tv, we read widely - even the shit CT stuff sometimes so we can critique with knowledge! Here endeth my rant, oyez, oyez! 🔔😂
BIB: And they’re correct, Owl! There are only two types of people in this world:

1. The intelligent, kind hearted, attractive, open minded, free thinking conspiracy theorists

2. The thick, mRNA ridden, morbidly obese, WEF loving sheeple who know nothing other than how to wear a mask, get injected with vaccines, eat McDonalds, inhale chemtrails, scroll on tiktok using their 5g radiation emitting iphones and worship the MSM.

That’s it. There’s no in-between whatsoever. You’re either awake and aware, or you’re one of those other idiots.

In other news, I saw someone share this cool infographic which shows how effective vaccines have been at reducing different diseases over the years and thought I’d post it here too. It’s from 2017 but I feel it’s relevant given the recent explosion in misinformation about them and the decrease in uptake.
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She’s always been such a pied piper lmao. Before it was the racists who followed her, now it’s the CTists 😂.

Fr though, never thought I’d say it but can we please go back to the covid CTs 😅? All these new ones are just really cringe.
She was kicked off of Big Brother Australia for being a twat and flouting quarantine laws. Maybe that gave her cool points with them?
We al know things were hard on everyone back then but if a country is good enough to host you at least play by the rules.
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Can you believe that Callum Hudson-Odoi, a 23 year old premier league player, has actually had to put out a statement to let people know that he obviously wasn’t noncing people on Epstein Island when he was like 6 years old? The documents have been released now and yet some morons seriously still believe that this list is real 💀

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The UFO stuff on the surface level seems comparatively harmless, like personally I don’t care if people think ET, the alien from Alien, and 50 little green men are stuck in some US Military Warehouse twiddling their thumbs. The most common harm that comes from it is when people who have clearly been traumatised by something else or have had a mental breakdown attribute the distress to an alien abduction as it obstructs recovery, but there are plenty of them whose closest encounter was seeing a “spaceship” (the American Airlines jet they saw streaming across the sky at 4AM) skimming over a field out in Nebraska.

I am sure some issues do come from it beyond that but it’s just not on the level of Covid conspiracies and QAnon.
It’s just fun and if true it has an interesting impact on science but doesn’t necessarily change anything too much

Having gone down the deep hole on this alien stuff, it does all seem to be impacted by how the government is lying and can’t be trusted or that there is some other people who have more information than the leaders of the country (at least in America - it’s always funny how American focused it all is). Based on that, I would guess that it can quickly go into the QAnon and how the government is looking to control/kill people territory
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It's being reported today as "not treated as suspicious" - in other words could be suicide or a clear medical cause. That won't stop the usual suspects one bit unfortunately ...
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Serious question, how do some of these people live in the modern world?
I used to work with a woman who wouldn't own a microwave and thought that Windows 10 would spy on her if she installed it. Each to their own but she worked with an RF scanner all day, I asked her if she was scared of the emissions from her scanner and she showed me her pendant which protected her.
She was a really nice person but no doubt she was batshit crazy.
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Going back to aliens, I honestly think that if any government had real evidence of intelligent extraterrestrial life, they would keep it a secret. If people knew there would be mass panic.

Like, in theory, I’d be excited to know aliens exist, but I think the reality would be quite different . It would literally change your perception of reality, and I think even the calmest people would be freaked out.

But also, how people would react is unpredictable (so it would be a huge risk to release the information). No one could have predicted that a pandemic and lockdown would lead to people mass-buying toilet paper all over the world.

So I think knowing aliens exist would bring a feeling of “what’s next”, “what do they really want”. The whole unpredictable nature of this new reality would make individuals feel really unsettled, and that feeling across a population would lead to mass panic.

As a side-note, I think governments etc will always be happy hint at the existence of UFOs, because it can be used to cover up things, and in parts of America there’s a whole tourist industry built around UFOs and aliens, like the Extra Terrestrial Highway.

I agree. I do think though, if the governments do have proof of aliens and they keep it hidden from us, they also kept it hidden from Donald trump because he definitely would’ve been bragging how America had the best aliens/alien stuff/proof of aliens than all the other countries 😂
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I think it's reasonable to conclude that the covid lockdiwns and associated fear dud have a lot of negative effects on society, I've seen it in my iwn family and the isolation definitely impacted close family members it's also reasonable to be angry and the UK government fir how they behaved. I don't however feel that they arevremiteky competent enough to plan and inact it all on purpose, yhey just aren't that clever.
I think it's massively overstated, though. And it's not like they say it because they're concerned about society, it's just so they can say: "See, we said we should have never locked down and we were right!"

There are lots of things wrong with society in my opinion, but most of it started long before lockdowns. They say it caused all the economic problems - but have they never heard of the 'credit crunch' as it was called in 2008? It's just too simplistic to pin it all on that.
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You need to detox your body if you had the 'clot shot'. This guy can help, of course. Wonder how much he's charging?
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