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Chatty Member
These people sicken me, fucking hell.
I got my pre-winter booster yesterday as I didn't get one last winter and caught Covid, for the first and only time.

Who would've imagined that?
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The covid jab conspiracy guys are the worst. Because covid is still a very serious illness for many and it's been proven than even in mild cases it can have lasting long term impacts on our hearts, shortness of breath, the chronic fatigue etc. Everytime there's a heart attack they're like "bet they got the jab" and I'm like "bet they've also have covid, which we know affects the heart", and for it to be the only thing they say on social media posts announcing anyone under 50's death is heartless.
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I watched a bbc Scotland documentary last night called 'Who Are the Flat Earthers'. It looked at vocal flat earth supporters from both Scotland and the USA. The Scottish lot looked like decent people but their main thrust seemed to be, 'Gravity doesn't exist plus you can't feel the earth spinning on its axis or around the sun so therefore Earth can't possibily be a globe so it's definately flat and so is the moon' (😩😂😱), whilst the US lot were a whole other scary ballgame of Christian fundementalist, bible-quoting creationism (with no clear reason I could gather why that would preclude the earth from being round).
Interesting programme, even if my jaw hit the floor a few times. I thought it perhaps wasn't indepth enought (at 30 mins) for what it was aiming to do, which was try to look at both sides of the arguments. Worth a watch anyway and it's on iplayer.
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Are you in the UK? The reason I ask is that I am struggling to understand why Qanoners, ie people like your partner’s mother and the CT person that I have to deal with are so OBSESSED with America. It’s so tedious 😩
They also don’t seem to realize that a lot of the idiotic shit they’re regurgitating about the US (more specifically the democrats) has been fed to them by the Russian propaganda machine as well 💀. Literally parroting nonsense spread by a nation that is currently waging a war on Europe and would love nothing more than to see every western democracy destabilized 🤪
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Shaka Hislop fainted on live TV yesterday at the AC Milan v Real Madrid match during halftime (he received medical attention and is now reportedly conscious and chatting away) but of course, the CTists are gleefully wanking themselves off over the thought of it being due to a vaccine side effect. I’m seeing lots of:

“Woz he vaxxed 🤡?”
“Safe and effective”
“Peepol didnt use to colapse like that 🤔
“Jab strikes again”
“Must of took that clot shot”

I don’t get it, it could be anything. He was wearing a suit in 35 degree Californian heat, so to me the most likely cause would probably be overheating? Why do these people think that no one fainted before covid? I know this comes from the cesspit that is football twitter, but it honestly makes me despair that these people walk among us lmfao.
They're so obsessed with it. It's like they constantly want their viewpoint to be vindicated, which it why they try to attribute pretty much any ill health to vaccines.

Personally speaking, if I hear someone's ill, my first reaction is concern and hope that they feel better soon. I certainly wouldn't dream of gleefully assuming what caused it. Strange indeed.
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It seems appropriate at this point to refer hon. members to the excellent Aardman* documentary 'A Grand Day Out' though with the reminder that some segments had to be recreated because the original footage had been damaged but the photorealism is absolutely impeccable and the fake sections are hard to spot.

* this in itself a clue hidden in plain sight, being as I'm sure everyone knows, 'earth person' in Dutch.
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Most of what I discuss comes from articles or just what I read on the wider internet anyway. I think others here are similar.

It’s an anti conspiracy theory thread, not an anti the conspiracy theory thread thread. 😁
This is such a good point, Ensay. I have two CT-fixated family and a couple of friends from whom most of my concerns about CTs stem. On a positive note, there's a thawing ongoing with one of my close family, with both them and me trying our best to move past the estrangenent and stick to neutral topics. We've realised it's realistically not a good idea to broach certain topics. So lots of chat about the weather and sport! with covid, vaccine culling, government ploys, WEF, 5-g, etc off topic. Fingers crossed we can keep going. x
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Sideboard Bob

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Just search #pureblood on Twitter and you’ll see them. Some of them even put it as their name!View attachment 2285253
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People think being born with a certain blood group is an achievement? The bar is literally on the floor these days if you’re patting yourself on the back for that😭.

Yeah, some people take the pure blood thing really quite seriously. In Australia they actually made a (now banned) pure blood dating app lmfao for people who want to only date other unvaccinated people 🤣.
Yikes. Thank you both. The pure blood thing is so weird and nasty.
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VIP Member
Nope. Not buying it.
She’s vaxxed and dead, big pharma are hacking her to make us think she’s still alive 😡😤
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Chatty Member
Yes, and some of those same are ranting about an imminent lockdown and they'll never comply with it, etc etc. It's a fantasy world. Slim to zero chance any further lockdowns would happen with Covid19, but they seem to want to keep talking about it anyway!
For ones who mocked us all for living in fear and being obsessed with covid, they're the ones who seem terrified and never shut up about it.
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Guys I’ve got another offensive joke:

What do you call an Antivaxer Nanny?

Mrs. Doubt Pfizer 😂😂😂😂😂😂
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Lol MAGAs are just cringe boomers who think they’re being horribly oppressed coz it’s not socially acceptable to call people f*gs and the N word anymore.
They constantly moan about the younger generation supposedly being ‘offended’ about everything, when they themselves are the biggest cry babies going 🤣
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Has anyone else been following this guys story on Tiktok? I’ve been following him since like 2020 and he talks about his relationship with his mother and how it has completely been destroyed due to her obsession with antivax and far right extremist conspiracy theories. It seemed like things were really getting better for his mum and she was starting to move on from it all, but I just saw this new video from him and it seems like she has unfortunately fallen back into CTs 😕.

A bit of back story is that his mum has always had mental health issues but she ended up going off the deep end during the pandemic, and essentially made the decision to cut off her entire family because she just became so paranoid and convinced that they were all in with the government and the NHS and they all wanted to kill her etc. she was also extremely hostile and abusive towards him in particular as he’s gay and she had a lot of funny views about AIDS/HIV. His story is very sad because he has genuinely tried so hard to maintain a relationship with her and get her help for the mental health issues that she has, but this CT stuff has just made it impossible because she doesn’t trust any of the mh professionals as she thinks they’re all just trying to get her vaccinated.
He’s still extremely empathetic towards his mum even now and clearly just wishes she would stop with all of this shit so he could have a relationship, but at this point it seems like he’s completely done with her and honestly fair play to him. There comes a point where you just have to move on from someone like that.
I think situations like this show how utterly parasitic in nature some of these CTs are, they infect the minds of the most vulnerable and cause them to become utterly hyper fixated on them to the point where they become suspicious of their own families and turn their backs on them. The fact that she actually made a secret instagram account to continue to spread these views is just wild.
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It is just so childish to use ‘gay’ as a slur. I work in secondary schools and it’s really not something the kids do nowadays. Seems our teens could teach the MAGA lot about acceptance.
That assumes MAGA want to learn anything. Unfortunately I don't think they'd listen to anyone but their orange overlord. :D
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You just hope stuff like that is taking the piss, but with the internet it's hard to tell!
They’ve become impossible to even satirize anymore as well. You could invent the most senseless conspiracy theory ever, one that is just so totally improbable that you think even the most hardcore CTist wouldn’t believe it, but you just know that in 2024 chances are there’ll still be some idiot out there who would think it was genuinely real.
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Looks like the riots in France will be cast as deliberately planned by the authorities, if not already on the government planned disorder list - first though is of course the shutting down of parts of the internet (actually not so simple, also annoying here is the need to check the translation he's given)

The giveaway as to whether this is a sane assessment or not is the 'it begins', though I'm disappointed he doesn't prefix that with the proper 'And so'.

Additional point of interest, tried to imply the source of info is via two different people but a closer look tells us the URLs are almost identical, one for a post within one person's telegram timeline, the other for the same post in the same person's telegram timeline but to display as a single post and therefore completely different - but how many people bother to look at both?

Telegram post says "France is planning shutdown of the nation's internet...", which - whilst being a lot of old bollo - is certainly more direct than the not terribly subtle quote-marks around the word 'certain' on the article headline.

Obvs the 'blackout' is somewhat limited and there's all sorts of things that depend on the internet that can't just be switched off except perhaps for a very limited time. Emergency
Is this to distract us from something? Hehe
I read earlier today that the French lockdown/blackout is just a test then they'll inflict it on the rest of the world.
The fact that there are already countries living under extreme regimes seems to escape this lot.
Perhaps their inherent racism makes it seem worse when it's a Western country?
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Fuck me, not a single GCSE between them in this daily mail comment section 🥲. I actually pray they’re bots!
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I like how the first commenter (the one who says everyone who had the first jab is now 6 feet under) is called "Not so correct". Makes it seem like a troll account.
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Woman sues a conspiracy theory newspaper that continually falsely claimed her son died from a Covid vaccine:

Their campaign against her sounds awful. :(
Disgusting this, and an extension of what we've seen on here and on twitter etc, baselessly linking the covid vaccine to multiple, notable deaths, often using the 'died suddenly' hashtag.
I'm up in Scotand atm, for a funeral sadly 😪, where you could say the poor deceased person for whom we had the funeral died kind of suddenly - but it wasn't the fucking vaccine because it was something else and, guess what, it's no one's business, and guess what again, they weren't even vaccinated against covid. Absolute ghouls who keep up this insane and damaging trolling xx
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Weebles Wobble

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Also, I don’t want to sound horrible, but she was 78 so… it’s not really shocking. It’s sad obviously but that’s about life expectancy isn’t it?
It's sad for family and friends, but not entirely unexpected at that age. Some posters on Facebook are reacting as if no-one ever died before Covid!

Years ago a friend's sister died young, suddenly and unexpectedly. The PM was inconclusive. It was obviously health related, there were no suspicious circumstances but the cause couldn't be found. Imagine if it had happened now - the announcement would be full of the vaccine emojis! :mad:

The point I'm making is that people have died without prior warning throughout history. It's a shock, even when they're very old and of course it's tragic when the person's young. But it's not a new occurrence.

The other thing that annoys me is that the posters don't know whether the person was vaccinated or not!
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Tbh I feel like at this point, the conspiracy theories about aliens/UFOs are actually more believable than some of the shite I see people spouting on social media about covid vaccines and crisis actors 💀
Someone on Facebook said that exactly 2 years after you had your vaccine you would have a fake heart attack which is brought on by the vaccine rather than an heart problem and die. It was on a post about someone famous but young dying of a heart attack but I can’t remember who it was now.

And now when someone famous dies I’ve noticed people put the needle emoji in the comments on Facebook posts about it, even if they are really old (like the queen) or they’ve died from something like a drug overdose (it’s been faked to cover up the ‘vaccine scandal’).
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