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That Sheffield footballer who has tragically died age 27 - Maddy Cusack - I see the twitter trolling definitively saying the covid vaccine caused her death is still rife. But heartening to see many more tweets calling out such 'fuelling the vaccine mass deaths' CT behaviour as vile and sick. 👍 Remembering of course we don't know Maddy's cause of death. RIP 🙁
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This superiority thing is the part that gets me. The people I know who have fallen down the CT rabbit holes definitely think they're geniuses. And as we stop engaging with their posts on social media, their CT friends then think this is evidence that we have no ability to defend our viewpoint and therefore they are right. And the community aspect is very strong, I've a CT friend who over covid has drifted away from most of us to now just be acquaintance level and her closest friends are all people she's in CT groups with.
The superiority aspect is a tiresome thing, plus the antagonism, volatility and paranoia already mentioned. All traits I've come across with CTs I know, or have experienced online. There seems to be a link between some people with a CT mindset and a tendency towards stirring, troll-like online behaviour too. Irritating but easy enough to ignore. 🙁
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When the Covid vaccine first came out apparently a lot of doctors and nurses lost their jobs because it became mandatory. I have no doubt that a lot probably did, but we definitely didn’t lose any doctors in our small town like it was rumoured and the hospital is still operating at its usual capacity of healthcare workers. Same with aged care 🤷🏼‍♀️

I reckon these CT’s hear of ONE person who has opted out and like Chinese whispers the story gets more and more elaborate. They never have facts to back it up of course.
Yeah, I understood the hesitancy 3 years ago when the vaccine was first introduced, however it’s now 2023, billions of vaccine doses have been administered and it has been proven to be safe and effective. So if you’re still out here claiming it isn’t then you shouldn’t be operating as a healthcare professional imo.

They twist it both ways, though.

It's either as you say - ie lots of doctors won't take it and think it's dangerous. Or, when they're told about doctors who recommend the vaccines, they'll just say that most doctors are no good these days and just prescribe drugs willy nilly to get money from big pharma. 🥴
I think this technique is more for stopping the average ‘normal’ person from falling for CV misinformation though, as in those who still have a relatively high level of trust in healthcare professionals and scientists, but may be hesitant to take a vaccine because of some fake news they’ve seen on social media.
It won’t work on hard core antivaxers who have made believing in CTs their entire personality, they’re too far gone lmao.
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meet me there mainecoon! we’ll find her 🕵🏼‍♀️
My husband has one of 'those' Aunts (you know) she swears she had photos of Nessie that were taken while in Scotland in the 70s. When Aunty went to pick the photos up the shop had mysteriously shut down, never to open again.
I'm not sure whether I believe her or not, she believes it though. 🤷‍♀️
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Sideboard Bob

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This is the kind of thing my husband is into. Pyramids built not by enslaved people but engineered by an alien race, Atlantis - that kind of thing.
It's interesting but some of the explanations of ancient technology and architecture do my head in. 😂
Oh my gosh me too. Making out that it was aliens is an insult to the real builders and designers.
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The pipeline from antivaxer to literal serial killer defender is crazy lmfao. Genuinely wtf? There’s no hope for people like Kate Shemirani.

She was given a fair trial and judged to have been guilty. The evidence is overwhelmingly obvious that she is guilty. I've noticed a lot of the CT screaming for her to be pardoned.
I wonder what their stance would be was she not a conventionally attractive white woman?
Compare her looks to Beverly Allitt, do they think Allitt is also innocent?
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I have a chronic illness caused by undiagnosed endometriosis, the endo had stuck to various organs causing havoc and requiring multiple surgeries including a hysterectomy and bowel resection.
One of the CT lemons saw my posts about being sick and decided that I was constantly ill because I've had the vaccine.
The person even laughed about my husband having Covid, not realising he's anti-Covid vax and refused to get his 'clot shot'.
I've run out of any sympathy or patience I might once have had with these people.
They don't give a mad fuck about causing hurt or distress to other human beings, it's all about how that can feel superior.
Hope they get probed by an alien.
The cheek of it!
The thing is, unless they genuinely do have zero understanding of social situations, they KNOW it’s totally inappropriate to make comments like that about the causes of someone’s health issues, surely. They wouldn’t go up to the mother of a disabled child and go “so did you drink and do drugs during your pregnancy then??”, would they? It’s like their obsession with being proven ‘right’ about the vaccines overrides all of the social norms they’ve learned throughout their lives and they just can’t help themselves.

I’ve got absolutely no time for them either tbh. I’ve completely disengaged with anyone I know/knew irl who posts about this crap on social media or talks about it in person. They refuse to listen to any other view of the vaccines and won’t even have a civil conversation about it. They’re dead set on the idea that the vast majority of illnesses occurring currently within population have been directly caused by the covid vaccines, and that’s that as far as they’re concerned. They only want to see and hear things which validate their conspiracy theorist views.
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Sorry I am dim. Why is she drinking turpentine? Or why does she think she is??
I have a case of Poe's Law on this one, it's surely too ridiculous to be real so it must be satire, or is it the other way round...?

Mainly it reminds me of a really old joke (hence my reaction) about two farmers, one complaining his horse has flu, the other says when his own horse got flu he gave it half a pint of turps so the first farmer says great and runs off to give it a try...
A week later they are talking again and the first farmer says he gave his horse half a pint of turps like the other one said but his horse died, and the other said 'yep, so did mine'...
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Sounds like a tactic lifted straight from the Trump rulebook with his labelling any and all criticism of him as "fake news".
Exactly my thought when I read about it last night and watched Brand's youtube 'defence' video - very Trump-like behaviour. And to defend himself so dramatically in anticipation of allegations that aren't yet public. Makes himself look guilty af, whatever it is. 🙁
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I've lived through some unbelievably hot days, one 46c and one 48c. For where I live, that is brutal. The 46 degree day also triggered bushfires which killed 173 people, countless native and domestic animals and destroyed over 2,000 homes.
We've been lucky the last couple of summers, due to a La Niña effect it hasn't been as hot but I'm dreading the next summer season.

Anyone asking"What about the Ice Age, what was that?" can't deny that pumping filth into the air and water isn't going to have a catastrophic effect, despite how the weather has been changeable since the beginning of time?
Unless you're one of those Jesus-on-a-dinosaur dudes who thinks the earth is only 6,000 years old, of course.

Excuse my rambling, I'm running on tea and vape juice due to my husband snoring up a storm and 13 kg cats thinking my head is a good source of heat.
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Lol it’s because most of what CTists say is just screen shotted or parroted from another CTist, like this for example:
View attachment 2307375
The same discussion that happens there (eg the stuff about huw edwards) is simultaneously going on all over social media, with all of the CTists saying the same dumb shit.
That screenshot sums up their victim mentality. The vast majority weren't vilified or fired from their jobs, let's be honest.

They think "I disagree" means their view is being mocked. Nope, just saying why I think you're wrong, which they do enough of themselves.

Instead it should be rewritten as: "We think it's fine to mock anyone who takes vaccines, act like they're thick and brainless sheep. That's perfectly fine behaviour, but if any of those people express their disagreement with us, it's mocking, vilification and just not right!"

They can say and do whatever they like, but they don't like robust response. :D
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What a bizarre story the Alex Batty situation has turned out to be. Pair of conspiracy theorists who think the world owes them a living kidnap a young boy and drag him all over Europe and North Africa because they don’t want to live in “the system” and pay their electricity bills. What a sad and messed up childhood he’s had, he is very brave!

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I've seen the 'in 10 years' meme crop up in various forms in several places now and it's annoying because whilst I like the cynicism as regards taxes, the list of points gets a reaction of furrowed brow, not 'yeah right on' like it should.
The below based on reaction/memory because it's a meme, not something where you are invited to go and look things up.

(another one that turned into an essay, sorry... Scroll on byyyy...)

From a tweet date January this year:

60s and ten years of oil left - I don't remember a lot of the 60s because I wasn't actually there the whole time, but a search suggests this was one person one time caught off guard and pulling a number out of his arse, once. Not sure the relevance to taxes unless the world was already being run by OPEC.
(I do remember in the 70s/80s it was permanently around 30-40 years, question about how it was always that far away was answered with wtte that's why the exploration bit is important, if they don't keep finding more that's how long what we have found will last).

70s and ice age, I remember stuff about it but not that it was definitely coming and about to fall on our heads or if it was it wouldn't be as bad as the last one. Don't remember what was going to be done about that but then I wasn't anywhere western for a lot of this anyway so might have missed the main OMG bits. Pretty sure we all had to pay for our own loft insulation cavity wall filling etc, not sure what that would do to taxes.

80s and acid rain, I do remember stuff about parts of forests being killed off by it and we mostly headed this off but not before large areas of land had to be shifted to different crops because of the soil pH change. Needed lots of expensive filtering etc to fix, costs of manufacture production went up, consumers hate paying more so government foots the bill, and we are the government's wallet.

90s and the ozone layer, we actually successfully turned this one around before we all got burnt. Unfortunately this meant more expensive refrigerants and expensive disposal of old refrigerants and since we as consumers refuse to pay for anything, governments ended up having to foot the bill, so that's paid for by us because we are the government's wallet.

2000s and ice caps, don't recall that being 10 years except in worst case scenario and requiring a lot of extra assistance but the ever ensmallening Arctic cap does not look like it will be re-embiggening any time soon so that's just a matter of timescale.

2010s rain forests gone in 10 years, that's one I don't remember seeing even from the most alarmist shouty people on the subject, but something that still needs to be slowed down with some significant urgency.

TLDR taxes suck and it's a decent cynical angle on the subject, but doesn't seem to tally with what comes to mind.
Yeah I saw this 'in 10 years' meme too, with its cringe heading 'Awake yet?' I never understand global heating/climate change deniers. They'll often advocate clean eating/non-gm foods (nothing wrong with that) yet deny there are environmental changes happening which place the growing of key food at great risk. I read of a study the other days that found that insects, especially bees, are moving further 'upland' at a rate of about a meter a year, due to increasing temperatures in valleys and lower-lying areas, which is potentially disastrous for pollination of crops and flowers, in fact our whole ecosystem.
You'll get people who say, 'how can there be global warming, it's only xx degrees today where I live' which imo is on the same level as 'you can't feel the Earth spinning round and coffee doesn't slosh around in my cup therefore Earth can't be round so it's flat!' 😩😂
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My friend has a terminal illness and she was telling us recently about how there have been incidents where people have straight up said to her face, “so do you think it was caused by the covid vaccine then??” and it made me so angry for her. I just think it’s such a disgusting thing to say to someone who you know has a terminal illness, because even if it was true and the vaccine caused the disease to develop (it’s not true, her illness has a clear, well documented genetic cause) what is the actual point of saying that to her? You know that she can’t turn back time and unvaccinate herself now, so why say it…?
It keeps playing on my mind and making me wonder wtf goes through these conspiracy theorists heads whilst saying that to someone? Seriously, is there some sort of sick pleasure that they get out of gleefully suggesting to an unwell person that they may have done something to cause said illness, or are they just so chronically lacking in social skills that they genuinely think it’s acceptable to just go around saying these things?

Idk. Anyway, rant over! I just hate these dumb little neeks, they truly have no idea how upsetting their comments can be to someone in that situation.
Over a decade housebound, missing my career, outtings with friends, gigs - all of it, cause exposure to lots of nasty viruses kicked off ME/CFS and this exercise nut of a bloke thought I'd exercise it away and just hastened it...

The ME/CFS community were weary that C19 could be another viral trigger for the condition or a spinoff and sure enough "Long COVID" has the symptom set and the same chance of coming with a matching diagnosis of Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome (the body acting like you are laying down when you are actually standing up and not pumping adequate blood to brain and muscles)

so.. once C19 had been in the western world for 3+ month we were all hearing of cases my cousins bestie got Alpha variant infection and is weak still now (in her early 30s) but what do all the conspiracy folks say? "Its All Vaccine injuries! no such thing as Long COVID" - slight chronological issue there...
people had it at least 9 months before the first vaccines even hit the market!
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To be fair, I titer test my dogs (test for vaccine antibodies) because yearly vaccines for rabies, etc seems like overkill, no pun intended. The difference is, people aren't getting MMR or other major vaccines each year. And you should be able ask for a titer for yourself (more costly of course unfortunately) if you are unsure if you still have antibodies for any vaccines you've taken previously.
I actually didn’t realize it was every single year you have to get them vaccinated for rabies tbf. That’s a lot. Yeah titer testing is defo something which should be done more imo, my friend recently had a titer test for Hep B antibodies and it came back that she didn’t have them despite being vaccinated. Which was quite scary considering that she’s a nurse!
I think her words were: "you can't just look up the list of ingredients!"
Just not even true 😩. You can easily look up the ingredients on the European Medicines Agency website. Then they wonder why they’re not taken seriously…
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The UFO stuff on the surface level seems comparatively harmless, like personally I don’t care if people think ET, the alien from Alien, and 50 little green men are stuck in some US Military Warehouse twiddling their thumbs. The most common harm that comes from it is when people who have clearly been traumatised by something else or have had a mental breakdown attribute the distress to an alien abduction as it obstructs recovery, but there are plenty of them whose closest encounter was seeing a “spaceship” (the American Airlines jet they saw streaming across the sky at 4AM) skimming over a field out in Nebraska.

I am sure some issues do come from it beyond that but it’s just not on the level of Covid conspiracies and QAnon.
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