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These allegations against him are so serious, yet of course his moronic followers are convinced it’s the “msm” trying to shut him down for speaking “the truth” 🤦‍♀️.
The level of support he has had from these absolute sheep since this allegations have come out are so depressing and show exactly why women do not speak out.
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Definitely not a joke unfortunately. My family are anti-vax (ALL vax not just Covid) and refer to themselves as pure bloods.
My mum BEGGED me not to get the Covid jab while I was “of childbearing age” because she believed it would cause infertility, a higher percentage of stillborn risk, miscarriages, birth defects, etc. I made my own decision and ended up getting it. 9 months later I had a healthy full term baby, and all the females in my family who got vaccinated have also since gone on to have healthy full term babies. So her scaremongering was for nothing.
I actually don’t even want to think about what she would have had to say if anything DID go wrong though.

Pretty gross to hear them talk even to this day though about people who got vaccinated, and to know they’re talking about their own daughter 🤮

I could tell plenty of similar stories. It’s so embarrassing to be a part of this family sometimes.
Sorry to hear that; it sounds terrible. I had my covid vaccines, but I would never have tried to convince family or friends to either get the vaccines or not to. I've always said it should be down to personal choice.

I don't know your mum, but I imagine if you'd begged her to get the vaccines, she'd have told you an emphatic no, so I don't see why she then thinks it's OK to push her views on you.
This CT is violently American. 🫠

And the plane catching up to an airport thing is a new one for me.
Clearly no one told this person brevity is important.

I like how they think someone's actually going to read all that. Even if they had the eyesight to do it, I'd be worried they'd cause an accident if they tried!
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One nutter backing another nutter. Birds of a feather...

But honestly, Kate is so strange I wouldn't be surprised if she started tweeting things along the lines of: "The sky is actually green NOT blue, like they want us to think!"

She pushed her own children away in favour of spouting CT crap. Tells you all you need to know really.
She’s had a real gripe with the NHS in general ever since she got struck off by the NMC for spreading misinformation about the vaccine being a 5G radiation activator, or whatever nonsense it was she came out with. I think she thinks there was a conspiracy theory against her to get her struck off for “spreading the truth”, and that’s why the absurd “Lucy Letby was actually scapegoated by the hospital as a cover up” theory resonates so strongly with her.

I notice that certain CTists who were once nurses or doctors and got struck off (or nursing/medical school drop outs) often end up like this too. They can’t deal with their own failings, so they completely turn their back on a profession they once loved and start spreading the dangerous narrative that their ex colleagues are all evil big pharma shills. For Kate in particular, it’s so obvious that so many of her feelings towards HCPs and healthcare in general stem directly from her own personal grievances with the NHS.
And yeah, she is truly an awful mother as well. Idk how she sleeps at night knowing how her kids feel.
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Chatty Member
I was watching a piece on the news the other day about the MMR vaccine and they interviewed two mothers - one who had got her child vaccinated and one who hadn't.

When it came to the latter, it was like a tweet coming to life on the TV; all the usual lines trotted out about how we don't really know what's in it (I think her words were: "you can't just look up the list of ingredients!") and how she therefore didn't trust it. I bet she takes to Twitter and Facebook with her theories, too.

I think a lot of people still don't realise how dangerous measles can be and that it can't really be treated directly once someone has it; only the symptoms can. We'd eradicated it in this country and now it's seeping back mostly because of anti vaccine/conspiracy theory propaganda.
Interestingly a family member just shared a post on Facebook about MMR. Apparently measles is protective against some cancers and therefore everyone should aim to get it (measles party anyone?), mumps can be easily treated with rest and fluids and has no side effects and rubella is very rare and very mild 🧐 A quick Google shows it's categorically untrue, why do people believe this rubbish?!
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A girl I went to school with posted this on her insta story just now, apparently she is a part of the team currently working on this project. The aim is to try and collect information about scientists & doctors views on vaccination (other similar studies suggest 90-99% of doctors believe that covid vaccines are safe and effective, no surprise obv) and to then use this information to promote vaccine campaigns and influence public policy. Apparently early research has already shown that even just letting people know that doctors are backing the vaccines leads to increased vaccine uptake. It is interesting as a lot of antivaxers seem convinced that healthcare professionals are antivax (which is obv not true) and I often see them saying stuff like “loads of healthcare professionals don’t agree with the vaccines, all of the doctors at my local hospital say they’d never take it.
It’s definitely good to see that there’s actual research going on at the moment to try and find effective ways to reduce the spread of misinformation and combat myths about vaccines!

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Chatty Member
I blame Trump for a lot of it (not all obviously!) but his approach is to never take accountability. If someone accuses him of anything, he just says "fake news!" and his followers lap it up.

Russia is similar - even when they do something obvious like poison Sergei and Yulia Skripal, they just say "this is an utter lie" and their citizens either never know about it, or if they do, they just believe Putin and his lackeys.
Exactly. Outright denial (lies), whataboutism, claiming "alternative facts" - as if facts are akin to opinions! It makes one's head spin. And I fear it's only going to get worse with the increasing sophistication of deep fakes.
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Haha typical fucking CTist logic.
Will believe whatever nonsense theories they’re told by their fave twitter account about global warming, vaccines and 15 min cities with no tangible evidence whatsoever to back it up, yet refuses to believe that a wildfire is real despite seeing literal video evidence of the aftermath! I love the added information on the bottom of the tweet about how leaves don’t burn due to their high water content, as if that’s not immediately obvious to anyone with more than 2 fucking brain cells.
I know it’s not PC to say, but this just shows how dumb you have to be to fall for CTs like this.

I've seen people pondering the amount of wild/bushfires lately.
Have they just not taken notice for however long they've been alive?
It's a fact of life, we have trees here that won't drop seeds unless they've been burnt by fire.

Lots of fires are deliberately lit, it's not a conspiracy. People are fucked in the head and get a kick out of how much damage they can do.

See also lightning strikes, cigarettes chucked from car windows and even broken glass heating up already dry grass and you've got a fire. Honestly, it's like some people live in a bubble and can't see what's weird to them is everyday life for others.

Those of us who live in high fire danger areas aren't surprised when there's an out of control fire, we have public education ads every summer advising what to do if you're caught near a fire, when to leave and how to protect your home. Which is weird if the Powers That Be are trying to kill us off..
BIB yep, where I live there are literally fires every single year and it’s not a new thing either. They’re almost always started by cigarettes or by BBQs.
I don’t understand how this has even become a CT.
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Sideboard Bob

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To be fair, Helms Deep sounds like something that could have been around the same time as Hastings, Stamford Bridge etc. - if you've never seen or read LOTR 😂 (I mean sounds real in name only to be clear. Not the orcs, elves etc haha)
No totally! I was thinking the same, if you don’t know LOTR it sounds very real! So if you just saw the words “Battle of Helms Deep”, it would seem legit.

What blows my mind is that some people thought the War Of The Worlds really happened. I guess what‘s really going on is that they’re thinking of that radio dramatisation of the book that was too realistic, and freaked people out. THAT was real.

But I love the idea that maybe a tiny percent of people think the war ot the worlds really happened, aliens have already been to earth, we won and moved on.
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Oh I think a few of us have been the recipients of their kind heartedness 🤣
I know they'll act like it's a two way street, but I think it's different because most people who don't support conspiracy theories don't engage with the conspiracy theorists themselves or even pass comment on them. They just don't share the views and it doesn't factor into their thinking.

However, I think you'll struggle to find a conspiracy theorist who hasn't slated non conspiracy theorists at some point. It's not all mean spirited, as I think some of them genuinely can't understand why others wouldn't share their view, so it can be from amazement rather than insults. (I'm trying to be charitable!)

I don't take it to heart because I've got a thick skin. I think what I think and I'm happy to be challenged and discuss my views. That's why I visit sites like Tattle. But that doesn't really exonerate those who are on the ruder end of the spectrum when others disagree with their opinions. It won't change, though. :)
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Conspiracy thread is doing the rounds of Twitter today where a man insists Sudden Infant Death Syndrome isn't real, it is just women murdering their babies and doctors/police/government covering it up because otherwise men would murder the mothers of their children. Using such "logic" as "why does SIDS only ever occur at night and when there are no cameras around?" The comments are a depressing mix of "omg so dark but it makes so much sense!" and "actually it's vaccines, there were no cot deaths before that."
That makes me sick. I'm a passive mellow head but I'd happily line these people up to smack them.
Fucking ghouls, the lot of them.
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I’m sure you’ve all seen the rumours about the channel 4 dispatches show which supposedly has serious allegations and several years of evidence exposing a high profile comedian doing all sorts of stuff, but it looks like the subject of the documentary will in fact be conspiracy theorist antivaxer in chief, Russell Brand (not surprising tbf).
He posted this last night and his response is basically just “whatever they say, I didn’t do it!! They’re just trying to silence me!!!”, and predictably, the comments are full of his brainwashed followers going, yes master, it’s all a plan by the global elites to stop you from spreading the truth 🥹, we love you stay strong!!

I found his response to immediately jump to “it’s a conspiracy theory against me” very interesting and I’m curious as to what the documentary will expose about him. If it’s that he’s been assaulting/noncing/acting inappropriately towards people, I’m not sure how the elites could be blamed for that?!
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So the news is in that 2023 is the hottest year in history, with a comment from António Guterres saying "We are living through climate collapse in real time".

Yet I'm sure the conspiracy theorists will be pouring scorn on it, because they've convinced themselves there's no such thing as climate change - given they know best. ;)

One thing that confuses me is that on one hand, CTists often advocate for returning to a more traditional way of life and they will quote studies of the negative impact pollution has had on the world (which I agree with - more should be done to tackle pollution) but then they can't seem to accept that the same pollution could have an impact on long term climate change. Do they think that unchecked release of CO2 into the atmosphere will have no impact on climate, then? And if so, how do they know?

They don't seem to have any alternative theories other than "climate change and all the scientific evidence is fake and is being made to control us".
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Sideboard Bob

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omg I’m watching Elementary and this dialogue made me laugh out loud. Though some of you would appreciate it too.

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Well that's me back from holiday, not looked at any internet for 2 weeks (difficult but defo recommend for unwinding) being abducted by aliens. Luckily they tossed me back to earth after a few basic tests because apparently I wasn't what they were looking for. Not pure enough. 'Oh right, was it the covid vaccines?' I asked. They looked solemnly through three green eyes and spoke in low tones via language translator devices, 'Yes, plus the tetanus, diptheria, cholera, polio, mumps, penicillin, measles, bcg and hepatitis jabs you've had throughout your life, and antibiotics for those throat infections when you were a kid, and the anti-inflammatories when you knacked your back, as well as all the junk food you ate in your student days, not forgetting that time you tried a joint, plus the packet of cigarettes you smoked when you were 24 for no sane reason. We can't find anyone to experiment with on this blasted planet, after decades trying. In fact we're sick of you humans and we're never coming back!' And with that they zoomed off into the velvet-black night sky, the lights of their silver, saucer-shaped spaceship fading like stars in a distant galaxy.**
**disclaimer, none of the above is true except the first 20 words! 👀😂
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Also why is it that information from any source other than random-blog.ct featuring photoshopped graphic is seen as bad? Could it be these sources are often more truthful (not always of course) and this shatters their world view?

Strangely enough MSM and other popular sources of information suddenly become gospel when they might be saying something CTs agree with. Funny that!
Good point. I treat most media with some scepticism as well, given there's a lot of bias out there and it's good to question what we read and see on the TV. When I read a headline, my initial reaction is usually "okay, but what's the detail?" I'll regularly read a punchy attention grabbing headline, but when I read the whole article, it makes the headline look inaccurate or lacking in detail. Or it just has inaccuracies which makes me go and read other sources to see what they're saying for comparison.

While there can be a lot of dross out there, I don't label all of MSM as "fake" or untrustworthy, because while some of it's questionable, I don't feel it all is. Whereas conspiracy theorists will often label all of MSM as fake and untrustworthy (usually because it doesn't align with their view) while they post dubious sources as gospel.

I think they take healthy scepticism of MSM too far (is unhealthy scepticism a thing?! :D ) which essentially pushes them into the arms of people who peddle far more dodgy theories. But because those sources aren't "mainstream" they don't seem to apply any scepticism. In other words, if an article/blog post aligns with their beliefs, any critical evaluation goes out the window. And that's why when they say they "question" things it makes me smile, because their questioning is usually very selective.
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