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Oh my gosh me too. Making out that it was aliens is an insult to the real builders and designers.
The Romans had central heating and coin operated dispensers 2,000 years ago plus all the other conveniences they used which were lost to the rest of us when Rome went sideways.
Occam's Razor, not everything has to have a convoluted back story.
Unless it's Nessie, I'd be interested to hear her story. Haha.
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“Earth can't possibily be a globe so it's definately flat and so is the moon'”

I always wonder what flat-earthers think of the moon! Good to know.
I've seen a few flat earthers explain that earth is the only flat planet, one can plainly see that the others are roundish.
Idk, these people are hard work. They remind me of Jehovah's Witnesses or Fundamental Christians with their nonsense.

Disclaimer- some of my extended family are JW, my parents also were for about 7 years until they got sick of the church's hypocrisy. The arguments and 'logic' are very similar to many CTs I've come across.
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Anyone else get the vibe that some of the CTists are actually getting off on this latest rumour about Macron and Trudeau getting it on 🤣🤣🤣? I always notice that every time a homophobic CT starts circulating, you get all of these hardcore MAGA types come out and start practically writing gay fanfics about the subjects of said CT

Twitter is ablaze with people fantasizing over all sorts of scenarios involving them getting caught together lmao
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I’d love to see a study into the effects of COVID conspiracies on the trust in media and other authorities

Following the Nottingham incident, there are so many tweets and comments saying that this is the media and police creating hysteria because the police initially did not release the details of what had happened. Saw someone go as far as saying the police is working on a cover up… very publicly of course
yup they are out in force. What i'm starting to notice is all the CT/Anti Vax/Racists/Rightwing type folk seem to make up their minds quite fast & not actually wait til any facts have come in.

And those reading that i'm not calling Anti Vaxxers racists as bound to be 1 reads it that way
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It is interesting how many of these folk are also Bible bashers, especially the American ones.

Going back to the book that I’ve been listening to which was recommended on here, there is an account in there from a lady in Australia whose brother fell down the Qanon hole. He actually became friends with Scott Morrison and to her horror he had actually managed to get Scott Morrison to put a phrase about ritual child abuse into one of his speeches!
ScoMo (as journos like to call him) was definitely one of our least effective Prime Ministers and misogynistic in that way certain religions promote.

Regarding the wee drinking, I would if I were stuck in the outback or at sea with no water around. Maybe.
There's a reason that urine is excreted from the body, it's a waste product.
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i’ve particularly enjoyed seeing, on twitter, how many of them are retweeting that obviously AI generated video of the baby “scrolling on a phone” in their sleep. it got debunked and proven as fake within about an hour of it being shared and yet i keep seeing it being reposted as awful evidence of internet sheep starting young (lambs?) - i thought CTs were able to identify AI super fast?!
Also, lots of people who spend lots of time online are tutting about a child spending time online. :D
I’m sorry to hear about your father and uncle ❤ and I agree. You can practically see the delight when some of these ghouls hear that someone has been diagnosed with cancer, so they can chalk it up as what they’ve decided is another vaccine related illness and sit there and basically say “I told you so”. We know what causes cancer, we know why it has increased in recent years (spoiler alert: it has been steadily increasing for years since before covid even existed).

And exactly, whilst only a small percentage of cancers are caused by specific heritable genes, all cancers are triggered by genetic changes. The problem is that how these changes are triggered is extremely complex and very difficult to unpredictable as well. Some people unfortunately lose the genetic lottery and end up with a lifetime of crappy diseases, others win and are able to smoke, drink and eat shit their whole lives until they finally kick the bucket aged 94 having suffered very few health problems.
Despite years of research, we still can’t accurately predict the development of it and often can’t even detect it until it’s too late either. it’s scary and can happen to anyone, which is why I think it’s comforting for some CTists to convince themselves that the vaccine is a cause of it, and then say “well I didn’t have the vaccine so I’ve got less of a chance of developing it”! False sense of security really.
Yeah exactly. My mum is always making comparisons to other people she knows who are far unhealthier and older than my dad was. Obviously she doesn't begrudge them their situation, but deep down it's natural to think why did my husband die much younger than these older and unhealtheir people. Like you say, it's the genetic lottery.
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@Deeznutslol that's interesting thanks. The cystic fibrosis lung-targeted treatment would be an absolute game-changer, you're right it's a hideous disease.
@Ensay it did feel a bit like the old vaccine thread informative chat, didn't it, though I think by the time I joined tattle a year ago that thread was already getting pretty adversarial, especially from vaccine-skeptic members. In more or less the first post I wrote I remember mentioning useful chats I'd had about vaccine side effects & efficacy with a nurse & doc at the large vaccination centre I happened to (be lucky enough to) live near. I was astonished to be met with, amongst other reactions, doubt that this had even happened.
Part of the CT mentality seems to be a mass paranoia and distrust (question everything!).
Of course questioning and skepticism are important tools in themselves. But it's as you say, do they forget to question the motivations of those very grifters and low-quality sources (substacks, conservative woman, youtube and the spectator amongst them, ffs) stoking their paranoia and selectively feeding misinformation in a way remarkably similar to that which they used claim of so-called 'sheeple'. Classic self-fulfilling prophesy: they've become the sheep!
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You need to detox your body if you had the 'clot shot'. This guy can help, of course. Wonder how much he's charging?
View attachment 2427192
So, assuming half the population (32 million, I think it's more than that, but eh) are vaccinated, he's claiming that 66,390 people died of the vaccine within one month¹. That's relatively close to the peak death rate for Covid itself, for reference (~2200 per day). That would be very noticeable. These people are truly deranged.

¹plus some tiny fraction of a person, so let's assume it gave them a headache 😅
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This misinformation, usually packaged in snappy tweets or video segments rather than academic articles you can read and verify, is another example of how the internet can be a great tool for accessing data; unfortunately it's also a platform for spinning out catchy nonsense to those lacking enough critical skills to spot that THEY are the ones being manipulated by dubious online provocateurs, and have been for years and years now...

I never liked the derogatory term 'sheep' applied to people who had covid vaccines and wore masks. Such a daft insult (and not one at all if you're an animal lover!). But if the original term stemmed, as it did, from the notion of following directives & believing 'authority figures' from afar simply because that's what the rest of the herd did, then who exactly are behaving in a 'sheep-like manner' now...?
Exactly. They’re not critical thinkers, they’re just miserable, bitter people who are looking for some other group to target and blame for their problems. They hate whoever/whatever the owner of their current favourite substack blog or twitter account tells them to hate lmao.
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Ok so, this is a long-read and I’ve not read it all yet, but it looks interesting. About a writer who keeps getting mistaken for another writer who’s gone full-on CT.

Fascinating read, thanks for posting. The final third is especially good. I like how Klein, motivated by being frequently mistaken online for Wolf, chose to do a deep dive into the vortex of CTs Wolf had hurtled into. As a proficient writer and researcher herself Klein's done a really articulate job of detailing the issues. This line resonates: 'Conspiracies have always swirled in times of crisis but never before have they been a booming industry in their own right'.
(edited for typo)
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I agree but I think it’s opportunistic most of the time. CTs make out like it’s some huge conspiracy. I doubt the government decided to off a couple of millionaires on a dodgy submersible so we wouldn’t pay attention to the covid inquiry😂
Lol, is that what you think? I’ve got it on good authority that Mr Stockton Rush was actually paid by Rishi himself to send that sub down carrying a load of explosives and purposely blow it up 🤡🌎!!!
It’s all part of tHe DiStRaCtiOn, and I can see it’s worked a treat on you. TIME TO SHAKE UP WEEPLE🐑
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Not sure if we talked about this at the time, but Neil Oliver used his platform on GB News to advance a conspiracy theory about the covid vaccines being linked to an aggressive form of cancer in children. The claims were baseless and some people complained to Ofcom about his comments.

However, they rejected the complaints with the following:
“In line with freedom of expression, our rules allow broadcasters to cover controversial themes and topics. We recognise that these brief comments were the presenter’s personal view and did not materially mislead the audience, we therefore will not be pursuing this further.”

It seems crazy to me that they could categorically say that it wouldn't mislead the audience, given a parent could potentially have heard that and taken it as fact. It just fuels the increased anti vaccination theme we've been seeing recently - especially around the MMR vaccine.

Though if there's one 'positive' around all this it shows that there isn't some government directive to silence all debate on the vaccines. If there had been, Ofcom would have come down on GB News like a ton of bricks!

Here's a link to a Times article that gives more info. It's an archived version because the original is behind a paywall:
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Where do these notions come from, I wonder? Entire generations with AIDS dying out within 7 years?
I personally think that the notions come from base prejudices about illnesses like AIDS. People who hold these views are usually, in my experience also racists and homophobic etc. and it goes with the territory that they also treat unwell people like lepers and see illness as some kind of thing that makes you weak. So people with these tendencies were terrified of getting sick themselves when the pandemic started. Most of them started off crazy panicking about it. They couldn’t keep that up so let’s believe an unrealistic narrative about ‘the cabal’ instead.

After all, what place does common sense have in the world when you can use mental gymnastics to avoid uncomfortable truths, instead?
I have a case of Poe's Law on this one, it's surely too ridiculous to be real so it must be satire, or is it the other way round...?
Thank you for the clarification. The reason I was unsure is (partly) because satire is a bit lost on me but also because I know someone who is thinking of ordering horse wormer from the internet to rid himself of the ‘metal’ that might be ‘growing’ inside him due to having had actual Covid, not the jab. The mind boggles 🤯
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Problem now is every "premature death" (I would argue may celebrities die younger anyway, just look at 2016!) is struck with accusations that this is the great reset they talked about and everyone who got the jab is dropping dead. Obviously, while there is an increase in excess deaths, there is no proof it is the vaccine. In fact, two years on, it's unlikely to be, given that covid casss swept the world at the end of last year and early half of this year and most people have now had an infection. We know covid is a multi faceted disease with impact on many organs, and the circulatory system and the heart is particularly affected. Long covid is way more of an issue than vaccine deaths.

I mean, they even said it about the Queen - she was 96, and Paul O'Grady, who had numerous health issues. 🙄
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The CT's are out in full force over the Greg Rutherford story. He's had an allergic reaction to something but of course it's all down to the Covid vaccinations. It must be exhausting living in their heads.
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Loool looks like the conspiracy theorists are now deeply triggered and offended by Jimmy Carr taking the piss out of antivaxers:

“back in my day he used to get up there and tell jokes about dead babies and disabled people! Can’t believe he’s gone woke 🤬🤬🤬
Haha yeah. They'll take the mick out of the people they disagree with, but the second anyone does the same in return they can't handle it.

I had my covid booster and flu vaccine a couple of weeks ago and I'm doing fine. No one made me. I'm on the 'at risk' list, I was offered the vaccines, so I accepted, as I want to reduce my risk of getting and spreading covid or flu. I'm sure some of the anti vaxxers would call me names, call me stupid, etc etc - but I'm exercising my right to body autonomy which is what they're exercising when they choose not to take vaccines.
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He had well-documented long term struggles with addiction. You can see for yourself the before and after effect between series of Friends.
I remember when he was so skinny and looked like hell, next season he'd put on weight and had clearly been to rehab.
Those ghouls are just salivating at the poor man's death.
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