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Maybe..he definitely wore the ring on the honeymoon..but you can't tell from the recent pictures because he either isn't showing his left hand or for example the one he took in front of the mirror - the hand he is holding the phone is actually his right hand 😀 (what an investigator I am right? 😂)
I totally did the same! :ROFLMAO: But I could see in a couple of pictures that he wasn't wearing it. Maybe he doesn't like the feeling. I think Annie thought this was her last opportunity to have a baby. Like.. If it's not with this man I will never find another one... so she married him.
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yeah they only met in person last year but they have mentioned each other in videos and stories before that saying they are friends. tamara went to nez for her microblading because of annie recommending it to her
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I dont know if this has been mentioned or not... but why does she emphasise every last word of each sentence? Once you notice it you can't hear past it!!
I noticed that too and it’s definitely not linked to the fact that English isn’t her first language because she used to talk in a more natural way back in the days when she lived in New York and London.

I don’t get what makes her think that this sounds good. Idk Maybe she listened to too many audio self help books and that’s what they sound like.

I could definitely imagine a meditation guide that would sound like this.
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I did, purchased her mask and it's not worth this money. I think they are much better products on the market with exact the same effect. She tries to be a high-end brand but ingredients in her mask and not that expensive to justify it.
i bought the Jess Refy eyebrow gel and omg what absolute junk. It’s literally eye lash glue re packaged. I asked for a refund and they said I’d have to ship it back at my own expense. Never buying from an influencers beauty brand again.
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Yes I agree with taking the dress to the tailor. Like, really ?!? Something as simple as that can definitely be done at home. Heck, I taught myself how to hem my son's school pants and take in my own blouses and clothes..
You dont even need to tailor it, you can use a safety pin discreetly LOL
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They used to be very good friends - go on vacations and PR trips together with other influencers, include each other in their vlogs. Tamara and Amelia even shared rooms on one of their holidays. Until one of the influencers (we assume it was VicITF from prior interactions) was speaking very badly of Tamara amongst the group of friends.
None of the girls in the group told Tamara - Suzie, Carly Amelia, Em Sheldon. It was Patricia Bright, we assume, who advised T (once again, we are assuming - from what transpired on IG). Amelia, being besties with Vic, had distanced herself from Tamara. Hardly ever likes her pics and when they were at an event together, Amelia was quite rude to Tamara and chose to chat to Lydia Millen. Tbh, Tamara is better off without these girls, they are vipers.
Tamara's in a league of her own. I'm glad she's friends with Annie. She was invited to the wedding but couldn't make it. I hope Annie would choose Tamara over Amelia.

I can't believe ITF acted like that?! Seriously?
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Im not sure why she doesn't use any spiced in her cooking. They add no calories Annie, you can go wild!
Right? Even with soups it's just a bouillon cube. No other herbs or anything else. Most of her other stuff no spices either, just sometimes a bit in her oatmeal but that's it. Indeed, go wild. I like the taste of veggies, too, but I love seasoning my soup very well.

I don't know how you guys can watch her entire videos. I try! But when she starts to describe her food in terms of "it has fiber, it has omega, it has good fats"... I am like :rolleyes: x100. And then when tells how good it does to her skin 🙄 x1000. And when tells how good makes her feel this and that ... oh my! I just can't!
I watch it on 2x speed and skip all the boring stuff (which is lately like 80% of the video because it's just ADs and chatting about the same things).
She is always eating for her health, not because she actually enjoys it. I love watching Jenn Im's what I eat videos because she eats for pleasure, the way she describes food always seems like such a joy and I can really imagine how it tastes or feels in your mouth. Annie is just "good fats, fiber, greens". Like yeah great but does it actually taste nice?
Like i said earlier, I enjoy eating simple foods but that's because I actually REALLY love them. I eat foods because I love them very much, I like the taste, the feelings, the texture etc. you never hear Annie talk about food in that kind of way.
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She has been on YouTube since around 2012. She makes videos on health, beauty, and travel. She now has a skincare brand called Nourished3 created by her and her husband-to-be. She will be getting married this summer in Ibiza.

Thoughts and opinions?
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New member
Last vlog at the tailor... The changes made on her dress could have been done at home by herself really... :rolleyes:This was nothing, just a small little arrangement. But yeah... She wanted to add something in her vlog otherwise it would have been even more boring.

Watched Annie wrapping up all the presents... Wasted my time.
Also: No pair of slippers from the Munich Christmas market since it is cancelled.
If that wasn't the case I'm sure she would have bought some :LOL:
Yes I agree with taking the dress to the tailor. Like, really ?!? Something as simple as that can definitely be done at home. Heck, I taught myself how to hem my son's school pants and take in my own blouses and clothes..
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I started to follow Annie when she didn't eat a single banana because she said bananas caused her breakouts. I always found was weird she didn't put a single banana on her smoothies. About 1 or 2 years ago she is having a bit of bananas again. Someone asked on the comments if she cured her 'allergie'.

In my opinion Annie is more scared to gain weight than her skin.

With YouTubbers is hard to know the reality. They uses those filters on their videos too. I was surprised last year when Annie made a video showing her real skin (no filter). She posted these photos taking after March 2020 when she stopped to take the pill:

View attachment 846517

but if you watch her videos from March to November (when she claimed she cleared her skin), her skin looks flawless during that breakout period. Filters? Camera with lenses that make skin always look flawless?

The years I followed Annie there is always a holy grail with her skin every year. Every year there is a video of her saying how bad was her skin x months back (nobody noticed cause the filters) and the video is to tell she finally found her holy grail and is cured. Is an endless story with her skin.

I don't like the way she portraits being perfect and no one knows about what she is going through. But she always do videos to tell she is now "perfectly fine". Would be more relatable if she would take her viewers through the whole process. But what can you expect from perfect-Annie.
You are so right, you can see that no normal skin looks like her in the videos and you ever noticed the lighting?
She knows exactly how to look flawless.

I know back in Zurich , where she lived, she posted her real skin several times, and every year she has find something to cure her acne.

anyway, I think that she is obsessed with her body, no matter skin or body (boobs).
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They were going in different directions because Annie had become very judgmental and obsessed with the raw Vegan and fruitarian lifestyle and joined a cult almost.

The only friends in Germany that she meets is Katrina from happy detox kat something who we met together in Thailand. She met Tamara in Paris during lockdown too for the first time.
I understand, thank you!

I thought she was still friends with Jill and Ruby too because I see comments at times. There’s also Nadina I believe, she showed her in one of her videos, even her baby shower.
So what does she do all day? Because don’t get me wrong, but we all know she’s not working on Nourished.
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Yes but I remember her saying in a video that when she catches the sight of Mo's hand and she sees the ring on it it is nice or something like that and they were so proud of the rings when they bought them so why not wearing them? And yes I noticed they usually like each others pics.

I only follow Annie because I can't stand Mo 😀 but since it seems something is going on, I looked at his IG and thought it was weird
He rarely posts a picture of himself with Annie, just from a quick overview I only saw 1. He's so happy with himself.
If they already had issues I don't think it has anything to do with their marriage though, maybe they hoped it would fix it. Maybe he cheated again.

The more I think about it, the more it seems like they have a marriage of convenience
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THIS!! Those dresses are all empire-waist style (tight around the breasts and then flowing around the midsection). Annie NEVER usually buys this type of style, she has said several times how much she likes things that are "fitted" around the waist. I know this because I have more of a "boho" style, so I actually love these types of empire-waist dresses, but she has never liked those, so something is definitely going on :unsure: .

What struck me as strange is that a few videos ago, and a few instagram pics ago, it REALLY looked like she had a little bump on her belly that she was obviously trying to cover up in her videos. I was sure she was going to make a pregnancy announcement. But then, in this latest video and some stories, her belly looks more flat again. I hope this is due to, perhaps, a strategy of using old videos clips or filters to hide the fact that she is pregnant (that would explain the waistless dresses) and NOT because she had some sort of pregnancy loss, which would be incredibly sad :cry:, regardless of how annoying and "out of touch" she is.

Seeing those non-posed photos of Annie's face in Mo's stories is truly sad too. She had such a beautiful face and she has absolutely ruined it with filler. You get an inkling if it in her videos (that frozen, weird contorted expression) but in those, it's horribly obvious. With her natural face being so beautiful, how can she pay to make it look like that?? I truly cannot comprehend it.
I thought the same thing, that she was her video around Christmas she said that this christmas was special, lots of new things happening and people were immediately commenting that she is pregnant and it really seemed she was. I hope nothing bad happened but there is this possibility..she has been kind of off lately
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What a sad, miserable and lonely life.
Yes, very sad.

She has the ability to do so much and has got so much potential but she is the one who went for that kind of life, no one forced her.

She made that decision so she has to deal with the consequences.
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