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Chatty Member
Lots of pressing the legs firmly together, squatting and twisting, with strange flowy rave-style arm movements thrown in 😣 Looks more like an uncomfortable gym workout to me…..
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How many selfies does it take for Scamma to move?
SHe MOveS LikE SHe LOvEs HERseLf

Not sure if you’d heard that.

I too am triggered but not surprised by her posts today. MOVinG is SaH eASy when you have a bank full of money you’ve scanned of people so can hire the divine masculine to move your shit, while you sit and stick your hand under your chin all day for stories while looking at jpegs. Oh and have time for a facial and a run. IS THIS CHICK FOR REAL.
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Hate to say it but I’m really enjoying this softer side of PK, she’s finally recognising what a self absorbed cnt she was for so long, listen to the full story. Take a lesson Anna.
Ohh - I dunno - she’s still pretty self obsessed and full of her own self importance; she’s just switched talking about worshipping herself to worshipping God. I’m probably far too cynical with regards to these gronks, but she just strikes me as following the right wing MLM nut jobs in the US who are all evangelical, god fearing Christian’s. Apologies to those who actually have a deep and authentic faith - people like PK piss me off as I feel like they take their Christianity on and off like a designer dress.
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just saying….

Grandiosity is the defining characteristic of narcissism. More than just arrogance or vanity, grandiosity is an unrealistic sense of superiority. Narcissists believe they are unique or “special” and can only be understood by other special people. What's more, they are too good for anything average or ordinary.5 Dec 2022

Narcissistic Personality Disorder -

It’s you Anna…you only use the best. So these people have been in Anna’s life doing cleaning and odd jobs ONCE! Even if they were the bEst that’s just coincidence (even though I’m sure Anna doesn’t believe in coincidences because uNivErSe and all that) Plus she’s an iMpActEr with gOod ViBes oNly so she lies and exaggerates tells people what they want to hear positive things only to manipulate them so they feel good about her.
And of course only Annie would hand over somewhere in better condition than it was when she moved in.
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Such a Scammie Annie. Whilst her cOmMuniTy are rightfully stressed about their dodgy investment. Annie is out there drinking Veuve, getting facials and exercising. She doesn’t actually believe this is sHowIng uP does she? This is all for Trent, to show she is not rattled. Girl is rattled and she should be. Trent has demonstrated that she was willing “gEt oN hEr kNeeS” for her “KiNG” How quickly will she bail on her ComMuniTy when it no longer suits her? There is only one person Scammie cares about and that’s her. Where is that pic of her with cash down her pants? That’s Scammie.
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By what measure is Scamma the successful one? 🤷‍♀️
By her own admission life for her is hard, heavy, constantly walking through fires, need a facial cos moving is stressful. Always run down, stress showing up in skin, hair, nails. Sun damage showing up in skin, hair, nails. Always finally entering a new season, so GRATEFUL.
Yes … she HUSTLES. Selling selling selling to vulnerable women, providing unqualified ‘coaching’, baseless clip art. Hustles to find new friends when old ones dump her, hustles to spin a new narrative for a breakup.
So she’s a semi successful HUSTLER, definitely has an inflated sense of own her importance. Definitely made bank selling clip art - NOT a life changing legacy for her INveStORs but a nice little pile of $$ for Scamma to spend tastelessly, garishly and selfishly. Keep cracking that soft heart, softer and more DEEPLY FEmiNiNine than everyone else’s wide open Scamma and keep telling the world (Instagram followers) over and over and over your same 3 messages. Keep us entertained but maybe stop thinking about new ways to take money from vulnerable women. Just a thought.
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thanks for the directions to find the rant (which was full of the same types of phrases that Anna uses and confirmed for me the type of person who invested in TAW in the first place)
Also I personally am having a beautiful day here seeing this house of cards start to collapse
anyone else...?!?!
It’s a beautiful day for an exposè 😂
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Bum. I thought that I had a screenshot of it, but I haven’t. She spoke about it on one of her story/slides in the past few days. It’s was during her covid rant days and they called her and told her to cool it. She , of course, stood up to them and told them she would never not stand up for people and would continue speaking out.
When people who run a pyramid scheme tell you to cool your jets you know you’ve gone off the deep end
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Interesting - I pegged “Snezana” as an Anna alter ego when she first appeared on the discord giving advice on how to set up wallets - she suddenly appeared in the discord around the time that, on tattle, we were talking about how ASIC was cracking down on unregistered people giving financial advice and how Annie should watch herself with the advice she was offering people on the discord - then, suddenly “Snezana”’popped up, making suggestions and talking the disord community through how to get their wallets.

She just as quickly disappeared, and has only just resurfaced

(Attached are just some quick examples of the advice Snezana was giving - hundreds of comments over a 24 hr period on mint day and then she disappeared. Hmmmmmm!)View attachment 1864075View attachment 1864077View attachment 1864079View attachment 1864080View attachment 1864081View attachment 1864083
This is actually so unbelievably fucked up. Many women were expressing concerns before Anna mentioned the VRO, and now are made to feel as though they are contributing to DV? Because they were concerned about their investment? This message from this person is disgusting and manipulative to the extreme. A lot like Anna.
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