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Chatty Member
Omg the arrogance is simply BREATHTAKING.

apparently she was ‘the voice of the nation’ during Covid. No you weren’t Anna. You’ve got a couple of thousand nufties in perth and the Goldie who followed your ravings and potentially sometimes recognise you (although mostly I call bullshit on these sightings). You were and are completely irrelevant to the nation.

Apparently she is dangerous because she has intellect and calm. LOLOLOLOL. This is the best bit. I’ll give you a tip Anna - truly intelligent people would never describe themselves like that.

and then finally - she’s back to talking about how she’s going to heal the world.

seriously. She’s the most massive flog.
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Omg Lindell went on the BEST and most articulate rant on her Insta stories, bless!
It’s so good to see some of these women recognise that it’s not healthy to be part of a community where you are literally too scared to ask questions or have a difference of opinion, idk if it was a coincidence or if she follows in here but she literally called it cult-like 🥲
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I knew this day would come. It had to. For someone like her, it was always going to be exposed how shitty she is. However, exposing someone’s personal sexual and reproductive health is not ok. No wonder they were together at one point. Zero morals between the two of them.
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I’m actually cracking up at this whole mess. This is better than any corny drama tv show I’ve ever watched. Look out Summer Bay 🤣
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Oooooooo!!!!! I am STRAPPED IN with my drink ready for the excitement!!! I wasn't going to pour a glass until I saw our alcoholic inspirational warrior kween INTEGRATE herself with alcohol, so I felt I must also imbibe to mark this event! So I poured my bubbly, and I am ready for this EXCITING AMAZING INSPIRATIONAL LIFE CHANGING MAGICAL PHENOMENAL GROUNDBREAKING LOVE-SOAKED POWERFUL ANGELIC non-stop excitement packed experience!!!!

Wait, what? She's writing names on post-its with a sharpie? That's.... Uh.... Pretty fucking stupid.
All that hype for some post-its.

Oh my GOOOOODDDDDDD why are people buying into this "container" for the second and even third time?!?! And they also have a fugly TAW jpeg as their profile pics... Meaning they already have access to Scammas drivel all the time anyways in the "hub". Fuck my life, I give up on people. There's too many idiots out there.
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She is couch surfing
Ha ha. So iNdepEndent and sELf-reLiant. Imagine being her age and not being able to manage your time to ensure you have a property to go to when your lease is up. Like she’s mid 30s? Women manage this all the time with kids and full time jobs outside the home! Such a role model.
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Also - in her discord video she said MORGS called her within minutes and was like “what’s going on, he doesn’t know who he’s messing with” like ?? Morgan doesn’t follow either of them? So bizarre? Maybe someone sent him the screenshot about alleged cheating??? 🤔
Literally Scamma has said countless times that Morgan went full no-contact when they split up. If they had been in contact you just KNOW she wouldn’t be able to help herself and would have talked about it (I mean, remember when her and Carlz Sodastream had their little dinner? She couldn’t help alluding to the fact that they were hanging out and then a few weeks later one of them confirmed it). For Morgs to go no-contact, possibly find out about cheating allegations for the first time, at the least have the new partner of your ex wife publicly posting about said allegations, but ppl are expected to believe he just contacted her out of the blue and was in support of her?

She’s so absolutely full of shit I honestly don’t know how she doesn’t just explode

I thought it could be Lindell when i saw her comment posted here yesterday. I actually knew her IRL. she does not take kindly to this kind of bullshit. I’m honestly surprised and saddened that she fell for it at all, but that’s just more light shed on how manipulative Anna and co truly are. Lindell isn’t her target audience; she’s highly intelligent, motivated, considerate and a very successful business owner by being so passionate and sincere, she’s an excellent mother and while we’ve lost touch, she’s a great friend. I’m even more pissed off with Anna now that she’s managed to con decent people that i know 😡 shes fucking sick. I think Lindell has removed the stories now but done a succinct post on her grid. This is honestly such a mess!

edit: they’re in a highlight now! Go Lindell 👏🏼
It’s so incredibly sad, when I was checking out Lindell’s page I honestly was shocked that someone so intelligent and put together fell for Scammas lies. The only way it makes sense is that Lindell was just showing support for another woman by investing in her company, not that she necessarily agrees with Scammas opinions and ethics.


Sorry it’s in the wrong order. The second image should be first.
This is definitely Scamma or one of her ✨iNnEr CiRclE✨ 🤮🤮

None of what they’re saying makes any sense and is so emotionally driven. Yes one of their big things is that they’re a supportive community, but at the end of the day the core of the whole thing is that it is a business, and most of these women have made HUGE investments while Scamma got rich quick and wasn’t afraid to brag about it. Scammas choice to invite a vile man into her business is not her investors burden to bear.

They’re not seeing Trent attack Anna personally, they’re seeing him attack the business and for that they have every right to ask questions. Whether or not they have staked everything they have, whether they have everything or nothing to lose, when a business they have invested in is being attacked and potentially being left worth less than it was in the first place, THEY HAVE THE RIGHT TO ASK QUESTIONS.

Fuck Scamma, and fuck her loyal followers who think it’s okay to bully and belittle women for asking questions about their own fucking money. Scamma cannot sit there and sing praises to herself for creating such a supportive community and then allowing people to be torn down and spoken to in such a disgusting way.

If you are reading Lindell, good fucking on you, we can all only hope that every last person who has invested wakes up to themselves and gets the hell out of that cultish environment.
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Dunno if Anna has blocked Lindell or if Lindell has unfollowed Anna, but she’s no longer appearing as a follower or being followed by Anna or TAW.

if you haven’t found her yet, and watched her stories, it’s only up for 2 more hours and her surname is Stewart……..
Can Anna just go and change all those details with ASIC without second signatures or agreeing to it? I don’t see why he would be posting about it if it was the case and he had signed it all back over to her.

No sign of it being a beautiful day to have a beautiful day today.
thanks for the directions to find the rant (which was full of the same types of phrases that Anna uses and confirmed for me the type of person who invested in TAW in the first place)
Also I personally am having a beautiful day here seeing this house of cards start to collapse
anyone else...?!?!
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VIP Member
Holy crap this is wild!
i love how Kandy immediately says there’s no situation, but as soon as she gets some pushback from the investors, she admits Anna HAS been told of aforementioned situation. The lack of transparency is mind-blowing and smacks of old school MLM tactics. Deny, deny, deflect, play the victim. Classic.

i agree that we don’t know what exactly might’ve gone down behind closed doors, and neither of them are the poster child for integrity, but I would also guess that the fact he revealed her sexual history might’ve had something to do with it?

Edit* I think the VRO she allegedly took out is in response to the info he revealed about her sexual history
Sometimes I think kandy is Anna 🤔
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Hang on…..wait. Scammie is the definition of mediocre. She is mediocre in appearance, she lives in a mediocre apartment with her mediocre dog, in a mediocre town, with a mediocre “career” (career used loosely here) with mediocre hobbies like gymming, swimming, dancing, cooking spaghetti and lisping into her phone. What exactly isn’t mediocre? She doesn’t live on the edge? She literally wrote stupid words on her insta about the pandemic…hardly activism. She is a creature of boring habits. Day after day after fucking day. There is absolutely nothing phenomenal about her or her life. She is a boring woman who avoids doing anything that benefits society.
All of this 🙌🏾 it’s so bizarre how the only person who talks about how extraordinary is herself and a tiny handful of anti vax followers who for some reason decided that she’s inspirational to them?

If she was so amazing she would be approached for interviews, to be on television, to write a book? Instead she has courses which are basic word salads telling people to lOvE tHeMsElF like that’s all there is to it? Toxic positivity and spiritual bypassing at its finest.

There is nothing in her life that’s aspirational at all and it’s mind blowing that anyone would think there was 😆
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Well-known member
That too, but she’s also high as fuck. There is no way she she operates this full on, all day everyday, constantly churning out endless deranged stream of consciousness bullshit in a normal state.
I like to picture her shaking her boney shoulders and slapping on her lizard smile... She turns the camera on and it's all slimey hand-under-the-chin and arm-shooting-up energy for IG... As soon as she stops recording she just fiddles with her phone to get her stories edited and posted.... Rinse and repeat throughout the day. She's not genuinely high, she's just pathetic and lonely.
Ugh, she's so sad, but really this is what i see all SM obsessed people doing. their stories have very little to do with realty, but if they didn't record the experience for the stories then it didnt count and didn't matter. They can only experience the world through their social media audience. It's deeply, deeply depressing.

Sorry. Rant over. She's probably just high on her own farts and maybe a little day-drunk.
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