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Chatty Member
Ah, now I will know who the thousandaire is. I tried to look in the dossier, still not too sure who this Bassam is. Is Anna still working with him or not? Was she ever in a serious relationship with him?

I am slowly reading through the Anna threads and I am just amazed at what has really happened.
Bassam Feres:

Joseph Hallit:

Bank Audi made sure to hide this one picture. 👇👇👇👇 You simply no longer find it when you search his name on Google.

Joseph Hallit.jpg
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Wow, filming 1 video per week is now too difficult for her .She barely posts on Instagram. She has no content , no imagination.She is lazy , unprofessional with zero work ethic .And she expects us to spend our hard - earned cash on her courses to finance her ( imaginary) million-dollar life .No Anna we are not your Sugardaddy!
I think she has now realised the depth of her disillusionment.The bleeding finger could be self-mutilation.It happens when people can’t find a way out , when they feel trapped .She constructed her own trap anyway .I don’t pity her .I’m certain she is now looking for an exit plan .But her latest Netflix recommendation “ the puppet master the ultimate conman “ doesn’t seem auspicious…
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My story with Anna Bey started last year when I was looking for 'elegant winter clothing'. I must say, at first I thought Anna was a transperson who makes comedy, ridiculing the tradwives. Some videos were suggest for me and the ones who talk about what 'Rich men want' or 'What turns rich man off' got my attention and oh the horror... I realized that not only 'she' is not a transperson but that 'she' is completely serious in her deranged ways of teaching women how to be closeted prostitutes. Anna promotes unhealthy, unrealistic beauty standards in women, starving, getting plastic surgery and fake extensions just to, I quote 'marry a rich man' and she can teach you how to do it. Provided you pay for her course $$$$. And I read all comments here, it turns out she's not even married to a rich man herself! What is it with the women these days openly chasing men? Do you realize how pathetic you look? All dressed up like Anna, afraid to eat protein in case a man gives you a side look, growing your hair long with terribly split ends... I swear, I think one or two female colleagues of mine are fanatic followers of Anna. I thought maybe it's just post-Covid phase but no, they all started looking like the clone of this... creature. We used to hang out in sports bar after work with the guys but now they 'have other plans' and have that 'resting bitch face' when talking to you.
Ladies, I don't mind dressing up for occasion, but have a life! I pay my dues and men pay respect to me. I have genuine relationships and enjoy my life, I enjoy eating in front of men and they compliment me how relaxed they feel in my company and what great time they have with me. I don't chase men! I don't look like a stick with a wig.
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At first Anna and now Maria is jumping on the tragedy in Ukraine train. SUCH A BITCH!!!!!..... Did you see her last video? She literally stole comments from Tattle and made her own video on Ukraine... and then thanks us for upping her views from 500 to the thousands!!!! What the hell???
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Maria looks like a modern day vampire. I can't take this woman seriously. She's another clown. 😂

As a matter of fact, I'd like to understand why is she wasting time by creating videos as some sort of propaganda of "all things Anna Bey". Like, all videos are in some point about Anna Bey. Makes one think she might be getting paid... If not, then she's a moron.
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What a collection of tasteless, cheap looking items she picked. Just goes to show you that she has no taste or ability when it comes to fashion. Personal favorites? The hideous green, fake Pucci blouse and shorts that, unfortunately, hit those thighs at their chunkiest point. (And, who under the age of 70 wears Pucci these days to begin with - it’s a rather, ahem, old lady brand.)

And the black mini “cupcake” dress, which would look adorable on a slim, leggy 18-year old? The icing on that cupcake was the totally inappropriate tweed blazer shoved over it. Oh my God, laughable? Yes, for sure. Fashionable? Not on you life.

And, we can’t forget the dark green tweed blazer with the buttons falling off, paired with the white pants or the white dress with blue print skirt and the one-size-too-small straw boater. (Why do her hats always look like they’re going to explode right off the top of her head? Are they just trying to escape the scene of the crime or something)?

Oh, Anna, you’re such a source of entertainment. Thanks for the laughs. And, the Hermessas made an appearance, too. Yea! We’ve missed them.

Y'all know those pieces she wore in the video will never be seen again, right? 🥴
I sure hope not. I couldn’t stand a second viewing. And, no need to worry about that - she’ll be standing at Zara’s door tomorrow at the opening hour to return them as soon as she possibly can.
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I was at work when I quickly checked YT and saw the title of her new video. The image of the Cartier Love Bracelet in the thumbnail made me lose it. 😂

I really want to know what were the 10 things she enlisted. So far any LV monogram handbag, Balmain blazer and that particular Cartier bracelet aren't especifically symbols of the rich. Those fall all in the affordable luxury category and again belong to the JSB starter pack. She once again shows she knows nothing about the real rich. One walk around LA or London and you easily see women wearing those pieces. 🥴
10 items not to wear ( together), just quoting her videos, not my own words :
1.Blinged luxury watches
2.Designer label T-shirts
3.Cartier love bracelet
4.Handbag with logos
5.Balmain blazer
6.Loro Piana open walk shoes
7.Fur coat/fur gilet
8.Monogram scarf
9.Designer belt ( e.g.Gucci)
10.VCA jewelry

Could someone teach her how to pronounce French designer names? My French ears started bleeding when I heard Cartear, Lou Voo-ttoney ,Ball Mayne and San Loren …
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I have to admit that it seems surreal to me how Anna says that "we all have a past".

Well, as I said before, I work as a prostitute, but never in my life have I been to a television program of that type, I have woken up in a place without knowing how I got there, much less I have dedicated myself to scamming no one.

I guess 90% of the women here don't reach Anna's level of trashy, but she still takes the liberty of pointing fingers at others for their mistakes and making fun of them .:poop:🤯
In essence she makes fun of women whose lives follow a pattern that she deems as a waste of " female potential". Women who:

- refuse to depend on men.
- live modestly.
- compromise.
- find happiness in simplicity.
- build a career through education.
- work hard.
- put themselves in someone else's shoes.
- refuse to cut corners on anything.
- live below their means and are not ashamed of it.
- are satisfied with whatever they already got.
- see people for who they are and not for their benefits.
- use their heads and not their bodies.
- respect men.

Any woman with these traits don't let her "teachings" sink in their hearts.

Now if you:

- have difficulties to appreciate your life for what it is.
- don't know how to handle criticism.
- is too sensitive to whatever people tell you.
- got a self-centered nature.
- go through life keeping up with the Joneses.
- blame others for the way you live.
- don't believe in yourself.
- see both men and other women as enemies.
- take life as if it is a competition.
- got no strong role model...

Then, you are an easy prey to the poison she spits disguised as guidance.
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I feel like it is becoming increasingly difficult to underestimate Anna. The bar is literally on the floor and she just brought a shovel.

Her latest video is just disgraceful. She spends 16 minutes explaining that she does not need to share her opinion?! Then shut up, sit in your office and eat your awful pre packaged week old food. Don't get on the internet and be all holier-than-thou about not discussing politics.
Plus, this isn't even politics. She literally has to do the bare minimum and share resources to help affected people? Is she really that lazy?
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She doesn't have the money or knowledge to discuss things about what's happening with Ukraine.
"how to get a rich husband" is the only thing inside her mind. come on ladies, what do you expect from her?
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She really messed up when she posted her empty fridge, even her most stupid followers must have realised this is not the fridge of a married woman, there was not even microwave food for her “husband”. Just for one person and she said herself that shit is the only thing she eats in a day.
She just doesn’t understand that’s not how real married couples lives, she tries to imitate the life of a married person but she has no clue.
Even if you or your husband doesn’t cook wouldn’t you have microwave food for TWO people?

and please can she cut of that rat tail of fake hair that’s hanging on one side of her head? Always this lazy ponytail, learn how to style your hair…
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I'm really really confused!? Who is the mole here ? And did she reveal aija truth or is she insulting people here? Did her husband disappear since then.
I wanted to ask you about the legal action in Geneva, I remember Lauren (I think) talked about something legal going on against Anna in Geneva. Or something like that. Is there any news about that?
I'm really sorry to ask, if somebody can tell me, I would really appreciate 🙏 Thank you
Ladies, I’ve been here since thread 1 and posted probably since thread 6 or so. This Maria (I believe) was mentioned in Tattle as early as thread 12 as Maria Macarena, reknowned - not in a good way - for her extra long and even more extra weird paragraphs in the Socialite fb group.

I have not watched her channel. Is she alluding there’s a mole on Tattle? Of course there is. In fact, there are multiple of them. It’s like a public square of the town! People come here, rats come here for the crumbs, too. Aija Raty reads here, probably her virtual VA assistants from Upwork read here as well to flag up every crisis (read: every truth that comes out) that needs to be addressed (read: twisted and distorted).

Correction to one of earlier comments, I can’t quote as I don’t recall who posted it. Aija did admit her name is Aija Anna in Instagram stories, giving a verbal vomit that Chinese also adopt Western names so she decided as well, since it was such a struggle 😂

But back to the moles. If anyone is a mole, it’s Maria Macarena herself, hiding under a fake profile name here on these pages. So much attention to us and she doesn’t have a profile? Oh please, I bet her fingers are too itchy not to type something up here. 🙃

You all still remember AnnaBelt, right? I stayed away from the conflict as neither her nor Bastine bothered me, but at the end AnnaBelt, little miss philosopher, did venture out from the topic of this forum to long speeches and didactics about femininity at the end. I can’t be bothered to cross check, but a) long speeches b) North America c) more awkward with every peeled layer …… if it isn’t Maria Macarena herself. Could be.

By the way, I actually quite liked quirky Bastine’s personality - I have a few French friends just like that - they are just too much so this was nothing new 😂 My two cents that she’s an idealist fighter, she actually submitted the case to IVP, and contacted fraud related authorities, but felt misunderstood and retracted away. Of course, every poster’s opinion will differ due to personal perspective.
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Casiraghi today at Chanel’s catwalk at the PFW and Anna Bey stealing pictures to post on her stories.

An enormous amount of hand picked guests and she has the guts to allude she’s anywhere near Paris and Casiraghi, accomplished equestrian (FYI Anna!) and Chanel ambassador.

Enough is enough with this woman and her lies!
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As someone replied, I don’t see a problem wearing the same ski outfit 3 years in a row (if she skies 1 day/year). The problem is that this outfit is not appropriate for skying, total white is dangerous on slops. But anyways, I think she spent all her day at the restaurant. She did not ski at all… fake as always.
Probably drinking booze by the fire with her eyes darting around the room looking for her next mark.
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Chatty Member
She's trying to be trendy (algorithms)... By "diving" into and mixing "what's happening" topics with whatever she thinks she teaches. Even though she can't articulate about anything that goes beyond herself, it was a tactic to fish new followers. Georgina, Tinder Swindler and now Ukraine politics. Whatever major buzz we get this week, there is a high possibility she will bend it to fit her "mentality" for an upcoming video.

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Anna's potential clients who are going to buy this course, as a general rule, are women with low self-esteem and/or have low resources, which is why she has used that slogan, to further attract that public and encourage them to buy.

I'm talking about the buyers of that course, not about its followers, I think the vast majority of people on the Internet today know that you really don't need to pay to find information on etiquette and elegance, you can find it for free online.

It both saddens and bores me that the only way Anna can talk about leveling up is to marry a rich man. It seems like it's her only goal and it's the only way a woman can feel complete. (Or else surround yourself with expensive things.)

I focused on studying, working, creating contacts, like most people here. And after so much effort, sacrifice and breaking my back working and studying I have managed to go from lower class to middle class: I am going to buy my own house soon, I have a more than reasonable salary, I can afford to have one or two vacations a year , sometimes I buy some brand items... And with this I am happy, I could not ask for anything more.

Maybe I'm not as rich as Anna or her "husband" banker, but I can say that I'm proud of what I've achieved without scamming anyone, manipulating people, becoming a laughingstock on the Internet.

If there are still any fans of Anna reading this, listen: if I did it, you can too! it's not easy to work long hours and study, but, if you do that, you will always be independent, you can fend for yourself. You will not have to share a bed or future plans with someone you hate or because, if you break the relationship, you will end up sleeping under a bridge, or who at any time can change you for someone prettier and younger.

Love yourself, and don't do that to yourself.

Look at Anna, she tries to sell you the happiness with a rubbish course, she tries to sell you a dream that she herself is not capable of fulfilling, she is not happy, she is getting older every day, more grumpy, even probably her weight gain is due to the stress. Every day she is more alone. And the worst thing is that she will probably never find a good man, of a moderately decent social class, because, let's being honest: Do you think that someone rich, could introduce Anna, (a gold digger, who teaches women to climb socially, create an army of sugar babies, to abuse men...) To society or to his friends and family?

Please, instead of giving your money to Anna, invest it in training, studies.

The problem with these women is that the vast majority probably come from abusive relationships, misery, low self-esteem, and not loving themselves. This type of person seeks acceptance and love, and most think that being like Anna, (theoretically a """"rich""" woman with a perfect life and a loving rich husband.) will make them happy and admired. for everyone

Nothing is further from reality.
The problem with Anna, like with many other gurus, is the fact that she is promoting the “easy path”, which in fact, is not going to take a woman anywhere.
She never speaks about career, studies, what is best to invest your money in for a safe and financially stable future (apart from clothes). She is never preoccupied with what being a woman in this century actually feels like. She says she is a more traditional feminist, yet no matter what type of feminist she is, to be a feminist means to care about the experiences of women, their struggles. To her, the only struggle a woman could possibly face is choosing between baby blue and pale pink.
I resonate very much with your story and I admire you. It takes a lot of struggle to grow socially and economically. It is strange when you put in a lot of work, yet you do not have access to the spotlight and you feel like people who do less get credit for more. Sometimes you have to fight prejudices and even obstacles that come from the family or the place you live, not even to mention the ones that come from the outside. I might be projecting some of my personal experiences here as well, but what I want to say is that I understand you very well and I feel that a woman like you empowers me and other women so much more than Annaʼs trashy advice.

By the way, have you noticed that when talking about Georgina she was asking about the job Georgina used to have and if it is a good place for meeting men? She is so clueless about jobs and how these things actually work, she must feel like a fool now. She could have had a normal job that maybe would have helped her to connect to someone real and decent, or at least she could have worked her way up. Yet, she preferred to sell herself like a piece of meat and now I can see she is envious because she realises what a fool sheʼs been, trying to play “smart”.
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Hasn’t Aija acknowledged anything about what’s happening in Ukraine ??? I’m not from EU but so many of her followers are

many people around the world are acting and trying to assist, donate, host refugees, help with transportation, etc but Aija is binge watching Netflix having her prepared low key food, planning her next scam?

She hasn’t even faked empathy, well as Tattle is the bible for the clown, soon she will

lack of empathy is what makes her a con artist and scammer
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I actually watched the hypocritical witch’s latest video - well, as much as I could stand. It was nauseating! She could barely contain her jealousy. So, all the snide remarks were bound to follow - calling this girl just a “simple girl-next-door type,”from a humble background, who is tacky, inelegant and horrors . . . nouveau riche (poor delusional Anna wishes she was any kind of riche at all!). And Georgina apparently enjoys the “material side of life” and wears “rich people’s items,” which, Anna, of course, covets above all else.

Hmmm - Anna, how do you categorize Cartier Love bracelets and VCA Alhambra anything? Oh, how gauche of me. I forgot that you had to sell the Cartier, or was the rental period on it up? So sorry.

One of the best comments, though, about Georgina’s tacky behavior referenced the fact that she takes pictures of herself in front of private jets. Anna has a very short memory, doesn’t she? But, I’m sure Georgina actually flies in private jets, too, Anna . . . on a regular basis.

And, how could I not mention one of the idiot’s biggest blunders - classifying Victoria Beckham as nouveau riche? Anna, you stupid cow, Victoria Beckham is old, old money and comes from one of the wealthiest families in Britain. If you had half a brain, you’d be dangerous!

And she attempts to cover up her envy, jealousy and disdain by adding a disclaimer about, perhaps, this is what Georgina wants, hasn’t leveled up yet and may never do so. But, that’s okay, as “I don’t judge.” Yeah, right - you don’t judge. And, I’m the queen of well . . .everything!

If you have a few minutes to spare, it’s worth it to watch the hag turn almost green with envy. At one point, she’s so jealous that she’s actually almost tongue tied and can barely get her words out.
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@indiana do you still know the address of the apartments/name of the building from the adverts you found? They're from thread #28 when we were discussing the floorplans of the Audi lounge.
Here's the website of the Registre Foncier

I did it for the Corsier office. On the official registry, the building is listed as offices. If Anna is using the Bey International SA headquarters as living accommodation, she's breaking quite a few rules... The Registre Foncier doesn't have many floorplans for Corsier, just the plan of the building and surrounding areas. Anna is renting the office from someone.

She filmed and edited today's video after her injury in the Corsier office. I guess that she lost access to the Audi lounge/Joseph's apartment after her little accident...
So, the Corsier office is shared? That's low, even for Anna. Imagine not being able to afford a simple office space when she prides herself of having a millionaire lifestyle.


What on earth is she wearing? Black tweed in broad daylight, in an egg shell colored room? This jacket makes her look quite large, it's a bit impractical to wear this while giving winter fashion advice.

And don't get me started on that finger! 😬
Couldn't she keep the injury off camera? It's so distracting, I couldn't even finish a minute of the video, it's as if Squidward's nose was dangling from her hand.
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