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- How to look elegant as a horse rider on a budget? (Hmm... 😂)
From the makers of How To Be Rich on a Budget, we give you:

How To Be High-End Equestrian on a Budget featuring Miss Piggy dressed in Versace and riding a horse to round up some bulls. Yeehaw!

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She most definitely did not go to a Chanel couture show otherwise we definitely would have seen her selfies
No question ask. You think she will ever be invited? With this sort of background? Chanel would never associate with. I guarantee. I’m in the industry. I know how selective they are in term of attendees. And this show has a lot of backlash about bringing animal in to a show and the horse was actually freaked out and it was animal cruelty. FU Anna for your ‘pretend to care for animal’ you are so Fake FAKE FaKe, just because big brand does, doesn’t mean it’s elegant Anna Buii, stupid fake bitch… smh

She most definitely did not go to a Chanel couture show otherwise we definitely would have seen her selfies
What a condom head is that, couldn’t afford a decent beanie, I supposed. Only have 1-2 Chanel items, act like she is a part of the brand, you are not in. You can only glance. Then steal images on internet to repost. Lame lowlife. And Her face is exploding. Isn’t it not elegant to gain weight like this??? Oops I forgot, if it happens to Anna, it’s okAy, we are just human. Don’t wanna bully but her life is so lame. How could I let this delusional Joker understand how she is even below plain Jane. ;(


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And according to her - though some things she doesn't say out loud - desirable such as skinny body, long natural hair (or with natural extensions), long legs, prominent boobs, not too brown skinned (God forbid if completely dark skinned), white porcelain teeth, no tattoos, no glasses - contact lenses is a must -, french manicure ALWAYS, no sailor mouth, no Zara and Mango clothing, no Pandora jewelry, no denim, no affordable luxury, God forbid a popular car or doing groceries at Lidl, Aldi, Migros, Coop, Penny, Monoprix... Oh, and the most important: Should never ever eat onion.

Yep, by following and doing all of the above religiously one is sure to find a William, a Musk or a Cristiano Ronaldo out there - Just like her, right? 🥴
I recall in her How to Be Classy book she said you have to be skinny, long haired, always have a manicure, only get groceries from local shops like the bakery or the butchery, learn a rich person's sport like ski or golf etc.... Funny that she completely contradicts herself, because she never cooks, constantly looks like a hot mess, has no sense of fashion, doesn't do any sport besides working out next to a dumpster in the outskirts of Geneva and keeping that poor racing horse cooped up all day, and while all the jet setters and billionaires are skiing in elite resorts in Switzerland and the French Alps, Anna is no where to be seen...
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I totally agree, we are just involuntarily helping her to learn and create content, I shouldn't have mentioned Ukraine.

  • After someone exposed Paradise Hotel, I said here that she will use it to create a before-after video and she did
  • After someone shared great information about horse riding , she used that info to create some content about equestrian
  • After her sedentary life was discussed here, she started working with a personal trainer
  • After we said she's working out in park near a trash bin, she took the PT to her office/home/shelter
  • Every time we criticize her style, we are giving her free information
But as much as she's a puppet in our hand, no matter how many times we mentioned we are waiting for a glamorous wedding in Lebanon and in Europe, glam anniversary, full home tour, quality time with her husband, any evidence of elite life style, she was NOT CAPABLE to move as we wished, simply because she doesn't live the life she sells, posting about war is easy, creating a video full of lies , her specialty , but living a middle class life? no she can't afford it
And as soon as I mentioned she didnt do any skiing during Christmas when all the jet setters were skiing, she immediately posts about skiing, and as soon as someone mentioned how horrible of a choice white ski outfit is, she starts posting those trashy bright ski outfits pretending it's Fusalp until someone found out she was wearing some cheap tacky off brand🤣🤣🤣 She is literally a puppet reading this thread constantly, it's so pathetic

She wouldn’t recognize “old money” if it bit her in her sizable ass! And, why the fascination with it and the belief that only “old money” counts anyway? She doesn’t have either old money or new money. Probably has very little money period - just enough to cover her meager accommodations and a couple of off-season vacations, plus a few fake bags and some usually hideous clothing end-of season sale items. Do you think that she’d turn down a fortune comprised of “new money” if it was offered? Yeah, right!

And, since “old money” is all that counts, I guess we should simply write off the likes of Elon Musk, Bill Gates and all the tech billionaires of the past 10-20 years? At least in the US, that’s who controls most of the wealth today. We don’t look down our noses at them - while making all that “new money,” they contribute greatly to worldwide society.

And, since the majority of her pitiful devotees certainly don’t have “old money,” why would they find this even relatable or useful?

Just another example of how out of touch she is with her target audience and how out of step she is with the world in general. Poor thing is just pitifully stupid, uneducated and unaware.
Her obsession with pretending to be "old money" is pathetic and sad, we all know she is a Russian speaking prostitute posting obvious counterfeit bags and following counterfeit Hermes Instagram accounts until someone called her out, and we have videos of her dancing topless and having sex on TV, she even rented a horse to keep up the "old money" illusion, she is so obviously ashamed of her upbringing and heritage
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Better get some fruit and veg for that empty fridge.

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Yeah I think we have our answer to how come she looks SO much older than her age.

No fruits, no veggies, no nutritious meals cooked from scratch.
Just microwaved food heated up in plastic containers, only eating twice per day, years of smoking and drinking and sun damage.
All of those things really hits you hard in your 30-40s.
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I really wonder why a hell would someone join her free powerpoint presentation/workshop about how she went from being broke and awkward to a million dollar life style. Does she really think that she leveled up? Is using of her koocha and bagging a man just to use his money really something that someone should be so proud of? Is it really going from broke and awkward to a million dollar life style? If she had a good education, if she established a good business, if she was successful in work life, then maybe yeah, I would say good for you, you went from being awkward to a million dollar life style and let me check what you have to say. But using her vagina and plastering it all over the internet and trying to sell it as a course? She went from being broke and awkward to being beyond awkward (thousandaire's sugar baby - that's the career every momma dreams off for her child). Well, not all of us have the same moral standards and BOUNDARIES, right Anna? BOUNDARIES is it?
If I may share my own experience in regards to Anna. Her ''free workshop'' was the trigger why I found Tattle. You see, I had never been a massive fan of hers, but her videos would always pop up on my youtube timeline and it seemed like she was a successful woman. So I thought, oh, a free workshop - how generous of her. But when I was listening to the nonsense powerpoint I understood that she really knew nothing of what she was talking about. Perhaps it was the fake names in the workshop list or the rock bottom quality of the ''workshop'' itself with the hard, hard course sell that mde me google her name+scam. But I am so glad I did and saved myself a ton of money. She has her ''target market'' and she knows that women from not as well to do backgrounds and poorer countries would love to find out how to make it big. Turns out Anna has not ''made it''. She is just about as qualified to teach how to bag a rich husband as I am qualified to teach deep sea diving - not at all, because she has no multimillionaire husband and I have never tried diving at all.
But her online presence is just ''good enough'' to reel in some naive hopefuls. And I nearly gave her my money and many others are on the verge of it.
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Where is Bastine when you need her? Is there a way to find out if Anna owns a property in Switzerland? Buying is an option that is highly unlikely for Anna due to her unpredictable income and lack of funds. Can she really afford owning anything in the Swiss market?

Even if Joseph Hallit owned property in Switzerland, Anna wouldn't be allowed to film or show his house due to his "privacy". So, implying that the Bank Audi lounge is her home is the safest way for her to avoid speculations. I'm sick of her taking pictures of that glass coffee table, changing the coffee book and the flowers and calling it her home.

Should I go to an Airbnb nearby and claim it as mine? Will that be alright? Absolutely not.
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A little reminder from thread #12:

Anna posting Bassam, a.k.a. the one that got away, instead of her hubby. Just imagine how much more money Anna would've made if she actually married Bassam instead of Hallit. She would've been selling courses, left and right, but instead got stuck with the mediocre looking one. Boo hoo hoo! :ROFLMAO: 🥴

Anna and Joseph Hallit probably went to a tacky dinner to discuss how much longer they'll keep the arranged marriage for. I say three years, tops!

Is this her wedding outfit ? Her skirt looks like it 🤔
Yes, it's the same "wedding dress" that was inspired by a fake wedding on the set of Sex and the City movie.


Looking like a well aged grandma at only 57.

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I have to admit that it seems surreal to me how Anna says that "we all have a past".

Well, as I said before, I work as a prostitute, but never in my life have I been to a television program of that type, I have woken up in a place without knowing how I got there, much less I have dedicated myself to scamming no one.

I guess 90% of the women here don't reach Anna's level of trashy, but she still takes the liberty of pointing fingers at others for their mistakes and making fun of them .:poop:🤯
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I would actually be careful to not reveal anything if I were @laurensanchez , it’s clear Aija reads here and I’m sure she’s dying to find out who lauren is since they have met in the past.
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Here I am about to make my blood pressure spike again to 200/100 (I'm sorry, my cardiovascular / nervous system :cry::cry::cry:) as I am about to start watching Anna's take on Georgina Rodriguez' lifestyle as nouveau riche. Before she starts, she promoted yet another stupid course, which fucking defeats the networking and skills she used to teach her dumb students.

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First things first, unfortunately, to rise up to the social ladder, one should need a great deal of connections from upper social class. Seriously.
Also, when one works smart and hard, you get promoted, he/she earns more and more money, and that's how he/she starts getting well-known to most people around him/her, he/she will get both friends and enemies alike, he/she gets more confident than ever, and if he/she is consistent in being that way, his/her life will definitely change 180 degrees.

But somehow, there are lucky few who are able to make it. And I believe that's okay.

Unfortunately as well, one will never get to where he/she wanna be if he/she does not have any skill to begin with. If he/she don't have any skills and never bothered acquiring any kind of skill, he/she should better off as consumable meat. My words are harsh at this point, and I am kind of not sorry for it. You ladies understand what I mean. I believe in you all.

Besides, even people with disabilities also seek growth for themselves, though there are various degrees of disabilities, and those kinds of people are exception.

To live life, staying alive, safe and secured, he/she must have skills. So, never, ever disregard BASICS.

As our elders told us, there are no shortcuts to success. And yes, even if letting oneself to have every orifice in his/her body fucked by anyone just to get rich quickly is not even a shortcut.

Update: I think I would no longer continue watching the video. I'd rather spend my quality time for some episodes of All of Us Are Dead.
Anna's potential clients who are going to buy this course, as a general rule, are women with low self-esteem and/or have low resources, which is why she has used that slogan, to further attract that public and encourage them to buy.

I'm talking about the buyers of that course, not about its followers, I think the vast majority of people on the Internet today know that you really don't need to pay to find information on etiquette and elegance, you can find it for free online.

It both saddens and bores me that the only way Anna can talk about leveling up is to marry a rich man. It seems like it's her only goal and it's the only way a woman can feel complete. (Or else surround yourself with expensive things.)

I focused on studying, working, creating contacts, like most people here. And after so much effort, sacrifice and breaking my back working and studying I have managed to go from lower class to middle class: I am going to buy my own house soon, I have a more than reasonable salary, I can afford to have one or two vacations a year , sometimes I buy some brand items... And with this I am happy, I could not ask for anything more.

Maybe I'm not as rich as Anna or her "husband" banker, but I can say that I'm proud of what I've achieved without scamming anyone, manipulating people, becoming a laughingstock on the Internet.

If there are still any fans of Anna reading this, listen: if I did it, you can too! it's not easy to work long hours and study, but, if you do that, you will always be independent, you can fend for yourself. You will not have to share a bed or future plans with someone you hate or because, if you break the relationship, you will end up sleeping under a bridge, or who at any time can change you for someone prettier and younger.

Love yourself, and don't do that to yourself.

Look at Anna, she tries to sell you the happiness with a rubbish course, she tries to sell you a dream that she herself is not capable of fulfilling, she is not happy, she is getting older every day, more grumpy, even probably her weight gain is due to the stress. Every day she is more alone. And the worst thing is that she will probably never find a good man, of a moderately decent social class, because, let's being honest: Do you think that someone rich, could introduce Anna, (a gold digger, who teaches women to climb socially, create an army of sugar babies, to abuse men...) To society or to his friends and family?

Please, instead of giving your money to Anna, invest it in training, studies.

I'm definitely not someone who is a fan of sorokin -there are quite a few, it's embarrassing- but even that con of hers didn't bother me THAT much. the girls who went to morocco with her were just ready to suck her wallet dry. Anna Sorokin is trash but what kind of self-respecting person would jump into an offer like that? Come to think of it, I don't think I feel much sympathy for anna bey's followers either. Most of them are just wannabe scammers, who try to look like someone they're not to snatch a rich man. Instead of you know, trying to actually be one.
The problem with these women is that the vast majority probably come from abusive relationships, misery, low self-esteem, and not loving themselves. This type of person seeks acceptance and love, and most think that being like Anna, (theoretically a """"rich""" woman with a perfect life and a loving rich husband.) will make them happy and admired. for everyone

Nothing is further from reality.
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Very much off topic:

I just came across Lisa Hart on YouTube, who creates content on how to be "a high caliber woman" and "the best version of yourself" by mainly finding a rich husband. Giving off Anna Bey vibes. Anyone know her?
Personally, I find her content kinda fake; I didn't like her even when I used to like Anna. She is pretty, but she keeps on insisting on mystery and being a femme fatale, like a woman's full-time job is to become a man's fantasy. No, thanks. I do believe that mystery is important, especially in the early stages of dating when you don't even know that person very well, but both Lisa and Anna talk about dating as if you were supposed to create a new, fake persona for the purpose of finding the person who is going to 'level you up'. That new persona that you are going to create is the ultimate male fantasy and you must dress and act accordingly. Uhmm... Aren't we all human beings?

What Lisa is talking about in most of her videos is basically in psychological terms becoming an anima woman. In Jungian theory, an anima woman is a woman who plays the role of the inner projection of a man regarding females (called anima). Jungian analyst Marie Louise von Franz stated in an interview that Marilyn Monroe was the perfect representation of an anima woman (since Lisa talks a lot about old Hollywood stars and especially Marilyn). She was able to use this asset to become popular and be desired, which may initially sound like something that any woman would like to be, yet it was also one of the main reasons for Marilyn's tragedy because, in spite of the other qualities she had, men only saw her as their fantasy and not as an actual human being. The women who do this are usually not properly individuated (that is, their psychological development is not well balanced) and they most certainly develop neurosis, which is in plain words not being able to live up to your full potential because you're trying to please society, someone, or simply you're stuck somewhere. Now, it doesn't sound so much like actually becoming the best version of yourself, does it?

Although I feel that Lisa's content is a bit different from Anna's, I feel that we encounter the same shallowness of 'levelling up' which entails that... in fact you don't do any type of work apart from looking pretty (that is, in terms of their definitions, not yours) and waiting for a man to spot you and give you his money.

One of the main reasons why I started disliking Anna's content is the lack of true emotion, vulnerability, authenticity and meaning... Everything seems fake and shallow in her 'expensive' world, and the relationships she describes make me feel like she has never been in an actual romantic relationship where you are vulnerable with your partner. Maybe just relationships that were purely marked by what she herself called 'transactional sex'.
Poor or rich, people love the same when true emotion is involved, and it is quite obvious that Anna hasn't heard of that yet. But neither do I like Lisa's perspective in the matter. To be frank, I wouldn't trust any dating guru regarding this matter since they normally promote playing all sort of games to get the attention you want when in fact, a person either likes you and accepts your behaviour and understands your needs and boundaries, or they don't; the same way we accept others or we don't. It is as simple as that, a reason why I believe that levelling up, that is, improving yourself, your intellectual abilities, your style, the way you speak and most importantly, communicate, should be things that you improve for your sake, and not for a man's. All these enhance the relationship with the man who already loves you for your authentic self and with whom you're compatible, but are not a set of features designed for the sake of that relationship.

A 'high calibre woman' as they call it, should be a 'high calibre woman' even when a man or his money is not present. I find the teachings of both of them contradicting mainly because they advocate self-improvement but also, financial dependency that normally brings stagnation.
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I just watched her video and she clearly is a Putin supporter. Ok, she can be, she doesn’t have to talk about her political opinions, she doesn’t have to be educated in any matter to acknowledge that war is bad. She could say I value peace and my prayers are with innocent people who have been killed or lost their loved ones.
I also am not educated enough in matter of current conflict but I am devastated to see all those innocent people being killed, wounded or fleeing from their homes. As a mother I feel deeply sorry for children. As a pet owner and lover I am totally petrified to read that animals in the shelters are staying there without any source of food. Today I saw a picture of 3 civilians killed and a pet crate was laying on the ground near them. Like WTF ANNA BEY? DO YOU REALLY NEED TO BE EDUCATED IN ANY MATTER TO ACKNOWLEDGE THAT WAR IS FUCKING BAD???
Sorry for the language, I’m fucking pissed!
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Hello dear elegant ladies! 🤪
I've been reading your posts for some time now and finally decided to register. I stumbled across Anna Bey's videos maybe around 2020, not sure, and although at the beginning I agreed with some (!) of her philosophy (wanting to be a better version of yourself, especially as someone in her early 20s like myself I think it's logical to strive for this), it quickly became clear to me that by "leveling up" she means finding a sugar daddy and other questionable "business". It's unbelievable how this woman has build such a platform with so many followers who listen to her without any portion of critical thinking on their own. I've never purchased a course from her but it's sad there are many women have fallen into her scamming trap. Her videos alone are full of crap! I don't even want to imagine what her "courses" are like.
Thank you for exposing her here!!!

Regarding the latest posts here, I think it's unbelievably hypocritical of her to post videos talking about New Money with a disgusted face when she herself was showing her slutty side on TV just a couple of years ago (Paradise Hotel). That fake Chanel hat isn't helping much either. So pathetic.
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I just wonder how will she rebrand next. From Aija Räty to Aija Darling to Anna Bey. From Jetsetbabe to School of Affluence to Secret of elite women. From escorting to bagging a billionaire to thought leader and level up coach 😃
She is diligently preparing her next grand scam .After watching the Tinder Swindler and his 10 million dollar scam , she must feel miserable and bitter .He traveled the world in private jets, in yachts, slept with attractive Nordic beauties for years , lived the “ nouveau riche” lifestyle she can only fantasize about .She is stuck with a dead end business model , photographing horse excrement and IKEA plastic boxes.One-million dollar lifestyle , my foot !
Next week on Netflix , Anna Sorokin .More training material for our Anna Bey .
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Anna Sorokin was efficiently smart regarding the crowd she wanted to mingle with. Anna Bey wasn't. Sorokin ripped off and used a rich crowd. Anna Bey is using poor/middle class deluded women. You just can't expect the same result. 😂

If only she knew about networking and effective tactics before eagerly wanting to become known and launching her "school"... If only had she stayed in London.. It's a series of bad decisions that led her to the kind of "Anna" that she is now: Bitter, jealous, dependent and stuck.
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Lol she “cut” her finger but they gave her that cheap ass mummy wrapping bandage?? Why didn’t she go to her private health clinic paid by her millionaire husband? 🙄

Speaking of Netflix recommendations, I reallyyy recommend a series called “on becoming god in central Florida” , it’s a about exposing MLM scam and how they brain wash ppl, I hope Aija doesn’t take notes.
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The new video just shows how little she knows, how she lacks empathy and the huge lack of content planning.
We have some observations available, thanks to @cherry cherry 🍒 - exposing how inconsistent Anna actually is.

Remember back in January when she went full on "Planning 2022 vibes" with a monthly content planner?! Epic fail by the looks of it.

And what happened with one of her so called "secrets" which she "exclusively" shares at her PowerPoint presentations, called "consistency"? Fired?!

She tries to convey this work hard philosophy, turns out she binge watches hard and that's pretty much.
Time and time again, with Anna Bey is do as I say not as I do.
She also calls herself an influencer in the new video, as if itʼs her primary occupation. I thought rich people were popular because they were rich, not rich because they were popular...

This is going to sound so 'unladylike', but imagine being in your 30ʼs with no career prospects and with the work experience and job that only teenagers use as a label / aspire to. This is sad and I would have pitied her, had she not promoted herself into a rich woman teaching others the important things in life that make you successful.
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