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Hi there, I’m new here.

I’m still understanding how to use the forum, but I saw someone talk about how they had previously watched Anna’s videos on Youtube and agreed with her up until a certain point. I am one of those people too. I had become rather neutral towards her before I discovered this forum, and when I did, it was impossible for me not to notice the obvious. I’ve noticed she is rather aggressive in her latest videos and I bet she is sensing the fact that her followers (or at least a part of them) are awakening and starting to see the whole truth behind her lies.

I used to watch Anna’s videos a lot during a hard time in college. Yeah, she really has a talent for targeting young girls in vulnerable positions, maybe heartbroken or simply who are aspiring to become better. I didn't have the money at that time to dress the way she advised, even on a budget. I could do a few improvements here and there, but not that much. In my country, for students like me, even Zara was expensive. I'm from Eastern Europe and although I was lucky enough not to pay for my college taxes due to the results I had, I still had accommodation and other expenses (such as books, because I am the kind of person who would rather invest in books than buy an expensive bracelet or whatever). Not saying that I didn't like clothes, but my priority at that moment in my life was studying since I’ve always been very passionate about it.

Yeeet, I was at the same time young and inexperienced, sometimes lonely and that is how I came across her videos. As I listened to the content she presented in her videos, they seemed so different from my mentality and from my parents’ and grandparents’ mentality. (I’m also from the countryside where people until recently, but some of them even now care more about working the land rather than affluence or even studying because in the past it was been the main source of food and income). So you can imagine; a country girl in a big city, listening to pieces of advice from an "affluent" woman: it all seemed fresh, totally different from what I was taught so you can imagine the fascination. Sadly, at that time, I was somehow certain that Anna knew how it felt like to struggle as I did, and that she had to know the answers to all of my burning questions.

I watched her videos for days, weeks and then, months until at some point, out of nowhere I had the realisation that what she was saying and what she was doing were two complete opposite things. I didn’t know about the pictures that have been posted here and the inappropriate circumstances with that man who isn’t even her husband. It was just the fact that at some point, I looked on her Instagram profile and saw she was wearing a metallic dress. Not many months prior to that, she had taught about how unelegant that was in one of her videos. And she has a way of 'teaching' as if blaming people who do 'that’, whereas when she makes a mistake it’s human and people should just mind their own business. I would have understood if she had said that years before, but really, you say one thing and a few months pass and you change your mind? A mature woman with a secure place in the 'high' society, promoting herself mainly because of this 'inner compass' that points only to elegance and is fixed on those ideas changes her mind like a teenager?

I am the type of person who is constant in her behaviour, but at the same time, I don't like to emit ultimatums. You never know how life turns around, what situations you find yourself in. I don't judge her for what she is wearing because I am not as shallow as she is, but what I want to say is that she is losing her credibility through this sort of behaviour.

Moreover, I kind of condemn her for some things. She judges people, she doesn't promote content that is uplifting, as she maybe would like to promote it. Her entire channel is about look at this and look at that. She likes affluent people, affluent men actually but seems to hate affluent women who are too much of this or too much of that, maybe because she knows she would never be like them, no matter how hard she tries. I am not fond of makeup and surgeries and I don’t blame people who like them but she blames people who do not like them by calling them plain Jane. What is a plain Jane, a woman who is honest as she would never be?

She hates both women who are more natural, and women who wear makeup or dress up, always finding something that is too much or too little. Her concern with clothes and appearance never questions something deeper and meaningful. You never see her displaying compassion for people who are in a more disadvantaged position. If my younger self listened to her and invested more in looks in that crucial moment of my life when my money was so scarce, I think that I would have been jobless at this point and my academic career would have collapsed eventually because I would have cared only about getting richer, only about finding the man who could secure all that she was promising, and eventually, I would have bought her courses too to complete the steps towards becoming a wannabe prostitute without even knowing it.

By the way, have you noticed that the only books she ever talked about are The Secret series? Really, an affluent person from high society reads only three books in 30-something years of their life? I am not asking her to start giving lectures on literature, but what I mean is that she doesn't promote anything that is deeper. I bet she never opened a book of classic literature and she might as well consider that Giovanni Boccaccio is a shoe brand. She said she had studied marketing, what was the best book she read during her studies on that? She never displays a library, a collection of books, paintings, music, whatever cultural, educational thing... that one would associate with high society. Or even a desk where she works or writes her courses? Oh, yeah, sorry, I forgot they were plagiarised.

Also, the excuse of being bullied. So bullying stopped her from getting a degree, but she never thought of this as a reason that would stop her from joining Paradise Hotel?

I'm sorry if I sound like an elitist, but what I mean to say is that she is uncultured. After I opened my eyes, I have realised that she has no empathy, no respect for people who might have it harder. She addresses her videos to her imaginary friends who are affluent, but dumb enough to take her advice and spend money on her classes.

A person truly levelling up doesn't put superficial things on the top of priorities because they know that levelling up starts from within and that when you are doing the right thing, rewards of either spiritual or material value will eventually appear in your life. It's not enough to dress for what you want to become and in fact it's useless if you don't have the skills. You might fool people who are shallow with some fancy clothes, but not people who actually know what they're doing.

Also, for students or people working in a specific field: why make yourself available on her millionaire locations where people party when you can actually go to a conference and meet there people who are from the same field as you are, people who might recognise your skills and who would help you in achieving something? I don't think you need to go to parties where rich men search for prostitutes to level up.

In her latest videos, she keeps mentioning the fact that she stagnated a lot in her journey and kept on repeating mistakes. It's almost some passive-aggressiveness that she shows towards herself but wouldn't admit. She is filled with hate towards herself and I suspect that she even hates her followers, especially the ones who actually know what to do with their lives because, in fact, she doesn't know what to do with hers. She keeps on mentioning the fact that she was stagnating in her journey because she still is.

Also, concerning her latest video on New Money: what is she trying to say is that she is new money but doesn't act like all the other people who are new money because she is above them. But, I'm actually afraid that she would act the same or even worse if she had a quarter of the financial wealth of a new money.

Sorry for this long rant, but I feel that I've had to put it this way for people who are still her followers and are browsing through this forum and might need a wake-up call too.
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2 of these meals per day for the week leaves nothing for her husband… he does not eat?

how can you not even have some cheeses, fruits or drinks to welcome guests? No chocolates, no fresh cream, no fresh vegetable or hummus for snack? Miserable…
I’m really shocked. 😱 Not fruits, drinks, specialty, something for the guests. It looks like the fridge of someone who does not have a house with a kitchen but only a microwave
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Anna managed to give away the honest truth about her marital agreement and living status.

There's no such thing as a millionaire husband, let alone a husband or a proper marriage, not a single detail about that flat and fridge shows the presence of a human being in her life. Anna Bey is a loner, preaching a lifestyle and living the opposite. She's displaying a generic space with the looks and architectural layout of an office. What a week, she is handing her true self based on what is being said on Tattle, unfolding her artificial life on Instagram and revealing how much of a plane Jane she actually is, it's shameful for a 35/36 years old human being to be proud of its inability to cook or nourish its own body. Her goal is to manufacture little Anna Bey's without realising that not everyone share the same goals as her which is grow old as a resentful and bitter woman. That's the WAnnaBey way.
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MISS BEY DID IT… weeks after everyone else, she caught up to the war in Ukraine. Congrats. Only 4 hours after someone pointed it out here :D you guys help her too much involuntarily
I totally agree, we are just involuntarily helping her to learn and create content, I shouldn't have mentioned Ukraine.

  • After someone exposed Paradise Hotel, I said here that she will use it to create a before-after video and she did
  • After someone shared great information about horse riding , she used that info to create some content about equestrian
  • After her sedentary life was discussed here, she started working with a personal trainer
  • After we said she's working out in park near a trash bin, she took the PT to her office/home/shelter
  • Every time we criticize her style, we are giving her free information
But as much as she's a puppet in our hand, no matter how many times we mentioned we are waiting for a glamorous wedding in Lebanon and in Europe, glam anniversary, full home tour, quality time with her husband, any evidence of elite life style, she was NOT CAPABLE to move as we wished, simply because she doesn't live the life she sells, posting about war is easy, creating a video full of lies , her specialty , but living a middle class life? no she can't afford it
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You guys keep on believing she lives with Joseph Hallit... SHE DOES NOT!!! That joke of a fridge in her office proved it. She doesn't have a home, otherwise why a whole week of batched meals right there at her alleged office? There is no marriage. No loving relationship between them two. One uses the other.
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this woman has the audacity to make a video about old money when she's herself isnt even old money. at this point I think she's delusional and I kinda want to know what she smokes on a daily basis to get this high (probs not hummus)
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Some user here adviced Jamila Musayeva for ladies who want to “level up”, ever since I can’t stop comparing those two.
I used to like Jamila until last year when she made a YouTube shorts, asking for donations so she can travel around the world to make videos about etiquettes from different cultures and countries and I immediately lost my respect towards her 🤷‍♀️
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When youʼre in a serious relationship with someone who values your thoughts and feelings, you do not need to worry about whether other people chase them or not. Other people might chase you as well, but if youʼre compatible and deeply in love with your partner and they are deeply in love with you, the fear of losing one another would deepen the connection even more. You can trust your partner, yet still feel a certain fear about losing them and this makes sense when youʼre with an emotionally developed human being with whom you share values, feelings, important memories, and so on. However, the fear of losing them has nothing to do with displaying photos on social media. If a person chooses to leave the relationship, it is because of reasons that have to do either with the state of the relationship or with themselves, but not with outer influences.

This is the main reason why her argument on why she refuses to display her man on social media doesnʼt stand at all from my perspective. If girls from Instagram can steal a man by seeing a picture of him, then so will women who encounter him at work, on the street, and so on. She has no idea that in healthy relationships both partners can have a lot of many other options, yet choose to stick to one another because they are compatible emotionally, because they can trust one another, and because they might still be in love with one another for things that are not of physical or material value. It is clear that she has never seen an example of a healthy relationship, a reason why in her perception the illogical arguments about her views on love make sense.

I understand Annaʼs fears because besides her body, she doesnʼt have anything to offer a man, but really, she should stop telling other women what to do. Many of them might be more educated, emotionally developed, and valuable and their men might be actually be proud to display themselves in public or on social media by their sides. Anna, on the other hand, has no idea what that feels like...
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This idea that a woman should hunt men to provide everything and do nothing with its own life its not even a thing in the fantasy world, Barbie herself is a working doll and does not need Ken to survive.
and if she's so in love with those traditional gender roles maybe she should at least learn to cook? that's what her problem is. she is all about a provider man but there is nothing feminine, warm & nurturing about her. elegant doesn't mean unapproachable. if you want to keep up with the outdated norms you should at least do the bare minimum. the women who expect to be provided are usually great hostesses, have diverse social circles and help their husbands become more successful by lending them a humane side. it's still a disgusting concept of course, but she's not even inclined to do that much.

successful rich husband hunters are also emotionally intelligent women as far as I can see on social media. they get (or act like they get) excited over the smallest things, tiny gifts, short vacations. anna forces herself to act unimpressed about things she's ignorant about (food, service, arts).
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God it’s sad, Meal prep? Mama that’s not meal prep, that’s mass produced supermarket grade food trays without the cardboard sleeves
it’s so obvious she can’t afford Switzerland…
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I was scrolling through Anna's Youtube channel in astonishment about how much she reuses pictures. But in between I found this:
IMG_4061 2.jpg

Nothing like prioritizing your health by eating chips and drinking wine. Next time add a pack of cigarettes and call it a relaxational breathing exercise.
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3 years in a row using the same outfit 🤢 when occasionally she goes out on weekends she posts 1000 photos. So the majority of the time she does nothing.
As someone replied, I don’t see a problem wearing the same ski outfit 3 years in a row (if she skies 1 day/year). The problem is that this outfit is not appropriate for skying, total white is dangerous on slops. But anyways, I think she spent all her day at the restaurant. She did not ski at all… fake as always.
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I’m sorry but I can’t get over her outfits while skiing. Imagine chilling at a resort and seeing some psychotic bitch wearing the ugliest 80’s toddler onsites in a different colour each day 💀💀💀💀💀💀💀🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Ski bros must’ve thought she’s David copper field pulling magic tricks
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Some members here got the power to get under her skin. Lauren is one of them and I recognize that one devoted to "Saint Michael" did make Anna lose it big time. But by pointing the finger at her inconsistencies and flaws while displaying "superior knowledge and experience", "Saint Michael" turned out to be of a great help to Anna regarding improving her own "fake rich" persona. SHE READS HERE RELIGIOUSLY. The most recent indicator is Paradise Hotel.
Now, I get why "Saint Michael" got most of the likes in here, but she chickened out when she could not prove the things she was saying, what skyrocketed my suspicion. And no matter how some of you mark her, it seems she no longer cares or never did to start. Maybe it was all for show. Anyways, I have my own "controversial" opinion about that person and I'm stopping here so I don't derail the thread.
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