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Thank you doll @RagazzaSi I wrote the Dear Diary post 2 under the influence of an amazing Italian wine, so I only take 80% credit. The rest was the grapes!

For the new readers, some advice my dear elegant mangoes. Read the greatest hits of the Anna Bey threads by clicking on view Most Liked Posts:

Yah some of my posts are up there, I would like to thank the Academy...etc etc. And the amazing posters who documented her bringing her furniture and framed photos to Geneva hotels to pretend a hotel room was her home. Mon Dieu! What a journey we have been on my dear elegant sisters.

What interests me a lot is how her actions follow closely what we write here on Tattle. Even small things that we mention she implements it immediately. We have improved Annas life so much. She was wearing cheap blue masks, now she went and bought (still cheap) different colored ones. She is basically our student at this point.
hahahaha thank you for the credit. That reminds me, those screenshots should end up in DailyMail :D
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Is this her place or Lina's?
Hermes tableware
I think it's Lina's.

I've already read that the causes are unclear or that it's all with the brain supressing images coming from the affected eye so one eye is weaker than the other or that the cause could be stress, which I'm willing to believe it's her case (I don't remember noticing it that much in her early videos).

I lost my composure when she talked about having a blow dry and showed her before and after.
Girl, ditch that hairstylist.
Is there anything that can be done? Maybe that's a condition that can't be treated... I myself have some muscle-nerve issues around my jaws and so far no doctor have really helped.
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Has anyone watched her so-called „workshop“?

But shocked at what look like low number of views to me

If 5% of views purchase then she could maybe make 70-80 thousand? Who knows what that is after tax
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Gingersnap 29

Active member
omg she's
She said she'll show the friend who introduced her to her husband. I'm waiting. Or was she among the trashy past pics where the face was covered?

She mentions being fired. Tattle tattle tattle tattle tattle
She just revealed's that guy from her pic with the blue dress
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All right. So this was her ‘wedding’ reception? Welcome dinner/ cocktail? Or after wedding celebration? It’s getting worse everyday...
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Should I make a new thread now or wait until this comic relief of workshop is over?

I'm not even watching. I didn't even register and got the link through email. 😂
I said the same for the previous part 4 last year.. same now. Much exclusivity so wow!
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Just completed it and was expecting them to bash her but most of the vid was them laughing and they made some great points. They also agreed with a few things. The thing about this is, the type of men they are probably aren't high value men. Sorry for the cliche but the "high value" phrase is one that is popular now. Their views are the views of the Average Joe. But doesn't mean that a lot of men would not agree with them.
Agree. Now if you or I got our partners' opinions, I'm sure it would be more accepted 😂
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Noooo. It was trip about half year after they met. She was i Gstaad with him. Actually in Ghstaad Palace Hotel.
Really? Because how she portrayed things back in the days was that he was paying for her apartment & living for a year by the time she started coming public (IG & Youtube) after Jetsetbabe blog and that Gstaad trip was after that. Probably lied about that too, I don’t know...or I remember wrong.
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Gingersnap 29

Active member
Let us see how long it takes her to incorporate this feedback into her scam. Cue Aija calling her minions and employees on all continents asking about university and what it is really like. Sadly the closest the b**** ever got to school was watching Gossip Girl as a 35 year old woman.



These teenagers should be using their (or their parents') $1000 on tuition or learning a useful trade, it would be a much better investment.

Content calendar next tip:

Faking a degree and education, how to do so while a forum like Tattle exists to call out your lies?
hahaha dead

When it comes to the higher education, I don't necessarily subscribe to the idea that everyone should be university-educated. I believe learning a trade, doing courses in things you're interested holds as much of a value in the world as the higher education to earn your living. However, when it comes to Aija... She's making a victim out of herself. I remember in one of her stories quite a while ago, someone asked her an advice about moving to a foreign country for the studies. And Aija basically said that you're very lucky to have this opportunity, I never had anything like that so take advantage of it. Excuse me? You were brought up in Sweden! If you wanted to study, you had plenty of opportunities! Not just in Sweden, but also abroad as Sweden is very generous with helping you to get student loans. Stop making your lack of education as something you were denied! You just had no interest and that's it.
For sure, I agree, I don't think everyone needs a uni degree, but one can still invest in their future in a deeper way than Anna suggests without going to college.

I am also applying to PhD programs this year, and so far I have got two unofficial offers, both are pretty good programs. So I guess am also joining you guys. Which fields are you guys working in?

I recall @AnnaBeg sent a link of Eugenia Malinnikova. So I assume @AnnaBeg also is involved in academia? In mathematics?
Congratulations on your progress thus far and I'm happy to help you out if you have questions about academia..but maybe not in public because I don't want to be doxxed, haha. Broadly, I work in the humanities.
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I'm 165 and I guess she's between 160 to 165. She can't be higher than 170....
I’m 183 and I think she’s around 165-170?
Definitely not 174...her whole body seems short (or her head is huge!) & only looks 178ish when wearing 10-13 cm heels.
When she wears her short heels she looks around 174 that she claims as her height...

My Mom is 175 and theres no way they are the same height...there’s nothing wrong with that but why lie? I actually wish I would be shorter so I could wear more heels on an everyday Mom on the other hand looks extremely tall when she wears heels...not like Aija.
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Can someone tell me more about Olga and James?It sounds familiar. Anyhow back to Aija,based on those screenshots from the blog it seems that she has daddy issues.And the fact that her mother graduated in 2006 from law school. Law school is one of hardest in Sweden but her mother finished it at age of 40(more or less).
There is a nice little run down on page 7:
Olga+James by laurensanchez
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Her teeth are quite noticeably bad TBH in that photo... more than just a few cute irregular spacing or shapes. Anyway not that bothered about whatever she looks like. It’s her lies and deception which have made her so totally disgusting. Oh and her ugly NONsense of style.
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I agree it's so important to make your own success and be your own person. For example take mckenzie bezos the ex wife of Jeff bezos, she was well educated within her own right and they built amazon together... So whilst he was setting up she was doing paperwork/packing books up/ the dull jobs so to speak... So yes she got a huge divorce settlement but she worked with Jeff every step of the way and that's why people respect her!
You have to ask yourself what do you bring to the table apart from youth and beauty because that goes very very quickly.
Equally though on that note, he’s been with Lauren Sanchez for over a year and I’ve always wondered she brought to the table as it doesn’t seem to be the same things as what Mackenzie brought
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Lol, in her last IG photo (the one with the flowers) the la way commented that she looks beautiful and Anna replied with thank you and “I miss you” lol.

I don’t know who the la way is, but I remember from these threads that Anna is obsessed with her?
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