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VIP Member
Is there anything that can be done? Maybe that's a condition that can't be treated... I myself have some muscle-nerve issues around my jaws and so far no doctor have really helped.
I can't say much for I'm not a professional. So see a doctor first. There are treatments, even surgery, but I've read most about children's case. You gotta make the affected eye work. Probably wear glasses or contact lenses depending on the case.
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Don't wanna be the dumb one in here but how do you ladies watch the live? Is it a youtube live or like a link with a video? I never saw any of her lives so I don't know how it works but I am very curious and tomorrow seems a great day to have some laughs at Aija Raty allegedly becoming Aija Hallit 😁
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VIP Member
We will never know the real truth, because she lied about her relationship status for so long. But in her eyes she's still competing with the real jetsetbabes. Compare their lifestyle and hers and you have to laugh. She is still playing catch-up.

By the way, does Bank Audi know that she said that "they" haven't decided if they will stay in Geneva? Seems reckless for someone's partner to advertise that fact online. It could make trouble for him at his job...
She keeps on repeating mistakes from the past. A couple of pages ago someone posted a screenshot of her saying she got fired by lying she was ill while she was partying in the night. The dumbhead got to share that in her blog.
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Well-known member
Not sure about all the EA stuff fragrance-wise, but the 8 Hour thing smells horrible and on top of that it's just glorified vaseline.
Unbevlievable what people will pay a premium for!!
Yeah, the 8 Hour cream and hand cream have especially vile smell. One would expect it to at least smell normal.
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Active member
Average Joseph was dressed sloppy. Karim wore a tie. He's a bit more vain than the other men. Ferres as usual gives vibes that he's a male model.😂

Older guy in the pic might be Lina's husband? He doesn't often appear at these little amusements Lina has.
Yes, the older guy standing next to Joe is Lina's husband. There are pics of him online (he used to give interviews for boat magazines) and it is the identical hairline and head shape.
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Should I make a new thread now or wait until this comic relief of workshop is over?

I'm not even watching. I didn't even register and got the link through email. 😂
Yes you can make a new one if you want ☺ We can discuss the live further there
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Well-known member
Yes, tomorrow's the premiere! She said she's going to reveal the friend who introduced her to her honey. I am very curious to see if that's the same Swedish escort-turned baby mama in a fancy London house we discussed ages ago.
Who is she? Im dying to know😂😂
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New member
The summary is in the Wiki and the first post in every thread.

Ah, throwback to the enormous wasteful breakfasts she didn't eat while on a trip to Turkey with her girlfriend, who she pretended was her man. What a f****** clown.

She's come full circle from being the Pinterest queen, copying and pasting jetsetbabes, to advertising her false jetset life on Instagram lol.
about the breakfast, its turkish culture we do that our breakfast is meant to be big and have alot of options it translates to “spread” like a spread of food. I’m sure it was on the menu not anna being greedy for once 😂
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Well-known member
So my education was in a pretty prestigious field, not going to specify for privacy reasons but trust it was not an easy one. Something came to mind reading your comments.

The fact that she never attended higher education is a very large hole in her story. I know of two couples in my year who met at our uni and got married. For someone looking for a compatible partner, school is a huge source of connections both platonic and romantic.

Aija cannot teach what she doesn't know. No doubt she will use my comments and incorporate them in a future video now, but she simply does not have the knowledge. She is stuck at level 1 and it's actually laughable thinking that years ago in uni dressed in comfy clothes and getting an education I was still way more leveled up than her.
I feel this very strongly lol
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VIP Member
I believe last time it was youtube. But then how did she filter the negative questions?
There used to be some negative comments during her IG lives, when she got a little known, and soon after she stopped doing lives completely.
I haven’t followed many IG people who do all these lives but surely they all also get negative questions.,. Do they just ignore the negative questions?
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Active member
I don't think anyone here would look down on you for not having a degree or put you in a box for not having one. You know what you want and you're doing what's authentic to you. I think that's key, and plenty of people with degrees are doing what others think they should do. You do you :)
no I didn't mean here I meant in general in society. Some people indeed do it I don't know why. A degree in many cases means nothing. I know people who are sorry to say stupid and have a degree. Obviously there is a degree and a DEGREE if you know what I mean. But I run into people who be like it - even men who would date just a woman with a degree I mean unless you are prince William you are who to demand or judge people by that. Thats why I wrote it absolutely wouldnt matter in my eyes if Anna had one. I think it would not benefit/help her at all
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