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New member
Who is Ali's girlfriend??? I cannot see any reference to her name or a picture?? Can someone post a link please? Thanks
I grew up below the poverty line. I had a single parent household and although I’m living a solidly middle class existence now, the first ten or so years of my life definitely shaped me as an individual.

I know so many lovely, amazing people who have had to be on benefits for one reason or another. It is not a badge of shame as you seem to think it is, it’s simply another way to stay afloat. You might have to use them at one point in your life - especially with the cost of living rising.

Your parents are admirable, but demonising sex workers and people who need to resort to dealing drugs or getting involved in gangs to provide for their families is not it. They are admirable to. To do whatever you can, even at detriment to yourself, to put food on the table and send your kids to school in clean clothes, is amazing.

and am I saying I’m better than Ali Abdaal? Well, don’t live in a £2.1 million apartment - I live in a shitty student house with four housemates, and I can’t leave sometimes because of my agoraphobia. I don’t donate to charities because I’m poor as fuck and can barely pay my rent. And to you, this means I’m worse than him. Even though, y’know, I’ve grown up giving a shit about people worse off than me and will give a quid to a homeless guy on the street. Would Ali do that?

morality is not black and white, and you are incredibly naive for thinking it is. I’m sure even you have your good and bad sides, just like you, or anyone else on this thread. But please, for the love of god, learn how to formulate a better argument or leave. I’m losing braincells over here.
what i like about ali is that he resorted to his intelligence to make money, not his looks, victimhood, sex work, crime etc.

anyone in the uk can make money in a decent, legal manner, no need to resort to crime, unethical or dangerous practices or to begging others for support

you can work multiple low paid jobs like cleaning etc. to pay for causes that upskill you into higher paid jobs eg. computer programming

and how do u know ali isnt donating to poor people in secret? maybe he doesnt mention ukraine etc, bc he knows he cant really help the ukrainians that way--- he can help them better by donating and multiple media outlets are covering ukraine anyway so to mention ukraine as a money/productivity youtuber is just virtue signalling

granted, ali could engaged in more ethical business/personal practices but none of his business practises harm others in the same way as being a criminal
even if ali is outsourcing his work to poorer people abroad, he is still paying them enough by their standards to live, his not engaging in slavery like the fast fashion industry


Active member
You’re entitled to your opinion on the matter.

But those are the rules UK influencers and creators are beholden to, and can be fined for not following.
Directly from ASA's website after 10 minutes of digging:

"If the video is largely editorial but includes a section that is advertising, or only some of the products featured are affiliate-linked products, it should be clear immediately before or at the time the advertising starts/the affiliate linked products are featured – either by way of a clear verbal explanation or prominent on-screen text to make clear which parts of the content are advertising."

So not just my opinion.

Got nothing to do with being a citizen, it’s where you’re currently working from, just like if you were living in a country you now have to adhere to their laws. Doesn’t matter about where your audience is, it’s where you are. And they shouldn’t be disadvantaged if the AD is the right fit, the ASA developed these guidelines because it was never clear in the UK when it was an AD and when it wasn’t and they’ve charged several influencers as a result now

50 second ad that is properly disclosed. You'd have to be an absolute imbecile to not figure out the video contains a sponsorship after it was disclosed in 3 places including via spoken word……
Umm what about deaf users? Or people with learning difficulties!
Nope, doesn't apply to the type of content people like Ali make unless the entire video is an ad.

Edit: just read here

There's a clear distinction between an influencer post and a vlog that might contain a product placement ad but would stand up on its own without it. So we can all calm down now about reporting and all that. Clearly the ASA doesn't mean all UK youtubers who receive sponsorships for something should label the entire video with "ad". So that's reasonable.


VIP Member
Agreed, some people on here think that working in healthcare needs to be this all-consuming passion that you selflessly dedicate yourself to, which is fair enough as it's a common stereotype that people have. But it's that kind of attitude that leads to the poor retention rates of medics in this country and a having a fairly balanced attitude to it like ali does seems healthier.
I agree, but on the flip side, I don’t think Ali is ever going to be that person.
I don’t think he’s good at balance.


Active member
He's in the UK so has to adhere to ASA regulations rather than FTC:

Basically the viewer needs to be able to tell it's an ad before they click on the video to watch (ie. AD needs to be in the title/thumbnail). So many influencers don't do this :rolleyes:

You can report UK influencers here:
Sorry but that seems completely unreasonable. Why would UK youtubers have to basically nuke their channels just cause some random authority decided that when other youtubers don't? What if someone moves abroad and it takes 5 years to get citizenship in that respective country? Would they have to use "#AD" in their thumbnails for 5 years just because their citizenship is UK? Or what if 80% of their audience was US-based? It seems more than reasonable to have disclosure in the description, via the pop-up and spoken within the video. Don't really care that it's "law" in the UK, it's a stupid law. The video isn't an ad, it just contains a 50 second ad that is properly disclosed. You'd have to be an absolute imbecile to not figure out the video contains a sponsorship after it was disclosed in 3 places including via spoken word. The idea is not to present a product/service like you're genuinely using it when in actuality you were paid to do so and it seems absolutely ok to disclose it according to FTC regulations.


VIP Member
So he laugjed in the latest vid and said he doesnt sleep at 10.30 as it will affect his social life....i thougjt he didnt have one?!?!?

Also, doesnt he go on about waking up early? He said theres no way he'll wake up 6.30 and starting his work at 8 am is 'doable' what an idiot


VIP Member
As a binge watcher of many actual tech reviewers (as "wannabe" Ali will never be), I'm quite unsensitive to a rich person having a whole bunch of stuff they don't need...

Like, what should he do with them? Donate them and give 4 random viewers a new computer?

Tbf, not that impactful on the world.


After seeing the new video, I think he is suffering from his current life and will suddenly convert to the gentle productivity a la D'Avella / Blakely
Well, given he isn't a tech reviewer, I'd say he should decline the offer of free equipment he doesn't need. Or yes, donate his spare equipment to students from low income backgrounds etc.


New member
Ehh I don’t think he is on the spectrum. He pivots topics too opportunistically for “productivity” to be his special interest. He’s just a clout chaser who thinks the nice guy/incel-adjacent persona is the best way to do it without blow back. And he’s not wrong… this is one of the only spaces on the internet actively calling out how toxicity.


VIP Member
So, he is still recycling content, eh?
🙄An eye roll reaction would be ideal for this thread. Ha!

Edited to add, of course he glosses over the way the book discusses people living pay check to pay check ‘disparagingly’. yikes. i have no desire to read a book that has that sort of view of people.
Long time ~ periodic ~ lurker here. I actually liked Ali. In fact, I even signed up to SkillShare and watched his Anki tutorials - quite good tbf. But the lines between Ali Abdaal (individual) and Ali Abdaal (the brand) are becoming blurred. The constant spammy, emoji riddled threads - clearly not written by him, but outsourced - are really eroding his authenticity. And I definitely think he is on the spectrum! Do you guys think he's a virgin?


VIP Member
Props to everyone who watched the video. I couldn‘t get passed the first 3 minutes as I found it so awkward 🙄


Active member
He's making about £4k a week from YouTube right now which isn't bad but when you think he was trying to run a central London office plus about 10 staff with those figures....
He's still got sponsorships and the shitty courses. Although sponsors are getting stranger and stranger. First it was Brilliant and edu stuff, now it's mattresses and supplements. Like honestly how many UK-only mattress sales are gonna come from an Abdaal video? Almost convinced this is money down the drain for these companies.