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VIP Member
OMG, Sheen must be the girl he is dating, how is she staying over his place and she is there when he is waking up? In her podcast video he said I'll cook for you, she came back for his birthday, and now shes waking up in his house during her birthday not sure if it was before or after her birthday. What girl would except that from her boyfriend?

Dont think any girlfriend would allow another girl waking up at her boyfriends place and him cooking for another girl and spending that much time with her


Chatty Member
She is stunning but looks boring as a brick. Wonder when she will quit medicine to go work in his "business".

The weird part of all of this is that Ali lives with his brothers gf. The living arrangements these people get into are just mind boggling.
That's so weird what a strange arrangement. If they were housemates before and then his brother dates her then fair enough but to move in with you bfs brother is just very odd.


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I know what you mean but some comments on here attacking his looks and his personal life are a bit too far, he’s not a bad guy


New member
I haven't seen any of his recent videos so I skimmed the studio tour and my jaw fell to the floor. I had no idea he got such a BIG SPACE for what??? In what world did his content actually warrant this kind of space? Just WHAT?


Active member
It's a shame because I used to love listening to Not overthinking when they would discuss topics like communication styles and I would genuinely feel like I learnt something. But these days it's just about Ali's life choices which tbh isn't an issue, but the way he goes about it and his reasoning is just off-putting. Like I get that he needs to stay relevant to a new audience but I just can't shake off this vibe of inauthenticity. The corporate vibe of having twenty people on his team doesn't help his brand at all, I feel like he's surrounded by yes men who are taking advantage of him/his youtube fame. But then again he seems to enjoy having all that validation and being the boss of a business even though I'm still not sure what he's actually selling.
On a side note I've noticed Kharma medic doing the same type of clickbaity/productivity type video, I really hope that he doesn't go further down that route.
Not trying to get too personal but your world might be a bit too small if "Not Overthinking" is your source of education or entertainment. There are infinitely more interesting, dynamic and educational podcasts out there with real people who talk about real things instead of two stuttering wet rags who turn what should be a 10 minute discussion into 40 minutes of lazily droning on with barely articulate speech.


VIP Member
His mum is a doctor, his brother is a computer scientist w his own start up
He has two sisters that went to non russel Unis in London
I don't want to be rude but his mums place doesn't look like the home of a doctor. It seems like its a tiny old flat? Idk where abouts it is but it looks so dated and old. It was seen in the Tesla video. From that video, I thought he came from humble beginnings and that's why he was so money focused.

Need to go rewatch it though as it was a while ago and I could be wrong


Except when you find out he’s an incel and under pays his works because they don’t live in the UK so he doesn’t have to pay them minimum wage 🤣🤣
He is unethical and frankly very unkind but let's be real...all his followers follow him for his expertise in money-making and studying, not kindness/romance advice


Active member
So I personally don't like to "gossip" or even be on sites like this as I try to be empathetic towards people who have a large following or are public figures online knowing how tough it can be for them but this guy pissed me off enough to create this profile and mention this here.

I discovered Ali just like everyone for his productivity and his study videos, I initially liked his videos and even him. However that all changed one fine day when he kept using incel terminologies on his videos like "sexual market value" and shit like that. I have been way deep into RP and incel culture, I know how abusive and toxic it is especially with its so-called "science" (ironically debunked by the proponents of it's field) on women.
I initially thought it was just a joke he was using to make fun of these guys when he discovered this as well as he claimed to be politically left-wing and even people in the comment section were laughing over it so I just looked over it.
But then he kept adding books of the author Rollo proponent of that moment. Again, I try to give him the benefit of the doubt but it was the last straw for me, I just unfollowed him everywhere. He has young people following him especially men who will definitely be influenced by his recommendations.

I discovered this today and all my suspicions got confirmed. I am really surprised it wasn't picked up on this thread or no one even made a post on this on reddit. It's oddly a bit funny how he keeps getting mentioned in incel forums and someone here picked up how he feels like an incel, leading me to discover this forum. I never ever thought he will be like this given his overtly polite attitude on youtube that I took on face value, such a shame. I guess no amount of fame or money can help you with women if you're unattractive inside as well. His brother also seems to follow that author.

I've really taken time to address this as this is the only way I can address this even if I don't like it here, because it has bothered me a long time ago. This account might not be active in future as well .
This is going to sound thick, but: what is an incel?

I noticed that Ali and his brother spoke about this thread in their podcast. Ali evidently seemed a bit hurt, not the "I'm upset" type of hurt, but hurt as in the "hurt his ego" type of hurt, his eyes were screaming "wow I can't believe someone said that about me, so many people seem to admire me though". So much for a "stoic" lmao. Also his wannabes on YouTube copy his every move, from his set up to content, it's actually so creepy.
Still surprised he talked about this thread. It’s pretty tame and is also away from his channel/social media spaces for a reason... so he doesn’t have to come across it. I wonder if he thought his followers would come here to defend him from...well, reasonable criticisms.
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black people in the UK only make up 3% of the population ... why are you shocked there is not black person in his less than 100-person team?
it wouldn't be fair if ali hired a black person just for diversity, not bc they were any good


VIP Member
Renting the London apartment does make some kind of business sense. He is going all in on making a big podcast with big guests and its easier to get people to pop over for a podcast episode in London than making the 1-2 hour travel to Cambridge. And if you want to try living in London anyway that's fair enough

The mistake was the London office which was pointless and a waste of time.
Though I should think in london there are plenty of podcast recording spaces for hire that they could use. He could have also made use of co-working spaces for London-based staff meetings etc.


Jesus Christ, what a load of absolute crap.

This is the most outrageously offensive load of rubbish I have seen written on Tattle and that's really saying something. Leaving the criticisms of Ali aside because I think he does say and do some very offensive and awful things himself, you are demonstrating a complete lack of empathy or understanding of what ASD is. I think the fact you are just assuming he has ASD is harmful in itself and based on stereotypes, as we don;t know that he does or doesn't, and therefore launching criticism at him based on this, and by extension at all people with ASD, you are being ridiculous.

ASD is not something that can be 'fixed' with therapy and it's harmful to suggest that. People with ASD, as previously mentioned, may struggle with social skills or empathy, and I'm sorry that you had an experience with a friend where you felt they showed this towards you. ASD is the explanation for these behaviours often, but not an excuse - therefore people with ASD, like everyone else, have to recognise that saying certain things might offend and have to deal with the consequences to their relationships of doing that. No one is suggesting that people on the spectrum should just be allowed to do / say what they want, but we have to recognise their brains work differently and we have to try and mesh with them, as well as them meshing with us.

I am glad therapy worked for you and your issues but the way you seem to think those it doesn't work for, who then ask for acceptance and support, should be treated is showing that YOU have a complete lack of empathy. Therapy won't change how people with ASD see the world, though it might help them understand themselves better, and to think that we need to eradicate ASD and the world would be better without those with it in it is just garbage.
I am sorry, but this is ridiculous. Saying “the truth” about Ali, is lack of empathy? The guy made email for his wife, says 10% to be dedicated to dating, left medicine in the middle of pandemic and you say I am not having empathy towards him

clearly xD

For the love of god…. Educate yourself on ASD. Learn about the double empathy problem. You’re being incredibly hateful and judgemental whilst making it clear you don’t get it. At all.
This is what was said earlier - current generations have huge problem that society doesn’t have to embrace their mental limitations.
If you are blind you need to adjust yourself to be able to function in the society. If you are in the spectrum you need to understand that you may HURT people and clearly is not understanding that at all.

but hey, it’s ok to to be ASD, to have no compassion, no empathy, to say “the hardest truth” because you were born this way and you can’t change it right?

And when someone calls this out he/she is hateful xD

But Ali can like redpill stuff and it’s ok xD

so I may not “embrace” his spectrum
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Active member

Ali's second channel popped up on my feed. I didn't watch the whole video but he definitely looks freer than he does on his main channel.