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Active member
Wtf is wrong with these men omg they're talking about their wife and are like "It's high status for a guy to be with an older woman but low status for an older woman to be with a younger man" wtf kind of thoughts are they having in their big brains
who said that? and where did you find it?

This dude fucking disgusts me he has replaced his Mac Mini with a pretty much identical (from a tech standpoint) new iMac with a second new iMac on the way with more power. Why buy the first one if you have a second one coming one can you seriously not wait 6 weeks for the full version? Buying all this shit is not minimalist at all and as an actual minimalist it is embarrassing to see this happen. He makes me cringe so much.

Now he does not even have his Alienware computer in a usable state because he's got rid of his external monitor. It'll surely be back within a few months though.

Either way he's got about £4k+ worth of of usable computers and computer tech just laying about unable to use right now. Yet more evidence this "man" is just an overgrown kid.
Doesn't he just review and return? It's what most tech youtubers I watch do


VIP Member
There’s another quite relevant problem.

for example, on the part time YouTube academy course he created is used some strategies that go against the consumers act in the UK. In another words, he’s breaking the law.

Firstly, the cost of his course went up by over 300%. Legal but very greedy.

then a month before the second cohort went on sale, he increased the promotion of the course at the same time he removed the pricing information from the website.

His promos always mentioned that there’s a cap on participants so “be aware of that when we go live with sales and joining the mailing list”.

This means that a lot of people went to the website to get more information knowing that most likely he was going to be oversubscribed but no price information.

Then, at 4pm tickets went on sale for people to realise that the ticket cost a small fortune. Knowing that most likely is going to be oversubscribed people didn’t want to risk not getting a place and bought a ticket. This is an illegal practice and considered sales under pressure.

This are techniques that most likely he learnt in the book “oversubscribed”. What he forgets is that in Europe, consumer law is always on the side of the consumer.

On the example I referred he made many hundred of thousands of pounds of sales under pressure. I might need some of that money to pay for legal fees and compensation.
Report him, the asa is a good place to start!


VIP Member
Dunno, maybe he just needs to admit that he likes business, finding money glitches etc. and doesn't really care for med. Honestly, most med students and docs <40s should just admit it that they realise they don't actually care for being a doctor.

From speaking to Ali in real life, he's alright. Just a relatively normal guy, usual sheltered middle class kid stuff, but that's the majority of the medical cohort. As a state schooler most of my peers are completely unrelatable even now.

As a healthcare professional you have play it like an athlete. My working class immigrant and scholarship sports experience was probably the best training I had - sometimes game day will suck no matter how well you played and sometimes you lose because you sucked. Just got to take it as it is, get ready for the next match and slog on. When I first start working it was a piece of piss as all the downsides still sure beat hard, manual labour or trying to peel potatoes in your icebox of a takeaway house till midnight without chopping your freezing hands off by the chipper during your childhood.

Yes, bad things happen and people die. Sometimes multiple people die on your watch on the same day, but you have to reflect that you did the best you could with the information and resources at that particular point in time. There is a small layer of callousness you need otherwise it will eat you alive. This refers back to my initial comment on needing a certain character, many people nowadays are have the preconception that they'll die a martyr akin to the medical dramas they see on TV and often too overly attached to doing everything under the sun for a patient, where staff and ever increasing demands placed on the service (by patients, government, non clinical admin etc.) often going against better clinical judgement.

A 1 hour one way (yes these are consultants and senior regs) trip to work is laughable that's what most people do now, if not 2 hours now in Cambridgeshire, no new consultant can afford a place in central Cambridge now. THAT'S THE NORM - if people complain about travel times they might as well quit now because it can get a lot worse than 1 hour.

As with the current situation going on about thankless jobs, pay (re: pay, I feel for the HCAs, staff nurses etc., but not doctors), but I thought that was what you're work experience was for and I guess your personal statement was just a bunch of bullshit. I always stress that going into healthcare is something you should really think about and only after a long consideration, something that you a 95% sure is something you want to do, only then should you go for it.

You'll take home increasing workloads (just finishing up some research stuff now I'm fact), use up a tonne of goodwill while you do extra work for no pay or on the weekends. But there's a big difference fully understanding and accepting those negatives than looking like a deer in the headlights - most now don't understand what the drawbacks truly entail.

You get paid because of the level of stuff you have to deal with and it's not worth the money. Most people that want to be docs get there because they were too unimaginative.

It's funny as Ali's current journey is like a mirror of my own, just in reverse. Always glad I started med later with my finances set for life first.

(Side note: US healthcare sucks ass, my US healthcare friends are having a mare of a time. Australia and New Zealand has it's own set of problems for healthcare - newsflash it's the same situation all around the world.)

One time a surgical session finished up at 10pm and a colleague had to drive back home 1.5 hours away, but there was a road accident causing diversions. They ended up getting home at 3am.

And yes, although we officially get the lists cancelled due to overextended surgical sessions consultants will typically come in during the afternoon or do backlogged paperwork if unfit to do clinical work.
If you dont mind me asking, how old were you when you started your medical journey?
What's the relevance of this and how does it determine ones morality?
people claim ali abdaal is not a decent person bc he is privileged and seemingly does nothing with his privilege for the benefit of others
but if you aren't spending your disposable income or free time helping the poor/refugees, aren't you just as bad as him?


I think he is gay and hides behind all this relationship stuff.
And what would be the purpose of hiding?

He lives in inclusive and tolerant society, and country in one of the most cosmopolitan, multicultural, tolerant and diverse cities in the World. In a country which supports same-sex mariage.

I don't think he is gay at all.


New member
I've been a short term lurker on this thread and I think this video explains a lot about this phenomenon and how easy it can be to fall into it.
Wow this thread has livened up thanks to the #1 fan.
You've really made a lot of straw man arguments.
Ali is different to a celebrity like Emma Watson or JK Rowling who are liked for the work they produce, their acting or singing or writing talents.
Ali is selling mainly his personality and brand, like many social media people. And social media people do get cancelled or disliked if they exhibit bad qualities. I might be selfish, but I actually don't want to support and watch selfish people and want to be motivated to do good.
I watch another YouTuber Mia Marples who spoke of the Ukraine crisis when it happened, and she has more wholesome vlogs with her family.
In contrast, with Ali, everything always seems to be about money money money. One of his videos recently was ideas for how teenagers can make money.
If I had his platform, I would choose to influence teenagers to be kinder to each other, to look after their health/others, promote family values and teach the younger generation to not be hamsters on the money wheel.

Hence, we are not disliking Ali because he isn't donating all of his money. We dislike him because he is representing the lower human qualities of greed of money and capital consumerism so explicitly. It just isn't healthy.
You'll probably think I'm jealous and assume that I want a Tesla and to show off that I have made millions... these things don't bring happiness. Having a healthy mindset brings happiness.
i actually agree with you that money is not the MOST important thing in your life.
However, I come from a deprived immigrant family-- my parents came to this country with NOTHING but 2 suitcases --- they hustled and went to good unis and now are solidly middle-class. They never resorted to benefits, crime, sex work etc. like other celebs such as Katie Price and always taught me about the value of education.

My parents' rag to middle-class story is why I admire Ali's middle-class to riches story

But if you find the desire to make more money distasteful, then why watch Ali's channel-- it's his niche. Why not just stick to wellness ones and ignore ali forever?


New member
It's oddly a bit funny how he keeps getting mentioned in incel forums and someone here picked up how he feels like an incel, leading me to discover this forum
Just making a bit of an edit here, I think he probably have got mentioned due to his usage of their terminologies on that one video given the date and timeline, I shouldn't have mentioned them here.


Chatty Member
I am not the biggest fan of Nathaniel Drew (he is a bit of a wanky American "discovering" Europe and I think he "objectifies" and idealises European culture a lot) but he did a breakdown of his finances and what he is acheiving for his costs £10k a month on staff" vs Ali's honestly puts Ali to shame. Drew's content is much more interesting also.

Ngl when she first moved in I just assumed he had taken his mum’s offer up of finding someone….. because he’s mentioned it before so maybe it was some kind of trial/get to know you phase
Nah, how would his mum know someone from Mauritius? They probs met through ISOC or something, it's how most of my Muslim friends know each other at uni

no. i don't think it was anything of that sort. if they are in fact dating i don't get why and how accomplished women lull themselves into believing that they can 'change' grown men. this ain't no movie where the emotionless bad dude would transform into a romantic hero for you and only you! just run in the opposite direction, sis. why you setting yourself up like that? anyway, i'll be sad for Sheen if she starts dating him.

more so because men like Ali should invest in working on themselves first with professional help that is regular and real therapy and then think about dating. that would help vastly in comparison to seeking advice on podcasts from "dating gurus" or friend's who are good at "getting with women". there's your explicit air quote, bro.
Wouldn't say Ali is bad, just decidedly average compared to Sheen and obviously with a far lower level of emotional intelligence. Sometimes that can work out, my brother's on the spectrum and his gf has helped him a lot with social situations, reading emotions and how to respond to them etc. There needs to be give and take tho and I can't really see what Ali could give Sheen in that sense. Depends what she wants out of a relationship in the end. I could see them building up a solid partnership out of their friendship, just not a whirlwind romance kinda thing.
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New member
He's making about £4k a week from YouTube right now which isn't bad but when you think he was trying to run a central London office plus about 10 staff with those figures....
That's more than most people make in a month. And he doesn't give to charity or to help people other than if it helps him write off his income for tax purposes.


Active member
I liked her stuff at the beginning, but now she seems like a clone of Ali in her style. People need to be confident to be their unique selves on YouTube which is more interesting to watch. These sort of 'how I remember everything I read' videos are so boring and unoriginal! I would say it's better to have less content which is high quality rather than churning out regurgitated ideas.
Maybe it's just me but I can't imagine dedicating time to listen to some 20 year old with very little life experience, especially not one that chose to dedicate her time to Ali Abdaal.
did you read what anyone said? that's not an argument but you're acting like it is.

well he definitely hasn't given time because he's basically said he thinks volunteering is dumb. it's in the thread. read the damn thread.

I guarantee most people on here do not stan the royal family or jkr, emma watson sure but a 10 sec google also tells me that she has given $1.4 million to *one* charity alone and millions overall, not sure where you got 1 million from. she also speaks out for and promotes several charities. also how would you know if she hasn't given much more in silence? this is exactly what you're suggesting about ali but for emma it suddenly doesn't apply? but also this argument still does not make any sense because emma watson is not the point of this thread (and she also seems like a genuinely nice person, unlike ali lol).

Listen, the issue isn't that he doesn't give to charity (well he could but I don't expect much from someone like him anyway), the issue is he perpetuates harmful ideas about productivity and money content. He seems very disingenious and doesn't even make his own content anymore because he's outsourced it all. He doesn't declare his ads properly. He ripped people off paying thousands for his course thing that he did (does?). He does weird shit like watch tv in 3x speed and set up a weird e-mail thing for a future wife to write to (can't remember exactly). Probably a ton of other shit that I can't remember.
If you want to go and mindlessly idolize him, go to his braindead yt comments, that's not what this thread is for.
but you guys on here always lambast him for being money hungry and not doing enough for other people--- i am here to tell you must rich and famous celebs are like that, hell most normal people are like that

as for emma watson, she was named in the panama papers along with putin and didnt eve apologise--she just gave a lame excuse abt privacy which was clearly a lie bc that account is still active and plenty of her rich/famous peers didnt resort to the panama papers
a few million may sound like a lot but emma has 80 million and probably millions from reruns/merch sales per year so in her context, a few million is not that much

did you read what anyone said? that's not an argument but you're acting like it is.

well he definitely hasn't given time because he's basically said he thinks volunteering is dumb. it's in the thread. read the damn thread.

I guarantee most people on here do not stan the royal family or jkr, emma watson sure but a 10 sec google also tells me that she has given $1.4 million to *one* charity alone and millions overall, not sure where you got 1 million from. she also speaks out for and promotes several charities. also how would you know if she hasn't given much more in silence? this is exactly what you're suggesting about ali but for emma it suddenly doesn't apply? but also this argument still does not make any sense because emma watson is not the point of this thread (and she also seems like a genuinely nice person, unlike ali lol).

Listen, the issue isn't that he doesn't give to charity (well he could but I don't expect much from someone like him anyway), the issue is he perpetuates harmful ideas about productivity and money content. He seems very disingenious and doesn't even make his own content anymore because he's outsourced it all. He doesn't declare his ads properly. He ripped people off paying thousands for his course thing that he did (does?). He does weird shit like watch tv in 3x speed and set up a weird e-mail thing for a future wife to write to (can't remember exactly). Probably a ton of other shit that I can't remember.
If you want to go and mindlessly idolize him, go to his braindead yt comments, that's not what this thread is for.
what harmful productivity/money ideas does ali perpetuate
also ali has a business to run-- hence the outsourcing and expensive courses
his future wife thing was set up by his assistant as a joke
who cares if he watches tv 3 times faster? not everyone likes the tv
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Active member
Tbh I imagine it was about money. Making money from the videos he made about it, making money from being involved with Liberty medics. Has the feel of being a set up just to promote that company more than anything else to me. I might be cynical, but I doubt he had any intentions of going anywhere.
I think he talks about medicine in his recent 2M Q&A video? I don't remember specifically but he mentioned how Doctor Mike, in one of his videos, said that he will never give up medicine, he is a physician first and a youtuber later and all that, and Ali talks about how he is not that invested like Doctor Mike.