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Chatty Member
She's not wrong about some of this stuff but it barely scratches the surface. This is the kind of advice you'd get from your dad when you hit 17 or 18. Really basic stuff, nothing of substance.
Makes sense he thinks it's incredibly enlightening given his lack of a father figure.


VIP Member
I dunno, they lived together. He doesn’t seem to have stable friendships let alone relationships. I’d bet she just was back in London for whatever and they hung out
Dunno, I mean he even went to her graduation. We all have had housemates/flatmates but are people this close with each other?


New member
I agree. If he comes from upper-middle-class background and is surrounded by educated people, why someone would not confront him with his behavior and how toxic he is?

He could've found also a girl with spectrum who would give him 5% of hers time. Perfect match.

That's what I am saying. He is dangerous. And if we as a society start to embrace ASD as a blessing without saying "hey you need to get a therapy" then it is sick x2.
The internet and Gen Z (not hating, I am part of it myself) is largely at fault for this new trend of uncritically looking at mental illness. Literally anyone who says something is called an ignorant neurotypical or ableist or whatever. Instead of getting help we've normalized it through self deprecating memes and humor. It's a shame. Twitter especially is just an echo chamber of people talking about how depressed they are with not one rational person thinking "hey maybe we shouldn't just allow people to wallow in their despair"?
I'm not that mentally stable myself (like I said I have OCD) but everytime I say something about how we shouldn't try to normalize our mental illness, others seem to frown upon it.


Active member
Sure, I was just sharing the ASA guidelines Ali and Kharma Medic are required to follow.

KM probably met the bare minimum requirements. Though It’s not for me to say as I’m not the ASA.
Yep, and they seem to be following them. However Lola's been trying to rally people to report Ali all over the thread and clearly he's not in breach as per what it says on the ASA site. I am not defending him, I'm just defending truth and reason. I despise his content and way of approaching things but I'm not gonna pretend he's breaking a law when he isn't.


VIP Member
i can't believe I'm typing this rn but this dude forgot it was Sheen's birthday and went on a trip with his friends. holy hell. that's hilarious yet tragic. he gifted her a canon m50 to make up for it. lmao.

btw, she also mentioned she's leaving in august. i'm really looking forward to watching her solo vlogs!! but yeah wish she'd rethink the voiceover style vlogs.
I think she’s just copied Ali with it, she used language he also uses (can’t remember and example) and then it’s interesting she’s leaving so who will he get to replace her? Because seemingly he makes money off them being there to help pay his mortgage


No, I don't think being self centred and struggling emotional intelligence makes you a bad person. I think treating others badly and callously makes someone a bad person, which as far as I know he doesn't. As someone with an autistic family member it annoys me quite a bit when people equate struggling with empathy as being a nasty person and I actually quite admire Ali for being open and honest about it, acknowledging it's a problem and working on it.
Most of the straight people I know who went to same-sex schools struggle with relationships and communicating with the opposite sex, especially the boys, so whilst I'd agree it's not ideal it's not something he can't work on to fix. I think the sexual market value thing is heavily ironic and self-deprecating on his part and although he's been reading some worrying material I find it hard to see how he can actually believe it surrounded by women like Sheen and Molly, although maybe that's the lack of empathy I struggle with showing.
The whole 10% of time thing people get so annoyed over I don't really think is that bad? It obviously wouldn't work for you but different people want different things out of a relationship, and that's fine and normal. I suspect when he finds himself in a relationship he might find that he actually prefers spending more time with them than he anticipated, especially if they share interests like gaming, amine etc. Thinking about it I probably only spend 10-20% of my time with my girlfriend, although that'll change once we move in together. Sociopathic is a bit strong lmao and he's mildly self-obsessed but not full blown egotistic yet. I don't really think he'd leave someone for being smarter than him? He seems to push his friends to take on new opportunities etc and is good friends with Sheen, who I'd say is smarter than him academically and emotionally.
I have a friend with Asperger syndrome - if he doesn't use it as an excuses for his rudeness and insensitive in some situations i don't mind, but yes, I think if you are a self-centered. egoistic grown man without emotional intelligence, and you value your work with how many lifes can you save you are a bad person.


Hi, long-time lurker.
I had to create a profile because I want to say a thing or two about the whole ASD conversation.
I am autistic. I do not struggle with empathy and I like to believe I am a good person. Same goes for all my friend on the spectrum.
The fact that Ali is an ass is NOT related to him having ASD or not. He's just a shitty person.
I struggle with social skills, I don't understand most of what people do and I do not understand sarcasm. However, I have put so much work and effort both to communicate with others to the best of my abilities, and to be a good person. Lack of understanding does not justify lack of morals. Autistic people are some of the most moral people you will find. Ali is just a privileged, self-obsessed prick.
Also OT but ASD is also not a mental illness, and it cannot be cured. It is a disability, because our brains are fundamentally different than neurotypicals' brains, but it is not, like, a personality disorder.
Ok, but it actually makes you self-aware and high functioning - that is the key part here. You are self-aware about your limitation and you WORKED on them.

He clearly has some kind of spectrum, and yes it is not an illness but we should not use this as a card to get out of jail in Monopoly for him.

I have a friend with Asperger syndrome. He is great engineer. With a great flat, car, career, high-income, but when I mentioned on my Facebook how I badly wanted to get vaccinated and how I am scared of covid, he has laughed. He couldn't sympathize with the fact that I've just lost my best friend due to covid and I had a pretty scary conversation with my friend, on my phone, few hours he passed away. No social skills. No empathy.

I wasn't talking about morals. I was talking about the fact that your/his disability may have huge impact on the others. Let's face it.

If I was blind I wouldn't be able to drive a car - that is clear, right? So if you are autistic/asperger/in the spectrum you need to face your limitations, and society needs to stop "embracing" you in your spectrum. Your behaviour may have negative impact on the other people. Especially if you are going to create LTR.

I am not saying that people in the spectrum are immediately bad people - i am saying we should not move this treat into the zone where we are going to justify his persona "oh but he is in the spectrum so it is ok...". No it isn't.

As said above, nowadays it is ok to "embrace" mental / social problems instead of actually facing them and fighting with them. I have had a PTSD, as a teenager I was bullied and it was so hard I actually was considering suicide. I have moved on past that experience but I went to specialist seeking for help. I worked on myself and after clearing my mind I started to look for LTR. I wasn't saying "oh gosh my childhood was so harsh I am having nightmers please accept my limitations, if you are not going so you are so in the 90s, narrow-minded bla bla bla".

I was aware about my problems and I was helped.

He needs to understand that his "spectrum" "personality" may harm other people, is not "cool" and lack of empathy cannot be justified.


But should creators who could be damaging (the incel stuff 100% is) be praise just because that isn’t part of their brand? He also doesn’t (and this is my opinion) recognise any of his privilege it’s just this work hard and you’ll get somewhere bollocks
But how should he address his privilege? He did work hard but at the same time, his middle-class upbringing/educated mother allowed him to do so instead of battling mental health issues/looking after family members, being abused by others etc. However, most people in the UK have this stable middle-class upbringing. Only outliers are being abused/living in poverty/extreme privilege/caring for sick parents etc.

I agree with the incel stuff--- he should acknowledge that using incel terminology is degrading to women


New member
Has anyone watched his new video? He briefly addresses his abilities as a manager in the Pupil section. Guess it's nice for him to have some self-awareness


VIP Member
Ali has potential two periods in his life which would be useful for productivity but still are highly irrelevant:

1 - When he was a student - he could write a good book about that.

2 - When has was a newly qualified doctor and also doing YouTube - however that was only a thing for about 8 month.

Everything else he has done is summarily irrelevant because he's either had access to resources beyond that of a normal person (eg. he can just pay contractors / his executive assistant / get someone at work to do it etc.)
In a way I sort of wonder what happens what will his pivot be? The productivity thing will burn out, the podcast will get stale, the youtube will flounder...

Does he return to medicine? That'd mean a drop in pay and a harder work schedule than he's become accustomed to.


New member
I agree, he should keep it private. His "dating" content isn't particularly insightful or good so him giving advice on how to date is just weird.

Your comments initially read that Sheen was a larger girl who was too similar in age or older than Ali - so he should go for the young pretty girl. Which is pretty devaluing to Sheen based on some things out of her control and could be read as v problematic.
Not everyone would find me attractive. I would not be every man's "cup of tea". It's okay to have preferences. Sheen was not Ali's type. The new girl is (she's too pretty for him actually). Ali is a "beta" male. He cannot handle Sheen.


Chatty Member
Hope you're not implying the videos he made after he picked momentum were somehow high quality. Aside from a few generally useful videos for students and learning, his vlogs and most of his guru content is pretty trash, particularly the ones in the last months after he glued himself to that table and just refuses to move. The vlogs in particular were quite painful. In some he even used the same footage from a previous vlog because it was so repetitive it wasn't even worth filming new "getting out of bed" and "typing at my desk" footage.
That's his super useful productivity system at work he can recycle content and still get views.