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Yesssss. Love the sister. Hopefully Holly crawls back under her rock. So the son has never been there? Hopefully that wee dog gets a new home. Imagine the chaos. Poor wee soul.
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Chatty Member
Is it not Methadone she says she’s on. Remember not long ago she was pretending to come off it cold turkey.
You can use on top of methadone it’s a lot of the time used as a harm reduction treatment because there’s less drug use if you already have methadone. If you were using you wouldn’t get much take home if at all so that the pharmacist has eyes on you between appointments with the addiction team. Coming off it is horrible though it’s worse than heroin withdrawal so it’s slowly reduced so that someone coming down doesn’t end up unwell and wanting to use. But ultimately it’s patient choice so the nurse can only say that it’s a really bad idea but you can’t force treatment on someone.
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I did notice she said the son had been staying at his aunties, I wonder if he’s been staying with Fiona?? When I first saw Holly’s relapse video my first thought was she’s been found out using and wanted to get in there first to say she had relapsed. Just seems weird for her to now suddenly want to tell the truth, no way she would have announced that if she thought she was pulling the wool over her followers eyes.
Exactly my thoughts on the relapse thing aswell! Maybe a coincidence that the sister posted her and him out with the dog when she was pretending to be too ill from withdrawals to even walk the dog 🙄
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She’s a master manipulator. Don’t believe a word that comes out her mouth. People like her who are ravaged by years of serious drug abuse would sell their granny for a fiver. Plus she’s clearly not clean.
From what was said on that page about her she's always been the same, even before the drugs.

I'm obv just a nosey fucker but I really want to know what happened next with the sister, like how did she find out it was all lies? Who's baby was she sending pics and videos of? What happened in between them arranging to meet and see the kids to fighting with Jake outside the doctor's surgery? It's like I've skipped a few episodes of Easties??
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Think she’s into the street vallies. Do you? What age is the boy that’s moved in? Presumably over 16?
I think he’s 15 she said but to be fair she would have had to show that any substance use isn’t impacting him if he’s been away from her for 5 years they wouldn’t return him to her care without a lot of investigation
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She’s so manipulative though. The lies just roll off her tongue effortlessly. All the videos she done pretending she was coming off methadone, all the drama, fake tears, the accent. I’ve said it before, she could win Oscars for her performances.
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New to this thread, started following her about a year ago, knew straight away she was a scam but found her quite entertaining from time to time to watch her lies unravel. I forgot about her for a good few months until she popped up again recently feel so sorry for the animals involved seems to be a completely new set each time I see her again, who is letting her home with these animals each time 😓
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So the post about her saying she is turning gifts off and removing PayPal and wishlist has been deleted of course. She never had any intention of removing them. I remember her saying that once she had the money for her teeth she would give any other money she received to charity or those in need but she’s never followed that up. She’s still taking anything offered and is hoarding it all for herself.
feel like such a fool for donating to her but she was so convincing. Now that my eyes have been opened I can see that she is nothing but an actress
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She’s put up a video crying because her main account has been permanently banned for nudity. What’s really upset her is that the account was on the weekly rankings so she would have had serious gift money in it that she’s now lost.

Couple of screenshots here from Jodie’s live earlier….
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Aye she has deleted it. She’s now put up a video of something she wants people to buy to help them ‘wash their cats’. She’s out her tree. I’ve reported it for animal abuse. I’ve had cats my whole childhood and adult life and never once had to wash them. I actually feel like phoning the RSPCA if I had the reprobates address. I keep thinking about that wee dog aswell. Living in filth and chaos.
Top class acting from her when she fell in the bathroom in that video. She’s wired to the moon poor kittys
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ginger tea

Chatty Member
Her sisters video backs up everything we’ve said about her. See her reply videos, they sicken me. Reading from a script, with a put on accent, little Miss perfect/innocent. She is the epitome of a manipulator and gas lighter.
I think we might need to make a new thread as it’s been a few days now and nothing has changed regarding the title 🫤
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I remember her making a TikTok saying someone was blackmailing her about lies she’s told so she wanted to explain…apparently her sister rang her one time and holly was in a really bad place but wanted to pretend everything was ok so she told her sister she was doing really well, was having a baby and had a nice family life…the way holly said it made it seem like it was a one off conversation and one lie however I don’t believe that, I think she was more deceptive and carried that lie on
The video of the screenshots on that page between her and her sister I do believe are real. The lies were really bad, even sending several pictures of a baby who isn’t hers. She was going as far as to arrange for her sister to meet the baby and have him over at weekends, even arranged a time and date etc, it definitely wasn’t a one off from those screenshots. The latest one that’s been uploaded about her not having saved any money for veneers I am unsure about, maybe just because I would be shocked that someone could keep up with a lie like that in front of thousands of people but the other ones seem totally legit especially as Holly has admitted telling those lies.
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I see people keep questioning her saying there’s been screenshots going about of messages from her account asking for vallies. She said it was Jake and that she’s been honest about them both relapsing in Feb but I’m sure I remember her saying at the time it was just her who relapsed. She said she went to someone else’s house to take the drugs so Jake wouldn’t know but now saying he was back on the stuff too?
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VIP Member
You can use on top of methadone it’s a lot of the time used as a harm reduction treatment because there’s less drug use if you already have methadone. If you were using you wouldn’t get much take home if at all so that the pharmacist has eyes on you between appointments with the addiction team. Coming off it is horrible though it’s worse than heroin withdrawal so it’s slowly reduced so that someone coming down doesn’t end up unwell and wanting to use. But ultimately it’s patient choice so the nurse can only say that it’s a really bad idea but you can’t force treatment on someone.
I don’t believe a word that comes out her mouth. She’s still on smack so everything else will be lie just to make daft idiots feel sorry for her and gift her.
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