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VIP Member
I am sooooooo cold. But I am always cold!
Even in Summer when the air con is on at work, I'm sat in a cardigan and a scarf . The only upside to COVID is we weren't allowed them on so I was happy about that 😂


Chatty Member
I’m so cold! I went out earlier to get some (#essential) bits and I can’t seem to warm back up 🥶

Will you kick me out if I tell you it was 40 deg C today here in South Australia and my kids spent the whole day at their swimming carnival in the pool and now Miss Sixteen is so burned she can’t wear her pyjamas? Or if I say it’s 11pm and I still have the cooler on? Or if I tell you it hasn’t rained for months and I’ve never seen snow?
Very jealous!


Well-known member
So bloody cold. I have Raynaud's and my hands are always freezing. Finally ordered some thermal socks so maybe my feet will no longer be permanently cold at least.

Mulholland Drive

VIP Member
-1C this morning when I was scraping thick ice from my car before setting out at 6. Even the roads had been gritted.

Temps here in the Lake District aren't due to get above 5 or 6 all week, but with night time temps at or just below freezing. No sign of any snow thank goodness.


Well-known member
I love it when its cold. I get so ill when it’s warm. Too bad that at work there are lots of people that are always cold. So they turn the heat on and I will get migraines and more 😡


VIP Member
A bit off topic but I used to work with a woman who kept her coat on all day,even in the summer. Even now when anyone mentions her (she left a few years back) they always mention it. Always 😁


VIP Member
couple of years ago stayed somewhere that had an electric blanket. Total game changer. Bought one straight away, love getting into a warm bed 🛌
I used to hear so many scaremongering comments about leccy blankets, best we've brought, am lying in bed with mine on now!!!


VIP Member
Omg I reckon this was me 😂 although not in the summer, promise!

I love working from home. Today I sat with slippers, a blanket, hot water bottle and a fan heater on me and no one commented on it! I am always cold, my husband is always hot so I use him to heat my feet up in bed. About the only use he has 🤣
I was gonna say, work from home made it so much better, its finally me who sets the temperature. So happy I don't have to sit in a freezing office!!

Need to get some cosy slippers!

Mulholland Drive

VIP Member
Today's (Thursday) forecast here is for plenty of sunshine but with temperatures no higher than 7 at best:eek:

Am going out for a run shortly with outside temps at only 6. I think it goes without saying the CH will be taking a hit later today.


VIP Member
God! I hate the cold feet.
How do people keep their feet toasty? I have a fleeced socks and it is not working. lol.
I have the worlds coldest feet. This is very unpopular but i need socks on to sleep bc I just cant cope with cold feet.
I swear by the heat holder thermal socks - they are AMAZING. But I only buy the mens versions as the women's version is so much thinner for some reason. Cant wear them under any shoes I own but amazing for around the house.

Black scarf for at work? Like a cotton one? Looks like part of the outfit and it’s warm 😃😃
Doesnt work! I'm cold all over 🤣 I find scarves really restricting so I try to layer up and always have a thin thermal polo neck on underneath of some sort and then massive chunky jumpers and finally my coat/jacket of choice I'm still cold! This is when I stuff the rules and close the windows for 20 minutes so my body can regain its blood circulation again.


VIP Member
It’s freezing here in Germany. A high of 4 and a low of 1. It’s going to be -2 the weekend. I like the cold until I have to leave my house in it! Also I always have a dilemma about heating. Don’t want it on at night cause it’s a waste but hate getting up to freezing cold!
I loved German winters but I was a child so kg was exciting to have snow and ice.

Im bastard freezing today.


VIP Member
I didn't work last week due to snow, ice and around 0 temperature's, not exactly motorcycle weather.

I've learned it's due to warm up next week, during the past week the claim was 9 degrees on Monday, then a change of mind, 12 and today the claim is 14. WTF?
All my customers keep telling me this, I hope it’s true! I do think it depends on where you are in the country though. This is what my phone says for next week, it’s usually pretty spot on



VIP Member
Well speaking for myself, you close all the curtains early so the house is quite dark and you stay inside. Air con all the time. Unless you’re mental and choose to play summer sports, you don’t go out much. Most sports now are cancelled after 36 deg. Just like anything under a certain temp is just darn cold, anything over about 40 is just hot hot hot. It’s too hot for the beach, the sand cooks your feet. Pools are better, but the hot air burns your face. Pubs and cold drinks are awesome. Once our plums stewed themselves on the tree.
the Texan thing is amazing ( in the worst way ). at least when it’s hot, it is just hot and it’ll eventually cool down. But the cold They’ve got seems so damaging, I can’t imagine.
My family in Australia said similar to what you do, apart from the 2 days of winter per year where they got the “doona” out. 2 of them have since moved to the uk and love the cooler weather however can’t get used to then frequent windy weather.
I don’t suffer from SADS as far as I know but life does just seem a lot better with warmth and sunshine especially in the recent year. First lockdown was hard but at least we had some decent weather. The last few months have been so hard in comparison but hey at least we have our health


VIP Member
Feel like winter has really hit these past few days! The thermostat in my house hasn’t got above 17 degrees C in about four days now even with the heating set to 21. Had to scrape my car windscreen the other morning and my watch said it was 5 degrees on my run yesterday morning.