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Active member
Her sister isnt due until the 11th Feb and she is waiting for the baby to be born, surley she isnt just going to go on the first flight back after the baby is born because what would be the point of staying, she must have a career break otherwise how would she get the time off.
And it’s likely the sister will go over her due date. Most people do with their first


“me and my followers” nah they are your requested friends as nobody else would go with you! Stop trying to spin it that these people wanted to go with you specifically, they prob just wanted to tag on a tour with presumably Irish people.

Also, she asked us to keep her in our prayers as she climbs… other people who do Mt Kilimanjaro (in TANZANIA btw lol) are super excited and feeling privileged to do the climb!


Active member
Caroline comes across as a bit of a 'know it all'. Like when she said getting waxed was more painful than childbirth, when she has never given birth. Or when she confidently said her eggs are fine because her mum and sister's eggs are.

Getting a bit sick of the whole "boo hoo, I'm in my thirties and single and childless, when I wanted to have a family by now. But I am TOTALLY fine. And HAPPY. So so HAPPY" Yawn. We get it. We know. I couldn't be friends with her. She would drive me up the wall.
Could you imagine a friend like her?! Have some self awareness Caroline 🙄


Active member
If anyone is after a giggle please go an listen to her podcast with Kirk norcross😭 she couldn’t make it any clearer she wants him at one point during the podcast she literally says to him about his type of girl and he says something like he’s searching for a girl that will fix him and she says ‘she’s looking right at you’ ITS SO CRINGE and he clearly sees her as a mate omg I have second hand embarrasment
Time stamp please? Wanna be nosey but also don’t want to listen to her anymore than I have to 😂😂


Active member
Shock 🙄 she’s an absolute MELT - I hope she’s gone.
I see she was up Terrie McEvoy’s hole the other day. They’re a good pair. St Terrier, patron saint of nurses who went recruiting them all promising them the world and getting paid commission and then they were left high and dry after getting to Australia with no steady work.
So probably what Caroline is about to do but for teachers 😬🙄🙈
What happened with the nurses in oz ? Was there not the work there


Active member
Been home more times and I agree it's very unsettling takes longer to get over it, not helping herself. All times she went alone which was strange she didn't take the boyfriend.


Active member
Hahahahahahahahahahahah at how she's taking pictures of engagement ring signs now.

Didn't realise? Or sending subconscious hints to her followers that she's ready to find a man now? 🤣😅😅



VIP Member
Definitely got the feeling this week that they were done. That moved very quickly - they were living together in no time after getting together in lock downs. Then she left him at Christmas and again for a month in summer 🤷🏻‍♀️


VIP Member
She mentioned planning a trip of a life time with Wim Hoff so I’m gonna take a stab and say that’s gonna prevent her going back to Sydney?


Active member
Went through her Instagram there and can't see no pictures with him...feel for the poor girl if they are finished
It’s him I feel sorry for! She’s so high maintenance irl. Preaches about “being kind”, but doesn’t think twice about spitting out nasty digs behind closed doors


New member
Maybe not the best being a school teacher and hanging around with girls who’s bf are supposed dealers of ❄ I like Caroline a lot more tbh I feel she is more real than smug Gemken . She’s a dose if there ever was one
Whos bf is a drug dealer??


Active member
Yeh that was always the plan back in October, always thought she would come back for good doesn't look that way now


VIP Member
Cringing at her reel. She’s an actual sad case. Putting up a video of her crying on her birthday over the break up. And now acting like she’s over it while she’s so obviously not. Sure wasn’t she in Dublin only a little while ago putting up things like should I move here, stench of desperation off her hoping hoping the ex would see it and take her back I would say. She wasn’t even with him that long, it was a COVID relationship that moved way too quickly because of lockdowns etc.