
VIP Member
Remember when she went on this morning with Holly and Phil to talk about the "horrific vile trolling" 🙄, which turned out to no one's suprise to be valid questions on the grift. What an awful trio.
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I bet Holly and Phil feel stupid now for giving her such a one sided interview!

She didn’t mention the book money there. Or the fact that apparently she got paid £18,000 to attend an awards ceremony and only gave £2000 of that to the foundation.
She also didn’t mention that she asked for a salary of £100,000 but they said no and offered her £80,000. Instead she talks about £150,000 being the salary for a CEO of a major charity and that figure was never discussed. All smoke and mirrors.

Wouldn't her father have wanted the book money divided equally between his daughters if that was indeed his wish for the proceeds to NOT go to charity? Unfortunately he’s no longer here to out forward his side of the story.
A bit like his first wife wasn’t here to put forward her side of their marriage problems - instead she got the blame in his book.

They have no integrity.

I should imagine legally they have done nothing wrong but morally is a different thing entirely.
I’ve no doubt that the Foundation will close.
Bravo Hannah!
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I’ve just gone down a Captain Tom’s Chair rabbit hole as I thought surely he never kept his clothes from 70 years ago.

Of course it’s fake, it was made by a company to publicise their upholstery business and then gifted to the Ingram-Moores and splashed all over their respective social media 🙄

Well at least they may be able to drum up some more business in the gift shop when Captain Tom’s World Of Adventures comes to a muddy field near Milton Keynes in the near future (£50 entry no concessions, all proceeds to the family #itswhatTomwanted)
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I can’t believe her and her husband took a massive shit on her Dad’s legacy. It could have ended after a few months or so but no they forced him to go to Barbados, made a charity, started merchandising left, right and centre. Not everything has to last forever - it could have been a nice story that people remember from lockdown ‘remember that old man who did those laps, wasn’t that nice?’ Now it’s going to be ‘remember that old man who did those laps? His daughter and son in law completely ruined what he did because of their greed.’
Captain Tom is always going to be connected with a spa pool from now on.
Not only that, but THIS is what they shat over his legacy for!


It looks absolutely rubbish! Worst "spa" in history!
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From here to the daily mail comments, the sun comments, the mirror, twitter and Facebook threads... and my family group chat 🤣 (just the few places I've looked this morning) the feeling is unanimous... Why ever did his family take him away in the middle of a pandemic when the government advice said don't travel unless its essential and why if he is only in a ward (and not criticality ill) are his family there when so many have not been allowed to comfort actual dying loved ones.

We can't all be trolls? These are valid questions. Hero status doesn't make you untouchable by government guidelines and moral obligations and the right to be questioned if things don't add up.

I truly wish him all the best in his recovery
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My mums friend works for BA so after reading the thread last night I gave my mum a call this morning and I mentioned the trip to her and her thoughts about it.
Her friend was actually working the flight and had discussed it with my mum who said the daughter was very much “do you not know who he is? He’s a national treasure”
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Mr Krabs

VIP Member
Is there a wiki?

I want to know more about Captain Tom got up to before he was a cuddly old man walking around his garden. Bet there's plenty of dirt on him.
Soon after he came into the limelight, the family had a law firm called Schillings write some warning letters to news outlets. Why would they do that if there wasn’t something they wanted to keep out of the public eye? Schillings specialise in protecting peoples reputations. For what it’s worth, I don’t think he has some big dark secret, I just think the whole thing was a cynical PR stunt to turn their dad into some elderly saint. They wouldn’t want any kind of stain on that.
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Of course I hope Captain Tom makes a safe and swift recovery, but I also agree with everyone who has said that the December Barbados trip was grossly irresponsible on the part of his daughter for allowing it to happen and BA for even gifting it at a time like this. It's not a case of begrudging a 100 year old centenarian of a bucket list holiday, it's that we're in the midst of a bloody pandemic and he is highly vulnerable!

It's also a massive kick in the teeth for the residents of care homes, all unable to receive a visit with their daughter or son and missing valuable, precious time with their loved ones, meanwhile Captain Tom's daughter arranges a family jolly up to Barbados! It's just wrong on so many levels.
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I’d like to know what made his life more remarkable than the life of Trevor from the local council estate who also raised money for the nhs but didn’t have a daughter to help get the same level of attention.

Some family members on my Facebook have changed their profile pictures and haven’t shut up about Captain Tom since yesterday. I don’t get it. I really think some people just love feeling ‘involved’ in something. They think it makes them look like good human beings, the fact that he’s a war vet adds to that because quite frankly we have a weird obsession with WW2 in this country and lick the arse of anyone who’s was within 50 miles of a war zone.
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Phoenix Lazarus

VIP Member
I've just read this on Cookdandbombd site!

[quote author=Alberon link=msg=4837488 date=1644432283]
We’re only a couple of years away from an itv drama about it where Tom’s daughter is using a cattle prod to force him to walk around the garden.
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I don't understand why people are sad tbh.
I understand he's a war veteran but so are/were many other people affected by this.
I understand he raised a ton of money but so did many other people, even if they were inspired by him.

It just feels a bit like one of those 'trendy' things where you're meant to feel sad but it's all for appearances
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Sorry if this has been mentioned before, but it amuses me that Hannah’s kids have ‘Grandson of Captain Sir Tom Moore’ and ‘Captain Tom’s Granddaughter’ in their Instagram bios 😂
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And I'm fairly certain that I read on here that when he was in his final days in hospital, they were being allowed in to visit him.
I can't even imagine how difficult it was for those who had to say their goodbyes through windows or screens, instead of being able to hold their loved one's hands. 😔
If they got special treatment because of being 'the family of Captain Sir Tom' that is appalling.

Restrictions were in place to protect everyone as much as possible, why would they get a free pass to do as they pleased! Especially after bringing him to Barbados which was the height of lunacy for a man of his age, never mind the times that we were all living through. 😡
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I am not trying to be nasty, it is deeply saddening to hear of his death.

But I disagree with his family taking him abroad when it was made very clear to stay at home. Regardless of negative tests, I do think they have blood on there hands.

Whether people agree or disagree I will not be losing any sleep, it is solely my opinion. In a pandemic, the last thing on my mind is to go to a foreign country especially with an older more vulnerable relative. But that is that.

I haven’t seen my family in over a year to keep them safe, we miss them deeply & just cannot wait to see them when it is safe to so.
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What a disgusting thread.
I am saddened by Capt Moore's death as I am about many others who have died alone without their family's support at the very end unlike many Capt Moore had his dear ones with him but was that fair?. What is disgusting is the way this is being handled by the media and how people are being brainwashed into thinking he was some kind of Saint!
Capt Moore did a good job of getting people to donate to the NHS and he was a ray of light and cheered a lot of us up during the early dark days of COVID 19, he was rewarded with a Knighthood and was praised throughout the land and he deserved it. However there are others who have done the same and received no such praise or publicity. There were many people who were elderly and frail who were alone over Christmas unable to see their families while Capt Moore and his family jetted off to Barbados (was this advisable for a frail 100 year old in the middle of a pandemic?) and mingled with "celebrities" no social distancing was observed by the look of it.
I think we need to honour the lives and memories of others who have suffered or died because of COVID, lets face it he didn't donate the money himself to NHS but raised the money, but of course it was a laudable effort and well done him but enough is enough, he was a sweet old bloke but not a Saint.
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under the ivy

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I’ve never seen the ‘abuse’ directed towards Sir Tom. It’s the daughter & everything I’ve read has been spot on. She needs to go away.
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I should reiterate, I don't have anything against Tom himself. Bless him, I think he did the walk for in his mind a good reason. It is his daughter who has milked the whole thing completely.
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