
Chatty Member
As for a being a disgusting thread. Nope it's calling out the hypocrisy and double standards. If you have money and in with the right people you're entitled to do as you please with zero regard for others'. I fail to see his alturism, to me he couldn't ever be a hero. He is no better than social media influencers in Dubai. He flouted the lock down rules to travel to Barbados when the majority of us looked forward to a bleak Christmas (and the NHS on this knees) not seeing a single soul. Because he decided to mix with Russ Abbott and cliff Richard the rest of us still can't ease lock down. This is the ultimate selfish act and how a virus in a panic works and thrives. And unforgivable.
He contracted covid and probably so did his family and they are part of the reason we're in this mess.
I have no respect for what he did or his family. People saying he's a hero for walking ....well he undid all of that by acting selfishly in a pandemic. But we are literally forced to clap and nod our heads and if we point out the obvious we're 'disgusting'.
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Tea Cosy

Active member
As Hannah repeatedly says the phrase "my father", it made me think of The Lord's Prayer. So I have written a Hannah version of it (and I apologise for any blasphemy caused)

My Father, who art in heaven
Exploited be thy name
Thy donations did come
Everyone was done
Upon earth plus you up in heaven

Give me every day your daily bread
And forgive us our selfishness
As we won't forgive those who troll against us
And lead us not into redemption
But deliver us from goodwill
For mine is the kingdom
The power and the glory
For ever and ever
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VIP Member
Heartbroken doesn’t really touch it. I will carry the guilt for the rest of my life that I couldn’t be with my Dad when he needed me the most. In my head, I know the guilt is not warranted because it was beyond my control but it’s there all the same, the heaviness I carry in my heart. (just typing that and tears are pouring down my cheeks). I spoke to a stranger last week who lost his mum the same way. He feels the same as me. We let them down. I wouldn’t wish it on my worst enemy.
Then a few weeks later Hannah and her gang swan off to the hospital and spend days at her father’s bedside and then shared his last words with the world. Awful woman.
Don't feel you let him down. It was an awful time.
I work on a palliative care unit and it was truly horrendous having to tell family they couldn't visit. Family who wanted desperately to. I really didn't think this would make them feel guilty as it was not their choice so your post saddens me. I hope you find closure one day and realise that there was nothing you could do. I am positive your Dad knew how much you loved him.
I feel so much anger at the parties our government had that I can't watch the news . Whilst they drank and danced I had to explain why loves ones couldn't have that last moment with their loved one. Fuck off Boris .
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Be honest. Would you turn down a free holiday to the West Indies if it was offered to you?
If it meant there was even a slim chance of one of my family getting unwell or myself dying on a ventilator. Then yes, yes I think anyone would say thanks but no thanks
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Its ridiculous the Gov had the nerve to praise him so much when he should never had had to do that shite to raise money towards NHS related services anyway. But, it is what it is. Everyone started wheeling their nans & gramps out to do some form of charity raising since.

Credit where its due, but it all goes on too long.
The cynic in me says that Cap Moore's efforts have made the NHS look like a charity thus giving the Gov an easy way out of funding it by making us pay for it with donations.
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My mother in law died and as we live overseas, my husband could only watch his own mothers funeral on zoom. Like so many thousands there wasn’t an opportunity to say goodbye and sadly she died alone. She was a remarkable woman who did so much voluntary work for years, she did it quietly without fanfare, like a lot of people who have also done the same. Yes he did great things and he had my utmost respect for his WW2 service alone, never mind the walk.

Piers, Schof and whoever can call me what they want, they still left the country when it was unnecessary and now the media plus the government (who are still telling everyone to stay home) are glorifying this family but hammering anyone else who does anything wrong. Why was his whole family allowed to visit, what about endangering others while they did this? I feel his family are selfish and media hungry. Going to Barbados should never have happened as they gave no though for others then either. Everything is just so over the top when I think of my MIL who died alone.
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Chatty Member
People are begrudging the entrenched inequality that appears to give one family special privileges.

This whole thing should have been a good news story that was over in 5 minutes.

No offense to this person, but I always think these people doing things are mostly doing it for their own ego and attention, the charity aspect is an added bonus and a great tool to shut down sceptics. Someone said apparently without irony that he was doing good by raising awareness of covid 🤣
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Chatty Member
The idea that is is for a legacy and installed for historic reasons (her own words) is almost too funny.

Screenshot 2023-10-14 at 17.16.26.png

I think a spa at home is a terrible idea full stop. Who wants all that maintenance and the cost to heat it? Join a gym for £40 or enjoy a spa at somewhere on holiday. It very quickly will loose it's novelty.

Won't it skink of chlorine while they use the bike or treadmill next to it?
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VIP Member
Those “kindness” stories are hilarious.
My current favourite is this, from Silence of the Lambs.
View attachment 2519866
I would like to thank my friend Jame Gumb who sewed me together a beautiful custom suit from material he had lying about his house!
It was a really fun thing to do together and I made lots of friends in the course of having him make the suit such as Will Graham and Robert Nairac from Ampleforth who both love this site!
Clarice , York, UK
I think that's a reference to the infamous British Army officer who served in Northern Ireland and was educated at Ampleforth College - Robert Nairac!

The one below - oh my god, I'm dead laughing. No one could possibly be stupid enough to post this after moderating? Surely?


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They’re discussing WBD on The Last Leg and showed a little boy dressed up as Captain Tom and I think it’s Adam (?) said his sister dressed up as his daughter Hannah and stole his lunch money 🤣.
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Well-known member
While I'm sure Tom was a nice man, it gets tiresome hearing people bang on about his great values and how he stood for kindness and fairness etc etc. We don't really know what the hell his values were or what he stood for. We know so little about him. He might have been awful. He was 100, fought in the war and walked round his garden. That's pretty much all anyone knows about him so calling him the UK's favourite grandad is taking the piss really.
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Jelly Bean

VIP Member
That's the naive part - the fact they thought they could get away with it. They are like so many of the grifters talked about on this site - they can't hold their greedy hands out quickly enough and completely over-value their worth outside their privileged bubble ( look at Hannah's 'leader in every field' nonsense on her site). Then they are all genuinely wide -eyed baffled and upset when they get called out on it.
That is exactly it for so many of the grifters discussed here. Most of them have a *moment* where something happens and they get a lot of public money. They do something that captures the public imagination - Captain Tom, The Allotment woman, Jack Monroe, etc etc - and it goes to their heads and they think they deserve it. Then they all get very dodgy about it. And try to build on it with no transparity at all. And all believe the cashflow will never end and they think they can cleverly do what they like with the donated money.
But always people will start to question where their money went in the end. Always.
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Mentioned this in work today....both my colleagues (nurses) completely agree with all of us. It’s bloody ridiculous.

Very sad somebody has died of course. But what about the millions of others! I keep thinking of the 13 year old boy who died at the start of this pandemic who died alone and was buried alone. Now that is sad 😢 his poor family must be devastated seeing that a 100 year old man (who broke the rules!!) got special treatment and his family around him when he died.

All the racist “patriotic” idiots and people without a critical thinking brain cell between them are buying into hero captain Tom tho 😤

Probably literally as surely sales of his gin will sky rocket now 🤔 his daughter isn’t stupid is she....
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Chatty Member
She built the office / pool complex because of having lots of birthday cards and not knowing what to do with them? 🤪 Buy a £20 memory card and take a photo of them all and recycle Hun.

Hannah is talking about all she ever wanted was to spread love 🙄

I love how she thinks it's fine to take all the book money because that wasn't the money donated to the NHS so it's her rightful property. This is the trouble when someone has made it all about charity, you can't just say nah thats my personal stuff and not for the charity without looking terrible.

It's not quite prince Andrew level stuff, but it's done them no favours at all. Not that there's any way to smooth over most of it.

They're all so adamant that the pool should have been build, because a guy that's long dead wanted to walk in it 😶
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Iconic Member
I’m not gonna mince my words and the radio silence on his families travels is deafening.

Yeah he did a great thing, orchestrated by a family who knew exactly what they were doing, and who have dined out on it since.

wish him nothing but the best but anyone else and Piers Morgan would be ripping them to shreds on GMB tomorrow morning.
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