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My husbands work colleague has just found out she has a v aggressive form of breast cancer which involves a lot of treatment. I am sure she has a "bucket list" like Tom did but we all know the public would say she shouldn't travel etc. In fact there are many people dying with bucket lists or kids with make a wish lists that are not getting to do them.
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"Just bought myself a Chanel handbag with some NHS garden laps money. It's what he would have wanted... #captaintom #livelaughlove"
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Pom Bear

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I be catching up in abit 😀 x
Meanwhile as another last resort on keeping the spa, they disguise it to make it look like a tin of sardines 😄 x



Well an XXXXXLarge tin of sardines as Captain Tom loved them on toast.
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When chuggers stop my husband in the street he always asks them what their CEO earns.

I tell them I can’t give them my details as I’m under 18. I’m on the late side of middle aged and look it 😎
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Itchy of Itchington

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Disassembling the spa pool that Doris and Morris will never get a chance to use now thanks to all the haters. Doris had a dodgy hip but after saying Three Hail Hannahs and Four My Father Captain Tom she's cured and was ready for some community elder rehab.
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The Wimbledon thing still makes me want to vomit. The lady who helped develop the vaccine was so humble - what a contrast!
It's even worse than I remembered - fancy coming after Dame Sarah who absolutely deserves it and is graceful, and then Hannah blowing kisses... Christ....

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I know it's been said before but the collective hysteria over a 100 year old man dying after a holiday in Barbados during a pandemic compared to say, the loss of life at Grenfell really sums up this country in 2021.
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An offensive tweet sure, but not worth police and court time during a pandemic. Where are the arrests for the threats of murder and sexual violence regularly directed at JK Rowling on Twitter?
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Chatty Member
Not being funny but Hannah is the last person I’d want around a charity event at this point
She is so blatantly hard faced. With everything that has gone on and been so publically revealed about her and her husband you would think she would want to keep a low profile but no she flaunts herself.
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This is nothing to do with this one particular person as I have no clue about him.

But it's so odd the way so many people once they reach a certain age are all considered salt of the earth types. Surely those people that were cunts throughout their life are still cunts as an OAP?
Yes for sure. Let's not forget that Hannah was spawned by Saint Captain Tom. The apple doesn't fall far from the tree. You have to ask where she learnt all her devious ways?

I totally agree that it's bizarre that he was so revered, I guess it's because he attached himself to the cult of the NHS worship which we're not supposed to criticize even though in so many ways it's absolutely broken and so far from what it was originally supposed to be.
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I think some people on the internet are pretending to lack any ability to form cohesive thoughts beyond emojis and typing ‘vile scum’ in all caps. The mainstream media are running like rabid dogs trying to control the narrative, whilst mere days ago talking down to anyone who set foot out of the uk ( imo he was mostly likely a victim of elder abuse as he looked frail and glum in the holiday pics). You would think he was the only war vet alive.

Tom Moore raised money for the NHS ( which isn’t a charity), raised money through donations. Donations that built up due to the fact he was a vulnerable, elderly man (WW2 veteran) staying at home but doing what he could to raise awareness to his cause.

Awareness was raised. ( with his daughter and her giant xxxl smile and sat next to him like he couldn’t communicate in every tv spot she could get).

Pretending that the trip was essential is bizarre. Pretending that the holiday didn’t cause all of this is even more bizarre. My great uncle is 92 and his children would never risk his health ( and extended family wouldn’t look kindly on ‘oh well at that age you may as well’, that notion that being reckless is okay because you’re so old).

( if the son in law was posting until Jan the 9th I heard some mention...and he came back immediately dealing with pneumonia pretty obvious that the long haul flight and photo opportunities with no mask in sight may have endangered him)
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’Rising Star’ school award.

Benjamin Ingram-Moore
The 16-year-old stood by his grandad as he carried out his epic 100 laps of his garden before his 100th birthday.

The Bedford Schoolboy carried out live interviews and maintained Captain Tom’s social media.

He was unveiled as the winner of the Rising Star category in the 2020 Independent School of the Year awards for his part in helping his grandfather raise a staggering £39million.
I stand by my grandad every week when he goes out to get a bit of fresh air and some cream buns at the Co Op because that’s what grandchildren do! You don’t and shouldn’t want a medal for it. Honestly I think the whole family (well, Hannah’s branch of it) are a bunch of opportunistic, attention seeking, money grabbing leeches who I’m sure loved Tom dearly but also seized the opportunity and put the old man to work in his last months. It could have been laid to rest after he had the coverage for his walk and he raised so much money but no, they didn’t want the gravy train to stop.... bottles of gin FFS!! If Barbados really was just about ticking something off of an old man’s bucket list why on earth did he fly with his medals and get wheeled out for various photo ops whilst there? Sorry but anyone with an ounce of common sense would have thought twice about taking a hundred year old man on a long haul trip let alone duringa pandemic. The tier rules confuses things a bit but I’m pretty certain FCO advice hasn’t changed at all from advising against unnecessary travel. I would love to take my grandparents to far flung places they’d love to see but common sense dictates that I’d rather not risk their health and it’s clear that Tom’s health was in a slight decline anyway when you compare earlier to later footage. I can’t help but think that alone was likely a process sped up by him being wheeled here there and everywhere, bright lights and microphones shoved in his face for months on end when he probably would have rather been sat at home!

TM I’m sure was a very sweet old man who did what he did with good intentions, the amount of money raised was incredible and he was a beacon of positivity and also nostalgia at an otherwise miserable time (don't forget it tied in with VE Day celebrations when we were all thinking back to our war heroes, Dame Vera was singing etc...). It’s sad that he’s passed but I feel that there is far too much virtue signalling and bandwagon jumping in this country, people patting themselves on the back for grieving Captain Tom whilst ignoring and even contributing to some of the other crying issues going on. I know plenty of people wanting to clap for him but who have broken covid rules since day dot. As for the “grieving” family doing the daytime TV rounds.... they make me sick frankly!
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Twitter coming for Hannah is just what I needed to cheer me up today.

I said from the start they were dodgy, and was made to feel like I was Satan. Well, us lot were proven right
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This is nothing to do with this one particular person as I have no clue about him.

But it's so odd the way so many people once they reach a certain age are all considered salt of the earth types. Surely those people that were cunts throughout their life are still cunts as an OAP?
This 100 percent! I hate this assumption that all old people, and all old veterans in particular, are cute and cuddly angels! They can be as nasty as anyone else!

I don't know if Tom was a nice man or not but the praise and publicity was way over the top. Someone said earlier in the thread this should have been an end of news feelgood story for 1 night, max. I agree, it felt like the kind of story to me that might appear in a regional newspaper for a few days but with no nationwide interest. Knighthood certainly shouldn't have been granted.

So glad I never believed this Captain Tom crap
Yes for sure. Let's not forget that Hannah was spawned by Saint Captain Tom. The apple doesn't fall far from the tree. You have to ask where she learnt all her devious ways?

I totally agree that it's bizarre that he was so revered, I guess it's because he attached himself to the cult of the NHS worship which we're not supposed to criticize even though in so many ways it's absolutely broken and so far from what it was originally supposed to be.
Plus he was a veteran, which seems to make you an automatic saint in many peoples eyes.

There was also a ww2 novelty factor because he was one of the last few hundred surely
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"I hope you can live with yourselves. I really do, because it was despicable and the very worst of this country is some of the stuff that I read on Twitter and social media in the last few days."

First and foremost - it is not trolling. We are simply stating facts. I can’t go for a smear test, 10 minutes from my house but you can go on holiday?

No words.
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There is another elderly lady doing her laps too. I think she is up North somewhere. But you can bet your life she won’t be made a Dame.
There was another 100 year old man doing laps in East London. Hardly heard a thing about him. He was Muslim and lived in a council flat. Doesn’t fit their agenda. I think I only heard about him because of South East news.
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Chatty Member
According to the Sun he tested negative after returning from Barbados. I’m seeing a lot of tweets saying it was great he went on the Barbados trip, wouldn’t you if your time was limited and so on. The fact is he/his family endangered others in doing so. Whether he contracted Covid from the holiday or not, going abroad was a selfish move by the family and unfortunately it did take away from all the good work he did. It really is one rule for some, another rule for others.
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and i believe it's still part of history lessons when so many other recent, less favourable (if you can call war favourable in any circumstance) parts of British history are left out.

My grandfathers fought in the War. Neither spoke about it when they returned. They didn't view themselves as heroes, they just done what needed to be done. I think many of those men and women would be extremely uncomfortable with being labelled a hero, or receiving the attention Tom Moore received in the final year of his life.
My Grandpa fought in WW2 and he talked about it non-stop 😂 Just as bad as Grandad in Only Fools he was. Started nearly every sentence with "during the war" 😂
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