I fully believe that once the dust settles from all the controversy and their obvious grifting, we will start seeing more Captain Tom memorabilia - a kitchen range (he loved his food), bath towels (loved his baths), wallpaper and living room accessories, children's books, I wouldn't even be surprised if they jumped on the trans bandwagon and claimed that the old boy was non binary with a range of rainbow branded story books. At least he and HRH are now together in heaven.
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I bet she's fuming she wasn't invited the the Abbey to witness the Coronation. Because, you know, it's what her father Captain Sir Tom would have wanted. 🤭
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I haven’t commented on these posts in forever but I am loving all this coverage over the last day or so. Knew she was a grifter from the moment I saw they had flown to the Caribbean. I can’t wait to see what she does neck, she has more front than Brighton so I bet she doesn’t quietly disappear.
same here ..dip in and out but today i had to back on ... I'm loving the house of cards falling down around her!
Thanks to tattle i realised that there were plenty out there who felt exactly the same as me and could see through this charade from the start. At the time i was made to feel like i was nasty cow as i couldnt get excited about a 100 year old man being quite clearly exploited by his pushy daughter for her own gain..feel quite vindicated now!
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Chatty Member
Hannah complaining about others sense of humanity. 😆

I don't know the UK laws, but I imagine it's like other countries where you can't take off or land on private property but the airspace is public. It's most probably an offence to take photos or video where someone expects privacy, but maybe there is public interest in seeing the spa complex demolished?

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I think the fact that the family enlisted Schillings lawyers to send out letters to the media telling them what they could and couldn’t print very early on, shows that they are obviously very litigious, and also that they already had a fair bit of money. I can’t imagine a law firm like that is cheap!

Theres obviously something they don’t want us to know. They‘d specifically told the media not to do too much digging according to Popbitch. Being the nosey cow I am, I’m dying to know what it is. Its public knowledge that Tom was married twice and his first marriage was apparently unhappy and unconsummated. But that’s only one side of the story.
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I know we haven’t used thread titles yet but just in case, here’s my suggestion.

Captain Sir Tom Moore & Hannah Ingram-Moore #6 - Built a spa by exploiting her pa
Ha ha - I did like that one from yesterday too “He walked so she could float”…
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Tea Cosy

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Tory Captain Tom states how Boris is his favourite Prime Minister and receives a knighthood which Boris had a hand in. Cronyism much? Always thought it was an extravagant honour. What about all the other WWII veterans who've raised money for charity? I had more admiration for 95 year old Harry Read who tandem parachuted back into Normandy in 2019 for the 75th anniversary of the D-Day landings.
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I feel like with all the ‘captain Tom would have wanted this…Captain Tom would have wanted that..’, Hannah’s next business venture should absolutely be some sort of clairvoyance. Punters could pay to ask Cap Tom (through his agent..er..mediator…er DAUGHTER, Hannah, of course) for his take on tricky life situations. For example ‘Captain Tom, I caught my husband in bed with the milk man, what should I do?’. ‘Ahhhhh, I’m getting something…yes, yes, if my father - Captain Tom- were here he would want you to file for divorce, eschew milk and all dairy products and make a large donation to the Captain Tom foundation’.
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I hate what this woman and her husband have done.

They have scared the general public off donating to charities.

I used to frequently donate, but now I think twice.
Same. We were out for dinner this evening and when the bill came the waitress said £1 was added to the total bill for a local charity of their choice but if we didn’t want to donate she would ‘go and cancel the whole transaction and re-do it without the £ on’ (guilt trip or what?) anyway, i immediately said no I didn’t want to donate.

Hannah, Jack Monroe and a few others have put me off donating for life.
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Does anyone else find it odd that a 100 year old would want to jet off to the Carribbean? I don't want to be mean but what exactly is there for someone of an advanced age to do in Barbados that they can't do at home? I see his daughter and grandchildren enjoying the fancy restaurants and surfing but what was Tom doing exactly? The whole this is just sickening. Dragging an elderly man thousands of miles so you can have a jolly is unforgiveable.
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Hannah says we did not recycle the 225,000 birthday cards, as we feel they have they have a part of the nation...
Seriously who gives a sh**.

So we have a building to house them.
Why ?
Is it going to be a museum, so the great British public will come and view?

She has serious inflated views of what her father did....walked around the garden and you milked it for all it was worth.
He didn't cure cancer 😔
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The Man was a Tory. Nevermind walking up and down his garden, which lets remember, was cuz he had a new hip. And wanted to test it out. He helped vote in the bastards who have made the thing he was walking up and down his garden for, as underfunded as it is!
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Oh my Christ I’m watching Jeremy vine and some gobshite has just rang in and said he should be buried in Westminster abbey

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What is she hoping to achieve with this interview, I wonder! I think sympathy will be - rightly - in very short supply.
I think it’s an attempt to explain how the spa and pool were paid for and thereby deflect other queries. Taking the book royalties is despicable and trashy, but it’s probably not in this case illegal, technically — however it says a lot about a person’s judgement and character that they would do such a thing. The entire charity needs to be investigated. In my experience, people who show themselves to be dodgy in one respect or one area are highly questionable in others. The daughter’s entire history needs to be looked at.

I am lucky enough to have a decent salary at the moment. I don’t give to charity (other than ticking yes to Gift Aid) because having seen how charities (both large and small) work, I don’t trust them. I would rather trust a huge conglomerate and those often treat their staff and the people they work with better than charities do. If I have spare money that I want to share, it goes on my friends or family. I couldn’t care less what people think of me for not charitable giving.
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As has been said, couldn’t happen to a nicer bunch. Crass, tacky grifters who think rules (including those of common decency) don’t apply to them. The type that will do anything for a bit of money. The worst of the UK, this type. Our systems, politics, journalism, business etc is riddled with people of this character.
I really think they thought they were going to occupy a position like the royal family. Talk about delusions of grandeur.
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