Kofi Annan

Well-known member
I am doing absolutely no more clapping and defo not for this. I shall however no doubt have to suffer my moronic neighbours who have carried on as normal through the whole pandemic. Particularly next door who as childminders went abroad and did zero quarantine afterwards nor any social distancing.Having whole family’s in there newly done and furlough funded back garden for bbqs and party’s. They have then the cheek to lead the clap😡They will all be getting a dirty look from me from behind my closed blinds 😡🤣
This. 100%.
My working from home desk is in front of a window that looks out onto my street. I would say 99% of my street are yet to experience what lockdown is.
Yet they will all be out there, banging their pots and pans, weeping for a 100 year old man they met through the telly. Don't have any consideration for their fellow neighbours though, who have been unable to open their windows during a very hot summer as we didn't think it was appropriate for my clients, who I support following trauma, would appreciate drunken singing along to loud music and screams from a conga line.

To me the real heroes of this ongoing nightmare are the ones clinging on by their fingertips, getting by day by day, with no end in sight. I may not be physically walking a marathon whilst being frail but emotionally some of us do that every single waking day.

And Piers Morgan can go fuck himself. Maybe seeing his dad weep, his son Spencer will think twice now when he likens Covid to the flu.
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How could you live with yourself if you took your dad to Barbados and he was this ill 3 weeks later?! I’m not sure I’d ever forgive myself.
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Chatty Member
The timelines are a mess in that mail article, and in general:

  • Family reveal Captain Sir Tom Moore had regularly tested negative for Covid-19 until he visited hospital
  • Only after a ten-day stay for pneumonia was he discharged on January 12 and then tested positive that day
He was clear of coronavirus on December 9 before he flew away for what would be his final holiday to Barbados and again when he arrived home on January 6.

how can he have had a 10 day hospital stay when he arrived home on the 6th Jan and was discharged on the 12th Jan?

what is the truth?
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I don’t know who that CofE bloke is, but they are correct. You have to wonder if Captain Tom would have got as much attention if he were a gruff, working class, Labour voting northerner wouldn’t you? Someone on the first thread said there was an elderly Muslim bloke in London doing something similar. Wonder why we never heard about him in the national media?🙄
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Whiffy McBiffy

Active member
"During the hearing, representatives for the family said the building would enable the public to enjoy Capt Tom's work and the spa pool would offer "rehabilitation sessions".

The rest of the building would be used for coffee mornings and charity meetings to combat elderly loneliness, the hearing was told.

However, Ms Fleming said while the appellant's intentions were "laudable", there was no detailed evidence of how this would work in practice."

Blimey. It's almost as if they had no intention of bringing over all the OAPs for a swim
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Linda Lee

I remember a Sikh gentleman and an elderly lady who did some great fundraising and they got one or two mentions and that was it.

Our media are absurd.
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Tabitha D

VIP Member
What a mess.
So from what the Charity Commission is now saying, it sounds like profits from intellectual property associated with Sir Tom (trademarks, marketing of his image etc) may have been funnelled into a private company (Club Nook Ltd) owned by the Ingram-Moores, rather than benefiting the Foundation. And those profits could be very substantial. (I had a quick look at the accounts for that company on Companies House and it certainly looks pretty solvent.)
This could get interesting.
Also, I was reading what people had posted a bit higher up about the gin. That seems pretty scammy too. I know the article focussed on the “special” gin which was being sold for £100 per bottle (only a small bottle too - 500ml!) of which only “about £30” would go to the foundation. That’s bad enough. But the “regular” gin was selling for £35 per bottle and ONLY £1 of that was going to the Foundation. It’s pretty crap isn’t it.
It does rather look like someone’s been making a healthy profit, anyway.
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Well that explains a lot, just when I thought I couldn’t find Amanda Holden any more insufferable
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Dame Sarah looks so embarrassed to get all that applause and attention. She was just doing her job in her eyes.

Hurricane Hannah though? Lapping that shit up. What a complete tosser!
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Whiffy McBiffy

Active member
We went to Cornwall in December 2020, between restrictions. Rules in the restaurant we went to were to wear a mask when walking around - fair enough. We dared to stand up and out our coats on and then mask up. I kid you not, a fat old slag on the table next to us who’d snarked at us all evening once we got outside, ran to the window and shouted out “put your fucking masks on!!” - fucking lunatic. I can’t understand why if people were that paranoid they’d go and spend the evening in a restaurant!!

Imagine wearing a jumper with Nick Knowles on!!! Imagine knitting Nick Knowles 😂
I'd have told her to shut up and shave. If that didn't settle matters then I'd have challenged her husband to a bare knuckle fight, Ronnie Pickering style


Lovely little Sopranos reference there. Hannah Ingram-Moore is a silly cunt, but this website is comedy gold

Stop. Please stop now
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