
VIP Member
Yes her name is Jordan though she changed it for the book .
She changed his name too .

Threesomes , mind games , talk of babies then telling her he’d changed his mind ( after unprotected sex) accusing her of seeing other men , sleeping with other women then telling her about it , having a bath together & he urinated in it , urinated in bottles at the side of the bed 🤢accusing her of being with him for fame , of dressing for attention / like a slapper , insisting she stand in toilet cubicles with him whilst he defecated & then showing her the bowl 🤢 locked her in a room in his home whilst he had sex with two other women …. The list goes on .

I went out with somebody equally as unpleasant for a very long time who was also violent & she was very lucky be strong enough to end this after 6 months .
I’m sure it would’ve gotten worse over time .
That’s my experience anyway.
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It is disgusting reading comments by men and women saying media is attacking him like they did Tate. Stop the world I want to get off, if Tate and Brand are being held up as good role models then we are all doomed.
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He's innocent then isnt he. If the evidence couldnt convince a court then that is literally that. You dont get convicted just because some one says so, or you have flimsy evidence.
This isn’t news to some of us btw, there’s been enough kicking around about Brand for a while.
You must be a cult follower of the guy, because you weren’t exactly supportive of Scholfield when it all hit the fan
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I’m not sure I will watch tonight I really hope the victims are being supported as someone who took my abuser to court it’s not easy and has impacted my life greatly it’s not a easy thing to do
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Oooh I saw that post on the DM at the time! The person who wrote about knowing him and the real reason behind the split!

And someone else replying too. Was that all covered up? Damn!!

I wouldn't touch Russell with a barge pole. He makes me shudder. I've read a book or two of his and he's literally boned all and sundry, even people you would def not touch, like Jade goody and kate moss, and Lauren harries etc And all manner of prostitutes and he-she's in thailand etc nobody is / was safe! Why would any normal woman find that attractive? he's a walking petri-dish!

There was a girl on another forum yrs ago who said she met Russell at a radio thing and she offered to sleep with him and he agreed and he found a cupboard and they just did the deed and he carried on to the show as if nothing had happened. It was only after she realized he didn't even take her first name! Neither did he use protection. WILD.
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Keep *telling* men and repeating yourself then. See how that all pans out.
Keep telling men when their behaviour is unacceptable? Yes I will. I don’t need to change my behaviour or tolerance levels to appease them. I’ve done enough of that the last few decades.

If they don’t want to listen or change their misogynistic behaviour that’s on them, not me. At least I will then know who I should avoid 👍🏻
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Is it possible (not likely, just possible) that he was totally oblivious to what he was doing? Especially thinking about the statements about his eyes glazing over, could it be like he's almost.. idk, passing out and not being aware of reality?

Not suggesting that makes it any less awful, I'm just fascinated and in his first video he obviously denied everything and said there was evidence to the contrary so I'm wondering if he actually believes he's not done anything wrong because he wasn't really there. If that makes sense.

Not sure what you are suggesting/excusing here (he is possessed? Totally disassociated?). He hounded women for hours. He selected vulnerable, isolated women. He sent messages apologising after. He behaved in cruel and degrading ways before, during and after. he behaved like this for years. Years and years and years. He abused partners in relationships for long periods. He used powerful lawyers to silence his accusers. He was surrounded by enablers and colliders. He continues to lie and weasel and swerve justice. He was and is fully aware of his actions and the consequences.

So no.
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If what these women are saying is true, then absolutely it’s rape. I just meant, as of yesterday, a lot of people weren’t even aware of the accusations, and now everyone believes C4, when he hasn’t been charged yet. Take it to court and trial him before he gets branded.

As I said, absolutely he’s treated women like shit, but I was merely saying, to what extent? No one knows the full truth yet. If he’s found guilty, I’ll be the first to say I was wrong for ever doubting that, but I just think trial by media is wrong
Also, why can’t your default position be to believe the victims of rape, rather than the accused rapist. And then be the first to apologise to the man for ever doubting them if it turns out they were wrongly accused? We all know only 2-3 % of rape allegations are false so why is the default still always to side with the man?

Someone said it earlier on the thread. I’d rather make a mistake supporting a woman making a false allegation than make a mistake in supporting a rapist.
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l mentioned the issue of SA of women and Sarah everard to my ex he responded by saying what should l do then hate myself because all men are monsters. All l said was that men should listen to women's experiences and call it out if they see things that aren't ok. Suffice to say he ended up being incredibly abusive and stalking me. There are men who do get it. And the ones that shout the loudest back are often abusers themselves.. so my hackles raise when l am told we are alienating men and NOT ALL MEN.. alarm bells ring for me. I can't think of a man whose said that to me who hasn't ended up being an abuser either of me or someone else l know. Just my perspective.
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Working class people aren’t stupid. Most, I’d imagine, are as highly intelligent as RB flatters himself in believing he is.

people are working class because of lack of resources and lack of access to education, effectively being barred from it by class snobbery and societal inequity.

There’s also the fact that many “working class” vocations are actually highly skilled and very valuable. It isn’t because of doctors that the U.K. in general is fit and well as a society - it’s because of bin men and effective sewers (built by the working class) that stops diseases. Prevention is much better than any cure.
I bought a fixer upper house and for all my university education, I needed the expertise of a plethora of trades people, because I was utterly clueless.

If the COVID pandemic hasn’t enlightened RB to the value of “working class”jobs and contributions, from the check out at Tesco and shelf stackers (ensuring we all had access to food), to the taxi drivers transporting those who couldn’t use public transport, to the cleaners keeping our workplaces and social spaces safe .... then nothing ever will. This latest tweet is condescending and patronising.

How this vile individual ever managed to convince others he was a socially conscious, intelligent, role model is beyond me. At best he’s a narcissistic loser, with a knack for using long words.
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I can’t believe I’m saying this but I hope this doesn’t divide men and women even more. So many things in recent history like MeToo and the murder of Sarah Everard have caused even more misunderstandings and aggression between the genders. Women scream ‘the patriarchy’ and men scream ‘feminazis!’ I’ve read some people on here say their husbands are taking a different stance to them and it’s causing problems. If we don’t come together and find some common ground we are in big trouble as a society. Most men are still decent and don’t need to be educated not to rape, and lots of decent men are actually getting sick and tired of being made to feel like potential sex pests or being told to sit down, shut up and believe women just because we’re women. Women have been oppressed for so long and still are in many ways but we’re in danger of alienating men from our cause.
Wow. A decent man would not take a woman’s strength to stand up against sexual abuse and rape as a personal insult against themselves. They would stand by them.

“Women shut up about the bad men because it’s ‘not all men’ and the decent men are upset and so you are in danger of alienating yourselves if you carry on upsetting them” boo bloody hoo.

What are these ‘decent men’ who are so upset by women accusing other bad men actually doing to support women?

What exactly do you expect women to do?
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As a lawyer - totally with you. The confidence people claim to have in our criminal ‘justice’ system scares me tbh. People who say things like they’ll only believe hes a rapist if a jury finds him to be one are literally saying that what they consider truth or not is something to be determined by a system we know to be deeply flawed. Juries ignore legal directions all the time, they acquit men on the strongest of evidence all the time - the fact that the CPS send such a low number of rape cases to trial already should be an indication of how strong the evidence in those cases is and yet the defendants still get away with it - and we know that sadly, and horrifyingly (to me at least) female jurors are more likely to acquit accused rapists. The people who are yelling about women taking ‘too long’ to report sexual assault cannot even begin to fathom what this system will put these women through and, once they’ve been chewed up and spat back out, most of their cases won’t even MAKE it to a jury because of the ‘lack of evidence’.
I completely believe Brand has done what he’s said, not least because there are themes/overlap in the victims’ accounts given they don’t know each other, but also the fact that he/his lawyer had such a violent reaction to the one woman emailing about it - he knows what he did and he had a lawyer on tick prepared for the first woman to complain about it. Not the actions of an innocent man. I’m also convinced his whole ‘sex addiction’ story was meant to be a defence for when these incidents came out.
I definitely believe his accusers. I was sexually assaulted twice in my life once on holiday by a hotel worker when I was 12 years old. I told my parents the first time , my mum made a massive deal about it she made it about her. Total victim blaming the second time I never told a soul, I couldn't deal with the fallout and judgement which felt worse than the assault. I just buried it in my brain.

One of his accusers went to a rape crisis centre straight away. She felt she couldn't report and I totally understand why. You are basically put on trial even as a child.
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This is so light touch compared to the subject area and I do not feel in any way a victim just to give this context...
But I was recently on a flight with my kids (all under 3) where a man got naked and started masturbating in the aisle (2 seats infront of me). The cabin staff told him to get dressed and continued to serve him drinks and joke with him.
My point is people enable behaviour without a second thought to the actual hierarchy of abuse. He was wrong. It was illegal. My children should have been protected (along with other passengers). But it was made a joke and on it goes.

It's not difficult to see how people let things go to a point that it was so far gone they no longer felt they could speak out.
I reported this to the airline and to the police so there was a record if / when further / more serious abuse occurs under the care of this company. This is why it takes so long for people to come out of the woodwork. Not all of us do it for ourselves now but to protect others in the future.
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IMO I do not believe he had a sex addiction! When I was a heroin addict it shattered my sex drive, I was drier than a nuns snatch! Which is a very common complaint among heroin users. I believe he is just a sexual predator, remember rape isn’t about sex, it’s about power and control. The sex addict bullshit was just damage control. I met RB in a rehab I went into, I told him then his fame doesn’t impress me and to stop speaking to me. I was clucking my bollacks off and he just wouldn’t shut the fuck up. 🤣
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The statistics about false claims of rape are rather sobering. A man is 230 times more likely to be raped himself than to be falsely accused of it.
I do believe everyone should be given a chance to share their side of the story first, but come on. It’s not as if there’s an epidemic of false rape claims. There is however an epidemic of rape and misogyny.
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Weird how people's minds go to the few examples of men being wronged, rather than the hundreds of examples of sex assault victims being failed by the system.

The number of men walking free despite accusations, and in some cases hard proof, massively dwarfs the number of men locked up because of a lie.

Many are household names who are still as famous as they ever were.
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