Fanny Muchmore

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Talking about school reminded me a male teacher made an inappropriate comment about my body when I was about 14. It’s like we’ve all had so much crap over the years that you just forget some of it.
My male teacher kissed me on the lips on my last day of primary school.
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I wonder if Russell will help fund a unit at Stoke Mandeville hospital soon? :unsure:
I was in Stoke Mandeville hospital, having my youngest when Savile died. She died during labour and I still hadn't delivered her, yet the midwives there were all sad and shocked by his death! The depths of his crimes weren't known then, but I remember being distressed that I was going to deliver a dead baby, but this 'creepy' man's death was so mourned.

My ex MIL (not GM of this baby), worked at SMH and encountered him several times and said he gave her the creeps and he was "horrible".

Brand's interview with Savile was chilling.
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I'm not really sure where I stand on this to be honest. Yes, Russell Brand is a self-confessed sex addict. Yes, he was Shagger of the Year 3 years running. Yes, he had women throwing themselves at him on a regular basis. Yes, general consensus is that he was more than a little bit sleazy. No one is going to be surprised by any of these allegations. But it's also not unheard of for women to lie about intimate relationships with famous men. Channel 4 and the Sunday Times spent over a year investigating someone who has slept with thousands of women and all they got was 5 people who had never reported anything to the police telling vague stories, anonymously, with no evidence.
As a woman who has been the victim of sexual assault I want all women to be believed but as the mother of a young adult son I want rape allegations against men to be thoroughly investigated before any decisions are made. When you have instances of date rape where two people are alone in a private setting how do you honestly prove one person's word against the other when the only defining issue is consent? Do I need to tell my son to get a signed contract and some form of ID off of every girl that he sleeps with? Even then, what if she changes her mind after she's signed it? It's an absolute legal minefield and I don't really have any practical answers.
I'm sorry you have been the victim of SA.

Here's some practical answers re guiding your son through understanding consent:

I do wonder whether you do in fact 'want all women to be believed' when a few sentences previous you said 'But it's also not unheard of for women to lie about intimate relationships with famous men.' It's a bit contradictory?
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Anyone else remember the Sachsgate incident which to me is a pointer to Brands true bullying nature? At the time a pretty harmless elderly actor, Brand and Ross left messages gloating that he had had sex with his granddaughter. Thus publicly humiliating both a harmless elderly man and a young woman.

Brands fans of course loved it as apparently Manuel from Fawlty Towers was, in the mind of Brand and his followers, some sort of proxy for the “establishment”.

Hidden in plain sight has never been more apt.
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Sideboard Bob

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I think there were a lot more stories that could have been in the documentary but they could only show the ones that they could 100% back up with rigorous evidence.

There could be a LOT more that they “only” had 99% proof for, and therefore couldn’t legally show.
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These women all consensualy had sex with mr brand,just think these witches have sour grapes.
They are pissed of because he just wanted sex not a relationship,boo boo girls get over yourselves.
Team Russel 😂😂😂
So all 5 women who don't know each other and had similar experiences are wrong? U are part of the reason people do not report sexual assault as people feel they won't be believed
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I’m not even a mad fan of Russell but so far I think this is a very weak expose? Using old footage of his self confessed risqué past out of context is a bit low hanging fruit tbh. The piece about him urinating in a bottle.. who cares? Obviously if he forced himself on anyone that is appalling, but have any of these women actually gone to the police? I’m not sure how comfortable I am with this new this new thing of destroying someone’s life publicly through the media when there are courts and a justice system set up for that purpose. A lot of the old footage that they have now used against him was Russel owning who he is and being upfront about his past. It’s a bit unfair and convenient to be used in another context against him
I mean, they've outed him as (allegedly) a groomer and a rapist who was abusing his power and his status for years but has also been silencing those who speak out. And they also shown that the media industry has allowed this to happen by not challenging behaviour that would get most people fired and blacklisted from the industry.

It's called 'In Plain Sight' for a reason. Fact is, there were warning signs of his nature for years and if he hadn't been allowed to keep falling upwards after every disgrace, maybe some of these women's experiences could have been prevented 🤷‍♀️
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Sideboard Bob

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JB . I’ll give you an example. Many years ago, a lady (Rachel Nickel) was snatched and stabbed on Wimbledon Common.

A man was found shortly after her murder, called Colin Staggluft was found London wandering around armed with huge blades. He looked exactly like the photo fit, he had no alibi, several witnesses picked out of a line-up.

They couldn’t find a single scrap of DNA from the crime scene which matched Stagg.

The police felt sure they had their man so they strengthened their case by sending out a ‘honey pot’ policewoman who offered sexual favours in return for information on how he killed Rachel.

The judge halted Stagg’s trial because of this as it was illegal, the case was thrown out. Stagg spent years taking abuse and being told that he was evil, a murderer, shouldn’t be free, threat of violence against his family.

A few years later a man killed 2 more women and a child. A DNA match was found to be food. They were also tipped off by a local. Robert Napper, it’s accepted that Robert also murdered Rachel too.

After years of threats and abuse, Stagg was totally innocent.

These thing do happen. You might think the story of a man going out poaching whilst in the same park close by his doppelgänger committing a horrendous murder.

This why we have trials.
The situation with Brand is nothing like this though. All the women who have spoken out have solid evidence. If they didn’t, his lawyers would have been able to stop the story from being published.
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He ofte
He’s absolutely foul. The fact that he describes the allegations as baroque, which makes absolutely no sense just sums him up. Pseudo-intellectual word salad designed to make him appear clever when really he is just a clueless idiot narcissist.

What exactly makes them baroque, did the letter turn up with a violin and some Vivaldi.
He often used words in the wrong context because he doesn't know what they really mean .
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Chatty Member
JB . I’ll give you an example. Many years ago, a lady (Rachel Nickel) was snatched and stabbed on Wimbledon Common.

A man was found shortly after her murder, called Colin Staggluft was found London wandering around armed with huge blades. He looked exactly like the photo fit, he had no alibi, several witnesses picked out of a line-up.

They couldn’t find a single scrap of DNA from the crime scene which matched Stagg.

The police felt sure they had their man so they strengthened their case by sending out a ‘honey pot’ policewoman who offered sexual favours in return for information on how he killed Rachel.

The judge halted Stagg’s trial because of this as it was illegal, the case was thrown out. Stagg spent years taking abuse and being told that he was evil, a murderer, shouldn’t be free, threat of violence against his family.

A few years later a man killed 2 more women and a child. A DNA match was found to be food. They were also tipped off by a local. Robert Napper, it’s accepted that Robert also murdered Rachel too.

After years of threats and abuse, Stagg was totally innocent.

These thing do happen. You might think the story of a man going out poaching whilst in the same park close by his doppelgänger committing a horrendous murder.

This why we have trials.
How is that an example of five women who’ve never met each other, describing similar experiences of their rape/sexual assault, being wrong?
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I think I must have become slightly desensitized because I don't find any of this shocking at all. I find it all quite predictable and unsurprising, especially the part about production companies pretty much letting their 'talent' have free reign to behave how they want. I suspect Russell's alledged behaviour isn't unusual, just more egregious and uncontrolled. For example, I've heard things about Steve Coogan over the years but reading between the lines he clearly had the self-control not to cross legal boundaries so blatently.

Apologies if my opinions offend anyone, but most of that show seemed like filler. There were only a few minutes of actual sexual assault stories and the rest seemed to be women who had consensual sex with Brand and now regret it.

I am in no way victim blaming and I think lots of people are aware just how difficult a sexual assault conviction is to get. The woman with the most evidence stood the highest chance but chose not to. I completely understand her reasons but that could have been the only chance to find him guilty.

What bothered me the most was the male comedian who mentioned a private chat group where female celebs warn newcomers about which male comedians, and producers to steer clear of. Are these producers going to be investigated?
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Assume you're being sarcastic or playing devil's advocate? Frighteningly, until 1992, rape within marriage didn't exist until the law was changed. Prior to then, it was a man's right to have sex with his wife, consensual or otherwise.
Yes I was being sarcastic. He subjected me to physical, mental and emotional abuse. I was encouraged press charges for assault and coercive control but was told how difficult the rape would be to prove, especially as I didn't report it when it happened. He used to tell me if I ever told the police anything about him that I'd be looking over my shoulder for the rest of my life...which I do now still three years on, because I DID go the the Police.

As for the rape? His opinion is that it's something that's expected from a woman in a relationship. It was my fault because Id created the problem by refusing his advances. OK, on that occasion he didn't use his fists, but I'd still said no and tried to push him away. Thanks to him my mental health was in shreds, and I'll never be the person I once was. I have no one in my life expect my mum and dad and work colleagues because I trust no one. I spend 100% of my time outside of work alone. Because that bastard took something that wasn't his to take and the mental and emotional impact of everything he said and did has left me a shell of who I once was.
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Just wanted to say. I'm old I've done my time round the block and its been horrible seeing the stuff the Brand stuff has brought up for Tattlers re their own experiences.

What I didn't expect was to be reminded of my own relatively minor sexual assaults, I just brushed off. The Leeds cab driver that reached behind his seat and felt me up. The cab driver suggested I pay him with sex. The bloke that licked me in public til my partner threatened to deck him. The guy put his hand down my pants in a nightclub that I hadn't even spoken to.

It's not the worse stuff that can happen to a woman but it's not ok. And if that's the stuff I can somehow brush off, there's much worse going on.
The former police officer that exposed Savile. He nailed it: the first time it happens is the time you're most likely to report it. The 2nd time, you doubt yourself or believe you are complicit in some way. It's harder to back out. Spot on.

Brand was not wrangling women off the street: only ones he'd had prior consensual sex with. And how much, legally does that muddy the waters. If you have had consensual sex with a person, be sure the law with not entertain you alleging rape by the same person.

My life was threatened by an ex but because he complained about me first, and he made the threat to 'Dave' in a text to me, they ignored it. Said the threat was for Dave not me so it was fine.

Just my opinion but a lot of police officers are narcissists themselves.
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You’ve proven my point quite clearly.

The more we say ‘boo hoo’ about the other side and keep screaming about how much worse we have it, the more divided we will become.

What do men need to do to support women? Maybe it’s enough for men to not abuse or rape women That’s enough for me personally. They’ll never understand what being a woman is like not will women ever understand the struggles men face.

I’ve already said what we need to do (not just women, everyone) find common ground and really listen to each others struggles and stop dismissing them because ‘you’re a man and you wouldn’t understand.‘it’s the opposite of mansplaining and we all know how well that goes down- like a shit sandwich.
There’s an imbalance here in the minimum requirements you’re asking.

Women: Have to understand ‘men’s struggles’ and not critique the normalisation of rape.

Men: Are expected not to rape.

This is not ‘meeting in the middle.’
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So according to Twitter:

Five women accusing RB can't be believed becaude they haven't gone to the police about it and its all conspiracy as he is speaking out against mainstream media.

Prince Andrew who was friends with someone who was later found to be a paedophile and has been accused by one women is definately a "nonce"

Remember Jimmy Saville was never convicted of any crimes either.

Didn't the Harvey Weinstein stuff all get reported in the media before he was convicted?
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I guess I am in the "not all men" category you so despise. It is patently not all men. I am firmly in the "Not all victims" brigade too. Not all victims are women and girls. I think the recent Phillip Schofield and Dan Wootten fiascos show quite clearly that plenty of boys are also preyed upon by powerful men. Ghislaine Maxwell, Brand's wife and in the US Mila Kunis & Bijou Phillips prove there are plenty of powerful women allied with these men too.

And I will also say this. That the vast majority of Russell Brand's panting fans are and always were women and girls. Most men I know of and many I have seen commenting upon this have long regarded him as a dodgy, effete little show pony.
Why can’t women talk about the behaviour of men without someone coming along and saying ‘but it’s not all men’ or ‘women sexually abuse too’ or ‘men get raped too’. We know that. We don’t need telling that. But it’s predominantly men sexually attacking predominantly women. It’s women and girls that grow up and live with the fear of being sexually attacked if they have not been unfortunate enough to experience it already. The news in the past 48hrs has been about a male celebrity attacking women. This thread is specifically about that male celebrity. Why do we have to even discuss and centre other poor men or female sex abusers/enablers right now?
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It amuses me that his followers believe that they are the ultimate critical thinkers, the ones who are 'awake', yet they will blindly follow him and believe any old guff he comes out with. Some might call that being 'sheeple', no? 😏
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yes this must be the only reason why i would point out unfairness towards a woman, you’re right 🤣

genuinely no one else in IW’s life knew anything - his bandmates, his family, no one - or at least claimed to not know anything. they were the ones spending real time with him, not a random ex. but again, easier to blame the woman eh? 🙃
I am from South Wales and I am acquainted with people who knew Watkins and who were friends with him IRL. I remember when the story broke and a lot of the people who knew him were still vehemently defending him, saying you don't know if it's true blah blah. They really really struggled with the truth of it all. The grip and hold Watkins had on his fans and friends was very powerful. He had brainwashed and manipulated them, like any crafty, intelligent predator does.

Brand is exactly the same. Good looking, charming men slip through very easily. He used his magnetism to do and say exactly as he pleased. I don't doubt that there are thousands of women who could come forward with a story about him. He's a crafty sod, he is playing a persecuted Jesus role very well. Putting out that rallying YouTube video before D Day, to assemble his disciples to fight for him. It gave me the creeps listening to it .
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Sadly the conviction rate for sexual assault and rape is so low and the attitude from police officers and the judicial system is so insensitive that the non legal route feels easier and more effective.

Look at Mason Greenwood. There was actual photographic, text and audio evidence, he went to trial and is a free man today.

It's not as straightforward as telling rape and abuse victims to "just go to the police". Many of them already tried that.
Just to point out that Greenwood didn’t go on trial, the CPS dropped the case as there wasn’t reasonable chance of prosecution - most probably due to him having a baby with his victim.

I btw believe that both both Greenwood and Brand are absolutely guilty and it’s a travesty if they both manage to avoid prison.
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