
VIP Member
Just as an aside, how about some praise for the vast majority of people who have the will-power and self-control not to choose to take highly addictive narcotics in the first place? I get sick to the back teeth of people being praised for getting themselves off of drugs. Maybe sounds harsh, but that's the kind of mood I'm in. Plus I've been dry for almost a year and this whole fucking Brand thing is making me want to have a drink. :ROFLMAO::cautious:
Sorry but this is a terrible take. Addiction (drugs or other behaviours) is a living hell for anybody who suffers from it.

I am in a 12 Step Recovery program myself and much of my using was as a way of coping with the complex PTSD I still suffer with as a result of the child sexual abuse I suffered as a little girl. Many addicts are the same - using to cope with trauma or the stresses and sadness of life (although not all of those with addiction have a background of trauma).

Many people drink and use recreationally, and a proportion of that group will then go on to become addicted. Scientists debate how much of it is genetic or environmental (and it’s often a combo of both) - but the fact remains that many people do and it’s truly hell to live with an addiction. Addiction is nothing to do with will power. If it was then a lot more people wouldn’t fall prey.

In December of last year I considered suicide as my addiction had got so bad - but I instead had a moment of clarity at rock bottom and decided to join a meeting instead - and I’m now 9 months clean. I’m very Happy I did. I’m now helping others get clean and rebuild their lives. I’m guess that my example would make you “sick to the back teeth” as I recovered? It seems you are not only prejudiced against people who suffer with this illness, but also those who find a solution to help themselves recover? Truly baffling.

I feel truly sorry for you that you have so much hatred in your heart. And dare I suggest that much of your prejudice is self loathing, as the fact you have been “dry for a year” suggests you are trying to recover yourself from alcoholism yet can’t accept that fact? Of course you don’t believe in addiction being an illness do you… in which case you can happily take that drink you are dying for and no problems with ensue..

I hope one day you wake up from your narrow and unkind mind.
the over the top styling feels a bit Saville now tbh
It’s the carefully crafted v neck T-shirts, £500+ knitwear, and multiple necklaces for me. The most disingenuous hippy look you’ve even seen.
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Katy Perry doesn’t owe us a single thing. I’m absolutely delighted for her that she’s well rid of that absolute dickhead and seems very happy. I agree with the poster who said hopefully she never has to speak about him ever ever again.

Just think- they were together for a little over 2 years, including the marriage. That’s nothing. I had a similar length relationship around that time with a controlling, borderline abusive arsehole and it messed me up for about a year afterwards. She was only 25 when she met him, same as me with my ex. I would absolutely hate to ever have to talk about him in public as I have completely moved on with my life and it feels like a lifetime ago. He’s also probably the only ex I haven’t exchanged a single word with since our breakup, so I haven’t spoken to him in a decade. I couldn’t care less if he is dead.

A huge amount of women have dated at least one horrible man in their life. They all deserve to completely separate from them and never have to mention it ever again if they don’t want to.
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All the people wittering on about MSM targeting him because of his views…. What on earth has a rape, in LA got to do with it. They are not in any way connected. I agree the man has made many enemies- but he’s being targeted because he’s a fucking rapist hiding in plain sight.
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All this has really got me thinking.

I don't know whether I am viewing the snippets of his behavior with 2023 eyes or 40 something eyes. I just cannot believe this kind of misogyny and predator behaviour was acceptable. I never like Brand and his theatrical, eccentric persona (always thought he looked like he stank and needed a good scrub) but at the time I don't remember thinking all his serial comments were wrong 😳

It has also made me reflect about my 16 year old self. I could have been "Alice". I would have been blinded by the fame and, at the time, I truly believed I was grown up. At 16 I had a relationship with someone who was 32 and, at the time did not see anything wrong in that!!!!! Knocks me sick.
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Think she’s a journalist for the Independent. Makes such a good point. A woman’s sexual history is used to paint her, at the very least, as less of a victim. What a contrast
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It’s hilarious reading back through this thread, how many people are willing to take his side, and people calling it a witch hunt. I used to be a fan, but now it’s clear he’s done some terrible things I can change my mind. You don’t have to defend an abusive manipulative criminal just because you liked his booky wook ten years ago or whatever. When the truth comes out ask yourself what exactly would multiple women have to gain from lying about something so private and painful and why anyone would consider Russell Brand important enough to orchestrate a grand conspiratorial witch hunt against?
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Is anyone else struggling to find it anywhere? It’s saying unavailable on sky and the channel 4 app.
For some reason the dispatches image when I opened the app didn’t have a play option, had to scroll further down and click on a separate image. Not sure why
A colleague was on a r*pe trial. Another juror (older male) wouldn’t accept that the victim had been r*ped as she’d previously kissed her attacker. Absolutely infuriating.
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This is going to sound like I’m sticking up for Brand here but watching the footage of that it looked to me like Ross was equally childish and egging Brand on. They were like two naughty schoolboys. I don’t think it was anything about the ‘establishment.’ Brand actually loved Sachs character and Fawlty Towers generally and I think he got carried away and silly like a kid who meets their hero. As others have said, the whole culture around broadcasting and the way Brand kept pushing the envelope because he was able to get away with it is a lot of the problem. Brands just one example of the whole sick system.
The thing is though, they aren’t naughty schoolboys. They are cruel, selfish and ignorant men who are pretending to be childlike to escape accountability.
If I recall correctly from his book, his Dad introduced him to hardcore pornography at a very young (primary school age); he then later took Russell to brothels and paid for him to sleep with multiple prostitutes when he was still in his teens. He also brought them back to the same hotel room he was sharing with Russell and had sex with them in front of Russell every night they were on a trip to Hong Kong and encouraged Russell to join in alongside him. I’m not excusing Russell at all; but Mr Brand senior is a piece of dirt for setting him up for a life of perverted interactions with women. I also recall Russell was SA by a scout master …
Sounds like his father should be in prison too! I don’t doubt that he’s committed assaults too and it’s a terribly abusive way to bring up a child.
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Also, we've all met at least one man who's laughed off or downplayed another man's inappropriate behaviour, even when they admit they know it was wrong.

We know men, particularly those who show women less respect, will take the word of another man before they listen to a woman.

Asking men to speak up isn't piling on, being hysterical or lecturing and it's tiring that women can't even express themselves without being seen as emotionally unstable nags.

And if we are emotional, so what? We almost ALL have experiences - too many starting from childhood - of us having to protect ourselves and look after ourselves because of men. Why would we not be emotional about that?
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I wonder if the "why the media not the police?" Crowd object to the fact that Weinstein would still be raping with impunity had it not been for investigative journalism? That Savile would still be known as a philanthropist DJ. That we wouldn't have the first idea that the US military mass raped and murdered hundreds in My Lai without Seymour Hersch writing about it when no one else would touch it.
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I’m saying it would benefit women to try and see what men have to deal with (constantly being held in contempt or suspicion because they’re male) and then perhaps men would be more likely to try and see women’s struggles as well. Weird how that’s so controversial.
Females have been oppressed since day dot because of their sex. Men may have faced challenges in their lives due to race / class / sexuality etc. But women are born into a world which places less value on them due to their sex. Even in western societies where there is apparent ‘equality’, women are not afforded the same benefits as their male counterparts. The system is set up to support patriarchy.
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Its a s
a spliff oh please it's not a bug thing it's not like snorting your brains out or off your face on ket
Alcohol is far worst weed should be legal urs the most natural thing going.
You’re kinda missing the point- it’s not about the spliff. It doesn’t matter if it was a spliff, a line or a fucking shot of hand sanitiser. He preaches about his sobriety, wellness and clean lifestyle. Of course a spliff isn’t a big deal. The issue is he is a liar
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He’s absolutely foul. The fact that he describes the allegations as baroque, which makes absolutely no sense just sums him up. Pseudo-intellectual word salad designed to make him appear clever when really he is just a clueless idiot narcissist.

What exactly makes them baroque, did the letter turn up with a violin and some Vivaldi.
Unfortunately, a lot of the general public think he’s clever because of the language he uses, despite the fact that it’s often misused and actually makes him an utter c*nt. He used to come into the restaurant I worked in (and I also know two girls who were silly enough to shag him), I can say with certainty he is one of the biggest bell ends I have ever met. Smells like a damp dish cloth and is terrified of women cleverer than him (obviously that means all women). He needs a bath in dettol.
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2-‘why not go to the police ? Why go to the media?’ - for the many reasons already listed in this thread. Russell’s power, status, money, you can be in denial for years when you’ve been raped, you’re not exactly feeling your best self and probably don’t have the confidence/courage to talk as you feel so incredibly downtrodden, guilty, worthless. The process is long and gruelling and you’re treated as a criminal yourself. Given the CPS prosecution rate, I don’t blame people for talking to journalists instead, especially if they know more and more girls are coming forward. Safety in numbers comes to mind. And the girls were approached by the journos , not the other way round.
The sad thing is that it's so rape-specific.
If arson statistics were like rape statistics, nobody would have an issue with a victim going to the media about a man they witnessed set their home on fire. You'd never hear "not all men are arsonists".
But yet if it's about a rape, all the focus goes on the victim's behaviour. The idea of a small percentage of men being falsely accused is somehow a huge issue, with no regard for the huge percentage of victims who never get justice.
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