
VIP Member
Well, a wordsmith for people who are easily impressed with superficiality. I mean we all like to be flattered and complimented, but predators usually go for younger, naive, vulnerable or immature people who have more of an emotional NEED to be flattered and shown attention. A predator will quickly appraise if a person will be receptive to their guile and if they aren't they will just move on to the next person. As for his 'followers', I'd like to see a breakdown of the demographic.

I have no doubt the vast majority of sexual encounters Brand initiated were consensual, but what I find deeply troubling is the scale of grooming, coercion, and for want of a better word 'selection' of the women involved. It smacks of a psychopathy I'm not qualified to diagnose. Russell was right in one thing he said, something along the lines of: "If you make money for them they'll let you get up to naughty things". That's spot on and of course he recognised it and abused his position like so many sexual predators do.

ps. One more thing, I didn't think the BBC came out looking good, AGAIN. :rolleyes:
Absolutely this. If the confident millionaire singer Katy Perry felt silenced and belittled by Brand (read the lyrics to Roar which was about the end of their marriage) then what chance did a star struck teen or early 20 girl have?
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Chatty Member
This genuinely isn't an attack on the pp because her point is one I've seen made lots of times. I've also seen lots of "why now" and at least mildly victim blamey posts across multiple threads here.

But doesn't it say something about how we are socialised as women that some of us hear about a man raping 4 women and immediately think about how this will impact men? Then need to point out that good men exist and talking about this too much will make men hate us and become incels? We really are taught to center men in our thoughts at all times.
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It is so interesting that people on here are going on as if it’s one word against another. It is literally MULTIPLE women with many clips of his behaviour in plain sight and witnesses. God forbid any of your friends, sisters, daughters etc ever end up in court with people as sympathetic towards blatant evidence as this.
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Chatty Member
I was a teenager when he was at the height of his fame. I thought he was funny and edgy.

I had barely taken notice of him over the last few years but it makes sense that he reinvented himself. The world has moved on (slightly) and making money from talking about how much sex you have probably not viable any more.

surprised there are still people defending him, regarding the 16 year old ‘relationship’ huge abuse of power regardless of the legalities.

Guilty as sin, I hope Walliams is next.
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On regard to his dad and the prostitues - he was underage then, and his Dad forced it on him. His dad was a toxic man and forced his son to lose his virginity at an age that he chose,

I don’t think it counts as Russel being vile it was just another example of him being traumatised as a young kid - which is why his later behaviours were so destructive, particularly in regards to sex.
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weren’t even taken seriously in a police station
The police are a massive part of the problem. You can’t be claiming to be completely oblivious to that? You seem to think you’ve got lots of knowledge about this subject, but you also think going to the police is a foolproof solution? 😭

It’s only been 2 years since a police officer raped and murdered a woman in London. And his colleagues were then charged after it was revealed that they had “banter” on WhatsApp about raping and beating females themselves.

but yes go to the police, it’ll solve everything. Truly upstanding citizens there to protect females 🥲
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Chatty Member
Anyone else think the documentary didn’t have enough detail? I read the times article before watching and I was surprised how much was left out. For all the posters saying the documentary was ‘weak’ please read the times piece, the evidence they have is damning.
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Well-known member
Today I have learnt that many believe if someone has sex without valid consent, even if force or violence is used, it is only classed as rape WHEN the police are told and a conviction has occurred. Until that point it is valid joke fodder and not even a big deal.
Jeesus christ. I think I've had enough internet today
Also, apparently being a vile misogynist is ok, as long as you✨ own it✨and even mention it in your book!
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What percentage of hetero western men are like this (rapey or potentially rapey), do we think? Totally unscientific - I’d love to hear your thoughts. My husband said he thinks it’s approx 30%, and I’d be horrified if I heard what men say when women aren’t there. It’s why he hates hanging out at “men only” type things (stags etc).
Interestingly as I watched this, it brought memories of my own sexual encounters from those times, that are very alike. And it’s only now I am older and the sex narrative has changed that I realise things that happened were wrong. I was raped at 16 but didn’t even realise what happened to me was rape until I was 28.
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Its a s
a spliff oh please it's not a bug thing it's not like snorting your brains out or off your face on ket
Alcohol is far worst weed should be legal urs the most natural thing going.
I spent 20 years in the police force cleaning up the mess made by your “harmless” drug. Ranging from raiding cannabis farms manned by illegal Vietnamese immigrants who were being used by unscrupulous gangsters, to arresting teenage shoplifters carrying out a bit of harmless larceny to fund their insatiable need for their harmless drug.

Cannabis changes the chemical balance of your brain, affecting judgement and decision making most of all. Making you act in a way you would not even consider acting when sober. Negatively affecting your inhibitions and morality. In which universe is that the “most natural thing going”?
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Chatty Member

Posted this over on the secret celeb gossip thread. I thoroughly enjoy Sean Locks hatred of Brand in this clip
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If women keep screaming at men to ‘stand up against misogyny and ask what you can do to stop rape culture’ this ain’t going to get them to do that. It’s hysterical (and that’s understandable because this pushes all our buttons) but they will close their ears to it.
I was sexually assaulted in front of a group of male friends. None of them did or said a fucking thing. They all claim to be “decent men”.

They close their ears to it even when it’s right in front of them.
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There are going to be lots of women finding out that their decent boyfriends and husbands, are still very much decent men, but don’t agree with this constant pile on of their gender.

They don’t. No one has to. But one or the other is going to have to make the first move or we’ll be angry at each other for ever. What would you suggest?
It’s sex, not gender.

Not sure how women demanding more from men to stop rape culture is a pile on?

If a man cries ‘not me. Not all men’ we tell them why it’s not an acceptable response.

We tell them why certain phrases like ‘why didn’t they go to the police. Why is this only coming out now.’ is not an acceptable response. We tell them that ‘it’s just banter’ is not acceptable behaviour amongst their male friends.

We keep repeating ourselves until we are heard. We don’t silence ourselves and ignore the unacceptable comments and behaviour from men no matter how much it upsets them being told otherwise. They are not children and don’t need mollycoddling. And if any partner of mine still doesn’t get it or want to try to listen or understand then I would seriously consider my choice in partner.
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While this particular behaviour is not criminal, at what point do the people around him say this isn't okay?

Especially given the kind of behaviour it could escalate to or be hiding?
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Tilly Kister

VIP Member
Sorry but these women truly just wanted to have sex with him just as much as he wanted sex with them.
He didn’t rape them or beat them,he was a young man spreading his seed.
No harm done.
One of these women went to a rape crisis centre the day of the attack. Then attended regular counselling at the same centre for 5 months after. Another woman has text messages from Brand via a number confirmed to have been his US number at the time of the alleged offence in which he tacitly admitted he had acted without her consent and apologised. Another had just turned 16 when he picked her up outside a Top Shop in Oxford Circus. He was 31, famous & feted, she was a child who had never had sex lured by his charm & predatory wiles.

I hope you do not have children because I fear what sort of values you might instil in them.
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New member
Personally I'm sick of the rhetoric that he had access to so many women who wanted to sleep with him that he wouldn't "need" to rape anyone.

Disgusting for so many reasons (sex and rape are entirely different things with different motives, consent isn't a blanket approval for every single interaction you ever have with someone going forward, rapists don't rape every single person they interact with or have the opportunity to etc)

But also, absolutely ludicrous when we know that people with the money to buy anything they want still shoplift, and nobody has ever questioned that eg. Video of Winona Ryder shoplifting when there was absolutely no reason she would need to. Kleptomania and the desire to buy nice jewellery are clearly different and people seem to be able to understand that it's about the thrill of stealing for some people. But when it comes to a crime where the vast number of perpetrators are men and the majority of victims are women, people pretend to have some blind spot where they feign an ignorance to the differing motives behind rape and sex.

To everyone who has shared their stories in the public, and on these boards, I support you and believe you and you have support and love even if the deniers seem like they're shouting louder at the moment 💕
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Sideboard Bob

VIP Member
Talking about school reminded me a male teacher made an inappropriate comment about my body when I was about 14. It’s like we’ve all had so much crap over the years that you just forget some of it.
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The man got a standing ovation at Wembley last night.
This is seriously disturbing and sad that he 1 has the audacity to do this - feeling he has done nothing wrong. And that 2 - people are worshiping him still.
I’m assuming the people attending would not have seen or read the evidence against him because it’s pretty damming. The worst thing for me was seeing him making jokes about it - the gagging blow job 🤢

I naively hoped that as he is now father of 2 girls, times have changed. He had been enabled by those around him. He may have reflected and felt regret or shame. But nope 🤷🏻‍♀️ Psychopathic behaviour.

I hope this goes to criminal trial. He is not safe to be walking about. And definitely not safe to be spreading his inane ramblings to millions of followers.
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