Not at all. I just believe we have a process there for a reason and it should be used instead of using women’s abuse stories as fodder and whipping on the masses for entertainment purposes, how about following what we are meant to do and reporting it and going about it that way. I do not believe that someone should be crucified in the court of public opinion without any ability to defend themselves with outdated clips used out of context to whip up outrage and paint a picture to support very weak accounts
This is a joke. So little cases of rape and abuse are actually prosecuted. This was likely the absolute best way for anyone to get justice or raise awareness. I was horrendously sexually assaulted and the police couldn’t even be bothered to find him. There’s so many stories I know similar for other women. How privileged to think a police report leads to the correct result.
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Jonathan Ross started a relationship with his now wife when she was 16 and he was late 20s (I always remember this because I'm a couple of years younger than her and even when I was 14 it seemed really creepy to me).

I think that the teenager thing is sadly not uncommon especially in celebrity circles where there are a lot of easily impressed teens around.

I perhaps have a jaded view of men in general but I suspect a lot of men would behave like RB if they had the same opportunities to shag around. You only have to look on dating sites to see how otherwise normal blokes describe women and how they think it's acceptable to behave. The obsession with porn, anal, coercing women into sex under false pretences, it's endemic.

My biggest concern about all this is that far from being hung out to dry, RB is going to become some kind of martyr instead.
If I recall correctly from his book, his Dad introduced him to hardcore pornography at a very young (primary school age); he then later took Russell to brothels and paid for him to sleep with multiple prostitutes when he was still in his teens. He also brought them back to the same hotel room he was sharing with Russell and had sex with them in front of Russell every night they were on a trip to Hong Kong and encouraged Russell to join in alongside him. I’m not excusing Russell at all; but Mr Brand senior is a piece of dirt for setting him up for a life of perverted interactions with women. I also recall Russell was SA by a scout master …
I know someone who was exposed to porn at a very young age and sadly was also a victim of SA (the 2 events were unconnected). That kind of trauma if not addressed can result in some very disturbed lifelong attitudes to sex, and women. I'd expect RB is also addicted to watching porn and the types of porn are probably the most unpleasant/ degrading to women.
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Just had my husband come in mansplaining that RB is a victim of a msm witch-hunt as he’s talking against them on YouTube and I should take everything with a pinch of salt.

I take fucking nothing with a ‘pinch of salt’. He says this without having even watched Dispatches.
Ngl you need to have a very strong word with your husband. I would be absolutely appalled if my other half was telling me to take this with a pinch of salt.
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Yes and when he left the establishment and didn't need them anymore, they went for him. The legacy media hates people with bigger audiences than they have.
Seriously, have a word with yourself. When you consistently have enough power and dosh to use costly lawyers to shut down claims of sexual assault, you're hardly anti-establishment.
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I'm not really sure where I stand on this to be honest. Yes, Russell Brand is a self-confessed sex addict. Yes, he was Shagger of the Year 3 years running. Yes, he had women throwing themselves at him on a regular basis. Yes, general consensus is that he was more than a little bit sleazy. No one is going to be surprised by any of these allegations. But it's also not unheard of for women to lie about intimate relationships with famous men. Channel 4 and the Sunday Times spent over a year investigating someone who has slept with thousands of women and all they got was 5 people who had never reported anything to the police telling vague stories, anonymously, with no evidence.
As a woman who has been the victim of sexual assault I want all women to be believed but as the mother of a young adult son I want rape allegations against men to be thoroughly investigated before any decisions are made. When you have instances of date rape where two people are alone in a private setting how do you honestly prove one person's word against the other when the only defining issue is consent? Do I need to tell my son to get a signed contract and some form of ID off of every girl that he sleeps with? Even then, what if she changes her mind after she's signed it? It's an absolute legal minefield and I don't really have any practical answers.
No evidence? You can’t possibly have read this detailed interview with Nadia. It’s all been fact checked by the investigative journalists. This is not one word against another. Also, these victims didn’t know each other. How do you explain them all telling similar stories? What do they have to gain? I suppose if they weren’t anonymous you would then be accusing them of wanting fame and attention.

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I think he’s horrific but I think the narrative should be how society / the industry enabled men in the early 00s and also highlight Vernon, David Walliams… Russell’s behaviour was fowl but he was one of many.
He met his wife as a teenager then went into marry her years later, so she will refute the grooming angle.
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I'm not holding her accountable for anything Brand did. I have no doubt he's guilty of far worse than we'll ever hear of. I despise him and his early "I AM A DRUG FUELLED FUCK GOD" persona and I despise his reborn as the woo-woo king of spiritual freedom will fuck the system now pay thousands for a glamping Yurt at my festy with your own vegan massage therapist to learn how!"

My feelings re: Danni Minogue are far less visceral. I don't like Danni Minogue or her shoit derivatove dance music from 25 years ago. I think she's a talentless, publicity hungry, famous for her sister being famous bore.

I therefore think it's ironic she's on the moral high ground for once. She's usually chasing the Paparazzi for far less noble reasons. Just goes to show the level of knowledge of Brand's rapey proclivities and the length of time it was known for. An open secret, Danni's not got any insights no one else had, I know that. She just felt compelled to say something here because she was so C-List Brand thought he could sleaze onto her and not get called on it.

But she has got a brass fkn neck feigning ignorance of Cowell because he paid her wages and kept her on the telly. I mean in the light of having stated the fucking obvious about Brand & his predatory behaviours. Seems she only cares if it impacts her & she's not a nine year old Thai girl being sold in a Bangkok wrongcock knocking shop is she?
wtaf is this post 🙃

again, interesting that you have chosen this thread of all threads, to post an essay about your rather intense dislike of a woman whose main “crime” seems to be that she’s a bit fame hungry. does this warrant hatred to the point that you find it “ironic” that she has the moral high ground over an actual rapist?!

a paragraph about brand. and then three about how much you despise a completely unrelated woman. interesting.
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A lot of these girls/ladies won’t have been believed and will have then just kept it to themselves.
Double assault.
There will be a lot more than have spoken out and I hope that the people who disbelieved them realise how it would have made them feel.
I once said something on social media that had happened to me that was true about a ‘national treasure’ and got shot down in flames.
I hope all predators famous or not get their due and that all victims get some peace.
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omg how tf can you stay married to a rapist.....does she really think her husband is innocent
No. I had a uni friend whose husband admitted he 'might have' raped several girls during college, he convinced her it was a bad time in his life, booze, drugs and of course the girls were leading him on. She genuinely thought his 'admission' was proof he was ashamed and had moved on but she also admitted to feeling 'honoured' that he trusted and respected her enough to tell her. I can see Russell putting that whole act on, You would need something from him before you agreed to marry a man with his reputation surely and him admitting to something terrible would convince some women they were special.
Uni friend married him he got caught with a friend of her younger sister. Surprise.
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Whole thing is making me feel rather sick.

Also, is it just me or is this whole thing making anyone else go back to places in their past where something happened to them? It’s very difficult to avoid the subject because it’s everywhere. Stuff I thought I had processed years ago but clearly haven’t.
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Posted this over on the secret celeb gossip thread. I thoroughly enjoy Sean Locks hatred of Brand in this clip
I miss Sean Lock! He was so funny and had such a good energy. I’m pretty sure he had already been diagnosed with cancer at that point so was unlikely to be impressed with Brand breathing germs everywhere.
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Trying to catch up so point has probably already been made but.....

I am getting sick to death with the 'he was uncovering the truth, standing up to the establishment' shit being spouted as reason for his defence.

Look at the recent scandals that have come out:
Philip Schofield - golden balls of a big media corporation
Huw Edwards - stalwart of the BBC
Harvey Weinstein - 100% part of the Hollywood elite

All would have remained exactly where they are if it wasn't for the brave individuals who are actually standing up to the elite.

All Brand is doing is rehashing tropes and conspiracy theories that any 2 bit Youtuber has been spouting for years. He's not the Messiah, he's a very naughty boy (too early to nominate self for thread title nom 😂🙄).

Maybe, just maybe, in the last few years the blinkers of celebrity idol worship are coming off and we are calling them out on the crimes that they have or are committing. That nobody should be above the law. And karma is a bitch.
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This should work.
I don’t know how anyone can read this and think it’s anything but the truth. Her testimony alone is strong but the timeline of text messages, medical records etc just removes any doubt if someone wants to even pretend it’s a ‘he said/she said’ situation.

And the journalists really have covered their backs with every piece of evidence, even stating that the electronic document which contains the letter she sent to RB has not been modified since 2012.

I’m presuming even if she wanted to, the met can’t do anything about this as it happened in the US?
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During the Yorkshire Ripper time there were demands to have men curfewed after 8pm by many womens group. TBH, I don't blame them.
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I do not understand the people on here asking for evidence etc.
Almost all women I know have experienced some form of sexual harassment / abuse at isn't a fucking unheard of situation. Pay more attention. See what is happening.
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I love his “and ANOTHER thing” energy about Brand there. He did not hold back.

He is very much missed.
Oh for sure! He wasn’t letting the conversation veer off until he said what he wanted to say. And he was so so spot on.
He is a great example of an intelligent comedian who doesn’t have to resort to dirt and big words to make people laugh and get his point across
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Wtaf is happening in the goddam world right now? So RB , a known predator and as it now turns out a rapist and a groomer, speaks a modicum of truth about some bullshit or the other and that cancels out all the disgusting shit he's done? Are you kidding me?
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He has evil eyes and when he smiles it never reaches his eyes 2 women mentioned how his eyes glazed over when he assaulted them one said that it was as if another person had entered his body. Don't want to sound to dramatic but I wonder if he has ever been involved in Black Magic? It wouldn't surprise me at all.
My best guess would be something more chemical, or possibly some sort of disassociation? Or maybe that was the point at which he stopped caring about any kind of morals or restraint and became purely selfish and fixated on his own creepy gratification. It sounds quite beastlike and that pure selfishness would probably create a visible energy shift in terms of body language.

Eye contact being weird makes sense as at that point he’s not even seeing/caring about another person being affected.
My follower count has only gone done by 4. Really surprised by a few as well. Really does show its a man’s world, women get cancelled for WAY less
I’m also wondering why the hell the venue put this on and gave him a platform? Roisin Murphy’s career has been completely destroyed, by comparison, and whatever anyone’s opinion she certainly isn’t comparable to a mass rapist!.
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