
VIP Member
You and I both know that’s not what I meant and that you are being facetious. I was writing in response to a post that has now been deleted, where someone was using the age old ‘but but but they all consented to sex previously’
But to avoid any doubt, I meant I can agree to sex with someone 1000 times previously, that does not mean that I necessarily consent to future sex. Consent can’t be withdrawn with hindsight. However it must be gained in advance regardless of your sexual history together.
Editing to add: it can also be withdrawn at any time up to or during the act of sex.

Does that clear it up? Will your ‘friend’ understand now?
crazy that you had to explain this tbh.

the longer people keep pretending to misunderstand the most basic theories of consent, the longer men like brand and their supporters will continue to get away with this because oh it’s so confusing isn’t it, consent? makes me 🤢
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I think it's just societies view is changing and thank fuck for that. As a teenager old men would beep their horns at me, I didn't think much of it at the time but the men were old enough to be my dad. A boy repeatedly hit me on the bum at school and tried to put a ruler up my skirt he hit me with rulers on the arse. My head of year said I need to wear a longer skirt it wasn't even that short just above the knee. It was 2008 so not ages and ages ago. We were basically groomed to expect some level of sexual harassment.

If a girl sent nudes it would be the end of her social life , luckily I never did that thank fuck. Revenge porn and sharing photos wasn't illegal back then and nothing happened to the boys who did it.

Some Men are getting angry because they are getting called out on being misogynistic and not allowed to do as they please.

Well fuck them and the women enabling them are just as bad. I want my daughter to grow up in a world where its not acceptable to do whatever you want because you have a cock.
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I’m not saying women do all the groundwork. I’m suggesting that both genders need to be prepared to come into no man’s land and see each other in a more compassionate way. But clearly that isn’t going to happen.
Do you have any suggestions for how to change things? The disgusting misogynistic culture we live in?
Yeah. It's fucking easy. Men should not commit rape or sexual assault.

The men in my life get it.
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Sorry but do people actually understand what evidence is? A victim account is evidence, text messages are evidence, rape crisis centre is evidence, witness accounts are evidence.
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Can I just state for the record I cannot fucking stand Jonathan Ross and I never have. I could write reams about how much I detest the man, it would be theraputic for me, but I won't subject you to it. :ROFLMAO:
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New to this thread - I just saw it on the front screen and wanted to add...

As someone who has met RB a handful of times (I was a table host at West end clubs 15 ish years ago for a number of years) I have said for years how creepy and sleazy he is and it was more than just being promiscuous. I would never want to work his tables or have contact with him. He thinks he was entitled to whatever and whoever he wanted, whenever he wanted.
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He comes across as complete self absorbed prick. I was disappointed a couple years ago at Fearne Cottons Happy Place festival when she had him on. Kind of lost my respect for Fearne at that, but wasn’t sure why. Couldn’t put my finger on it.
I’m not sure Fearne Cotton is an especially good judge of male character (i.e. Ian Watkins)
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I didn't report 🙁 and the guilt placed on women who don't is immense. You end up feeling guilty for the possible other women your rapist has assaulted, like you're personally responsible for any rapes after yours. It's such a head fuck.
I'm really tired of the 'well she didn't go to the police did she' angle. Obv, in a perfect world crimes would all be dealt with and punishments faced (though in a perfect world rape wouldn't exist I suppose) but life is so much more multifaceted. The mental anguish, the (in my case) disassociation, the guilt ('what was I wearing', 'was I asking for it') that you go through, the feelings of disgust at your own body, the never wanting to talk to anyone ever let alone strange police officers. Traumatic situations are so layered. Its never as simple as 'oh well she didn't report'.
I am so sorry that happened to you. It wasn’t your fault, regardless of what you were wearing, where you went or what you said/did. I spoke to lots of people who had had an experience and 9 times out of 10 people just wanted to talk, be heard and be believed. Very few wanted to go to the police, because they had no faith in the system, that absolutely doesn’t invalidate what happened to you/them it’s still a crime.
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mumsnet is RIFE with conspiracy theorists, so i’ll post here what i posted there, i’m sure it’s fell on deaf ears over there..

To assume 'they' are trying to distract us you would also have to assume that everyone knows and cares about the actions of Russell Brand . They don't. Yes he's a household name but realistically only people that were invested in that culture and era of the 2000's are going to take an interest in that, leaving a massive number of the population presumably not even following the story.

Sorry but if they needed a distraction i'm sure they could've come up with something bigger than 'Russell Brand abuses women'... it's hardly the most shocking revelation of the decade.

I'm saying this as someone that doesn't trust MSM as a whole and as much as i love a good conspiracy, this situation is so transparent and the people blindly following his new found (conveniently curated) anti establishment persona need to open their eyes and stop believing that every single person who's speaks up against the MSM and establishment does it with good intentions, there's a growing pattern in people excusing their shitty actions by masquarading behind this 'victim of the media for telling the truth' bullshit persona.
YES there are genuine people out there spreading the message of fake news and how the government is so in control, but you all struggle to recognise when you're being played by evil people using this narrative to cover up their wrongdoings . OPEN YOUR EYES!
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Innocent until proven guilty. If people make accusations they can back it up with hard evidence and then in court.
Sadly the conviction rate for sexual assault and rape is so low and the attitude from police officers and the judicial system is so insensitive that the non legal route feels easier and more effective.

Look at Mason Greenwood. There was actual photographic, text and audio evidence, he went to trial and is a free man today.

It's not as straightforward as telling rape and abuse victims to "just go to the police". Many of them already tried that.
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I’m saying it would benefit women to try and see what men have to deal with (constantly being held in contempt or suspicion because they’re male) and then perhaps men would be more likely to try and see women’s struggles as well. Weird how that’s so controversial.
There is nothing weird about women being suspicious of men. Men commit 98% of sexual offences and the vast majority of violent offences. Women are most at risk from the men we live with. One in four women is a victim of rape. Only one in a hundred rapes reported to the police results in a conviction. And if you report and if you get a conviction, you still aren’t always believed.


Men need to ask themselves what they can do to stop rape culture. Brand was enabled and protected in large part by other men. Men need to stand up against misogyny.
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There are going to be lots of women finding out that their decent boyfriends and husbands, are still very much decent men, but don’t agree with this constant pile on of their gender.
My husband is a decent man, he is appalled by Brand’s behaviour and after the programme last night he turned to me and said ‘I’m sorry men are like that’. He didn’t caveat it with ‘some men’ or ‘ a few men’ because he realises the problem is with men in general. He is good and wouldn’t behave that way, he knows I don’t blame him or his like minded friends, but it is ‘men’ who are the problem in this scenario. Women shouldn’t have to butter men up and pander to their egos to gain their respect.
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I completely agree! The whole conversation around consent has changed considerably. Although no has always meant no, there is more awareness of what could potentially count as abuse etc now. For example, when I was younger mental abuse wasn’t something that was ever acknowledged. I think that in some ways it can confuse things, though, with so many more grey areas…well not really grey, just kind of “is this someone having a conversation or are they being sleazy”.

I saw an article this morning saying that teenage girls report feeling unsafe etc and I wonder how much of that is because they’re being taught that danger is everywhere around them, compared to when I was at school. I was a hell of a lot more resilient than some of the teenagers I’ve met in recent years, so I worry that we are doing them a disservice in some ways by making out that the entire world is out to get them and every man they meet will try to get in their knickers.

When my daughter was learning to drive, we were warned that a particular instructor was “creepy”. It turned out that he was just chatty and used conversation as a tool to help students relax.
And I wonder if this is part of the answer for the “Why now?” Crew. It’s not that women have suddenly decided it wasn’t consensual, they just have a better understanding of what consent means. So rather than looking back and saying “well I went to his dressing room willingly, I knew exactly what I was getting myself into..” they can look back with hindsight and say, yes I did go to his dressing room willingly but I was a child and never consented to the actual sex act itself and told him no/tried to escape.

It’s making me re-evaluate my own experience with Russell Brand. No, he didn’t rape me but I was legally a child and he was was in his 30s. It shouldn’t have happened. He started groping me the minute we got into his dressing room. He didn’t ask permission. I was ok with it. But what if I hadn’t been? He didn’t ask. And the amount of other adults who were in the building who knew damn well what was going on but didn’t do anything.

I’m not trying to go all #metoo. A lot worse has happened to other people and at the time I was fine with it, but now I’m in my mid-30s I have a lot of questions!
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Every single woman I’ve met had some sort of horrible experience at some point in her life, and very often super early in her life, like even this thread suggests. I would like to be met, by grown men in my life, with compassion and respect and not with “ugh ITS NOT FAIR NOT ALL MEN” and I don’t think that’s a lot to ask.
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The dangerous part is he's reinvented himself from a sexual predator into some sort of demi god with a huge following . A wordsmith who can manipulate any situation.
Well, a wordsmith for people who are easily impressed with superficiality. I mean we all like to be flattered and complimented, but predators usually go for younger, naive, vulnerable or immature people who have more of an emotional NEED to be flattered and shown attention. A predator will quickly appraise if a person will be receptive to their guile and if they aren't they will just move on to the next person. As for his 'followers', I'd like to see a breakdown of the demographic.

I have no doubt the vast majority of sexual encounters Brand initiated were consensual, but what I find deeply troubling is the scale of grooming, coercion, and for want of a better word 'selection' of the women involved. It smacks of a psychopathy I'm not qualified to diagnose. Russell was right in one thing he said, something along the lines of: "If you make money for them they'll let you get up to naughty things". That's spot on and of course he recognised it and abused his position like so many sexual predators do.

ps. One more thing, I didn't think the BBC came out looking good, AGAIN. :rolleyes:
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Not a fan of him, and if he has done what he’s accused he deserved the criticism


its interesting how they’re blowing up the exposé as they are, perhaps to make an example out of him considering how much he’s pissed off the establishment.

Has he though? He hasn't really had much impact on the 'establishment'. That's all a bit conspiracy theory to me. He hasn't been relevant or listened to for years. And he isn't exactly the first person to speak against the establishment on the years.

His career suddenly died a number of years ago, he went from Hollywood movies, TV, chat shows etc to relegated to his own YouTube channel. That says something too. Suddenly no one wanted to work with him.
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He's innocent then isnt he. If the evidence couldnt convince a court then that is literally that. You dont get convicted just because some one says so, or you have flimsy evidence.
He isn’t gonna shag you mate. Not consensually anyways. Grow up.
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