
Well-known member
I really don’t think so. If someone went on their insta stories tomorrow accusing you/your brother/your partner of rape without even reporting it how would you feel?
Personally, I'd feel more concerned about the fact that someone believed they had been raped. But that's just me.
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I loved him and Noel on Big Fat Quiz of the Year shows. They were hilarious and cute, and when Jonathan Ross made Lilly Allen switch seats so she wasnt so near them, it was funny.
Not so funny now, and neither are his "most prolific shagger" awards.
ugh. why are they all like this?
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I was expecting something outrageous. I saw that video before. I've no qualms with it, he's just sharing his opinion, which isn't misogynistic from how I see it. It really does seem more that people who already dislike him because of his past will continue to draw on his past to find merit to keep disliking him, which is done a lot in that article. I mean, god forbid he argue that modern feminism is taking the piss a bit. If I said that to you, as a woman myself, would you listen to my point of view on it or straight away go for "she hates women". As for KP, I've met her and I'd dump her by text too. The woman is nuts.
My OH’s profession means they often work with Teenage Cancer Trust, sometimes invited to high profile events and meeting celebs/the Royals. They’ve met Katy Perry twice: once when she sang at an event and secondly when she made good on a promise to visit low key some kids undergoing treatment. She was glorious. Both times. Nice girl, by all accounts. Okay, maybe she is ‘nuts’ in a relationship but I fail to see how you think it’s okay to say that KP’s mental state/health at the time of her marriage would make it acceptable to find out her marriage was over via SMS message. Or actually, to call anyone ‘nuts.’ I thought we we were all over using pejorative terms to refer to anyone’s mental health. Least alone a stranger.
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Here we go see you on the flip side when a rapist predator cunt is still a rapist predator cunt
Sorry for all the victims and I hope there will be some retribution for you x
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Chatty Member
He's innocent then isnt he. If the evidence couldnt convince a court then that is literally that. You dont get convicted just because some one says so, or you have flimsy evidence.
Oh wow. It usually takes me ages to spot you lot. Is there an ignore the goblin button?
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LTB take that with a pinch of salt
A bit strong for an uneducated comment by someone who, on the whole, is quite a decent man. People are made up of a complete package.
Ngl you need to have a very strong word with your husband. I would be absolutely appalled if my other half was telling me to take this with a pinch of salt.
Oh I put him straight immediately. I don’t fuck about 😆
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Fanny Muchmore

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Oh for sure! He wasn’t letting the conversation veer off until he said what he wanted to say. And he was so so spot on.
He is a great example of an intelligent comedian who doesn’t have to resort to dirt and big words to make people laugh and get his point across

Sean Lock was such a good egg. Miss him.
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I've never been a fan of him. I always found him a bit creepy/odd when I was younger. But then crass comedians (men and women) always make me feel a bit uncomfortable - guess it's just not my kind of comedy. I occasionally watch his YouTube channel as I do like a good conspiracy theory.

I just had a look at his Instagram page. So many people in the comments defending him and saying it's all lies. They don't even know what he's being accused of yet!? This is why victims struggle to come forward.
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Sideboard Bob

VIP Member
Does anyone know of any organisations that campaign for justice for rape victims and/or a better prosecution system?

I feel so angry about all this and want to channel that towards something practical.
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I can relate I didn’t go to the police for a lot of reasons. The main being my mum she wouldn’t cope. Mines was over 30 years ago now tho.
Neither did I. I just tried to forget about it and move on. Wasn't until I was older and did a child protection course that I realised I was groomed. Things like that weren't spoken about when I was younger the way they are now.

I hope u are doing OK ❤
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I've heard some people here label those who 'follow' Brand imbeciles or 'thick', I think that's a bit harsh. In my mind the reason a lot of people follow characters like Brand is because they feel totally let-down by their governments or those who are supposed to be in charge. Throw into the mix a lack of education and critical thinking (due to a number of factors that I won't go into here) along with the decline of organised religion and you end up with a lot of 'lost' people primed to be manipulated by dangerous narcissists like Brand (and Trump). The rise of social media seems to have accelerated a collective consciousness of codswallop too. :rolleyes:
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