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I didn't report 🙁 and the guilt placed on women who don't is immense. You end up feeling guilty for the possible other women your rapist has assaulted, like you're personally responsible for any rapes after yours. It's such a head fuck.
I'm really tired of the 'well she didn't go to the police did she' angle. Obv, in a perfect world crimes would all be dealt with and punishments faced (though in a perfect world rape wouldn't exist I suppose) but life is so much more multifaceted. The mental anguish, the (in my case) disassociation, the guilt ('what was I wearing', 'was I asking for it') that you go through, the feelings of disgust at your own body, the never wanting to talk to anyone ever let alone strange police officers. Traumatic situations are so layered. Its never as simple as 'oh well she didn't report'.
I know exactly how you feel, I'm sorry this happened to you. It happened to me in 2011 and it wasn't until 2015 I told my family as it took so long to come to terms with it. He took his own life in 2014 and that really messed me up too. I went for counselling for many years after and I always remember one woman telling me I should report it now but he was dead so there was no point in my eyes. I remember finding out he was dead in my local newsagent as the guy had a stack of papers on his counter and I saw his face and 'died'. Sometimes I wish I had reported it but seeing the statistics for prosecution made me think it would've been worse for me. It doesn't affect me anymore as it did as I've came to terms with it. This thread has felt like a bit of counselling too knowing that I'm not alone in what happened to me.
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OT but its been mentioned several times but no one has replied yet. Why is Vernon Kay being lumped in with Brand and Saville? We all know he's a serial shagger, but not on their sick level, surely? What was the Rhian Sugden tweet referring to?
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As a general comment I would say this RB case has brought to light how little awareness there is still of coercive control, despite it being made a crime in the UK a few years ago. It's involved in grooming, it's involved in intimate partner violence/domestic violence, and it's involved in cult recruitment & retention. All things relevant to RB.

I recommend absolutely everyone read this, the BITE Model of Authoritarian Control, as a way of spotting predatory behaviour: https://freedomofmind.com/cult-mind-control/bite-model/
This is the real story, truth lovers! It’s not the media or surgeons or Hollywood, it’s coercive control, abuse and grooming. We need to know how to spot it and call it out. It’s in every part of society.
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I don’t think Vernon has done anything.

rhian Sugden dated RB for a while. Apparently journalists have been asking her questions for months. She’s tweeted that he was respectful towards her (also had smelly hair or something). She’s not exactly supporting him but she’s said she has nothing to add and asked the journalists to stop contacting her sort of thing. Someone in the comments said something like “how’s Vernon” and she responded “I don’t know ask his wife”.

it’s on her Twitter acc.
Sorry just remembered… Rian also has said when he dated her he was trying it on with lots of the other page 3 girls. When they all turned him down he joined a campaign to ban page 3.
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I was a big fan of RB back in the day,Ive met him at a book signing once and found him genuinely funny .Of course he is guilty ,of course he has had non consensual sex.The bloke was a self confessed sex addict which of course doesnt automaticaly make you a sex offender but looking back I think he really laid out what he was to those he was working for and with .Noone important enough cared ,people turned a blind eye .
I do think the question why now is a valid one though .Not why are the women speaking up now but why is the media choosing to run with the allegations now.Hes clearly of no use to them any longer .
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I hope they feel they've benefited by the public finally knowing what he's like. More people are coming forward and a prosecution may happened as happened with Weinstein. But understand that not everyone feels able to endure days or even weeks of cross examination by a hostile defence KC. I couldn't do it.
I hope so too. But honestly...there's SO MANY dicks just blindly defending him isn't there? It's actually raging me.

Also, look at these threads. There's 2. The Phillip Schofield and Huw Edwards scandals blew up like crazy, yet this 'man' is accused of rape, we have all the reciepts and yet the thread is moving like a snail in snow. He's got support. People aren't fully surprised or aren't fully convinced. Or it happened so long ago that they see no relevance.

I think that must be difficult for the women and I'm glad they are anonymous ❤
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He couldn't believe his luck when Covid happened, with the other pandemic of "anti-mainstream" rhetoric. His long game of creating a cover for his sex crimes paid off, started with his The Trews bollocks. He knew it would all come out at some point.
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Slip slip knit

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Fair play. No doubt these women would rather not have been raped. Everyone would be happier if he hadn't done it.
Seriously doubt the claim many addicts read a book and decided to get clean tho.
Actually Brand did/does charitable work that he keeps quiet about. He actually paid for my aunt's friend's son to attend drug rehab.

Saville was very charitable too wasn't he?

Just want to add that I'm disgusted at all the people defending him and calling these women liars. The very same people who just a few months ago were frothing at the mouth over Schofield and Edwards. It's mind blowing.
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Re. Lorraine Kelly waffling on about Brand being enabled... this is true. The staff members he asked to get women's phone numbers for him etc all enabled him - but what about Russell taking accountability? Why is he being minimized in his own scandal? Additionally, I'm almost certain his enablers had no idea that he was going to rape or had raped some of his conquests?
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I forgot Jemima Khan dated RB. She has got terrible taste in men.
Women like Khan can support people like Assange and Brand, safe in the knowledge that their status and wealth protects them to a large extent. Predators choose their prey wisely, generally women who they know won't be taken seriously. Khan booked this woman for her boyfriend, who sexually assaulted her, then blamed her, and threw her money at lawyers in order to keep it quiet. It's how it works, look at Epstein and Maxwell. Same kind of thing.
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it’s a difficult truth. And many men see rape and SA as nothing more than a type of physical assault (the victim is just more or less physically hurt) . They have no empathy for the disgust and destroying of of ability to be imitate for most.
It isn't one night of abuse for the victims. Most are very traumatised for life because of it.
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omg how tf can you stay married to a rapist.....does she really think her husband is innocent
Maybe she's a raging narcisisst too? Or dense. Or has been around abusive men her whole life and doesn't see what the big deal is; being the daughter of a professional golfer raises a red flag for me insofar as golf always comes across to me as a pretty misogynistic sport and full of pricks.
Or has been groomed by him. Could be any number of reasons. I mean there are sexually deviant women around too believe it or not, maybe she gets off on it. Who the hell knows.
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What percentage of hetero western men are like this (rapey or potentially rapey), do we think? Totally unscientific - I’d love to hear your thoughts. My husband said he thinks it’s approx 30%, and I’d be horrified if I heard what men say when women aren’t there. It’s why he hates hanging out at “men only” type things (stags etc).
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He's innocent then isnt he. If the evidence couldnt convince a court then that is literally that. You dont get convicted just because some one says so, or you have flimsy evidence.
Well if we're going to split hairs, there's no "innocent" ruling, only guilty or not guilty. So no, he's not "innocent".

And courts are a means to punish someone of a suspected crime, not necessarily the only way society determines whether they did something or not.

If I slapped someone in the presence of others, I wouldn't need to be taken to court for it to be true. The word of the person I slapped and the people who saw would be enough.
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Can I just state for the record I cannot fucking stand Jonathan Ross and I never have. I could write reams about how much I detest the man, it would be theraputic for me, but I won't subject you to it. :ROFLMAO:
Jonathan Woss will be on the list. He definitely has skeletons in his closet 🤯
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Wonder what the real story was with the masseuse Jemima Khan hired, that was all quite odd and seemed to go away quietly
The poor woman wrote to her MP and complained that she had been assaulted but Khan's powerful background and money meant that she was made out to be some kind of predator / stalker rather than the victim she was. Khan dumped Brand very soon afterwards.
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