
VIP Member
Today I have learnt that many believe if someone has sex without valid consent, even if force or violence is used, it is only classed as rape WHEN the police are told and a conviction has occurred. Until that point it is valid joke fodder and not even a big deal.
Jeesus christ. I think I've had enough internet today
Me too, and then people wonder why women don't go to the police.
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Only because people started refusing to work with him though. I don't believe for 1 minute that it was his choice to stop doing TV work.
I agree. When it gets to the stage that a meeting is being held to decide which talent to hire, and it’s seriously proposed that only male staff be around him, it’s not exactly hard to understand why media walked away from him (but quietly, due to defamation law and a reluctance to highlight and own up to their own failures in controlling him and safeguarding their employees).
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I’m disgusted and appalled that he is claiming there’s been a conspiracy against him. By who? For what? Nobody cares about you you fucking pillock.

You think a bunch of women have got nothing better to do than make up a load of allegations against you? Playing to the conspiracy crowd to get out of rape is fucking disgusting. The times and C4 will have legally checked the claims against him vigorously. Their story will be watertight. I look forward to him facing justice, the slimy prick.
It is sickening, and also to see the odd comment on social media by his followers saying that he clearly rejected the women and they're not happy that he did that. Mind you, a forum member on here accused me of a bitter woman rejected by him when I mentioned a while ago about him being a serial rapist.
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There’s an old (2007) 13-page thread that’s been resurrected on Digital Spy Big Brother section. A forum member appeared on Big Brother’s Big Mouth in the audience and Russel rubbed his nutsack all over her head on live TV. Didn’t read the whole thing but from the last page it seemed like half the forum members were dismissing it and the half upset and embarrassed on her behalf.
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The support he's got on FB is disturbing thousands have messaged their backing . One woman claims she cried all night because of the way he's being treated. A lot of empathy and support for him which I suppose is what will keep him going. Would not surprise me if they set up some kind of fund for him so that he can put bread on his table.🙄
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Piff paff puff

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I think it's just the natural progression of a news item that it's not top news anymore. The cancellation is complete and I doubt there will be anymore updates until if or when the investigations are completed.
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House of Tea

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Russell Brand is a character he has assumed in many guises over the years. When he first emerged onto mainstream telly - I only knew him from chat shows - I thought, wow, he’s different. I liked the fact he used flowery prose, but even then most of it made no sense. I liked his flourish. But I knew it was an act. I never imagined he was this dark creature, just that he was an actor assuming a character. I had no idea he had been to Italia Conti. And that has what he has done in the last few years.

He is Machiavellian so part of me thinks this damaged individual knew he would be facing accusations and he pivoted his life to a wellness guru/YT star to use to head off the accusations that would be coming post MeToo. But also, he got older. At some point what you want changes. He might just have wanted to settle down with a respectable girl, have the big house and kids. Or a mixture of both. Despite what he says he is obsessed with money and fame and mainstream work is no longer available. He may have changed but that does not mean he should not be investigated and full charges brought to bear if there is enough evidence.

People, his supporters, say why now, it’s in the past. But you wouldn’t say that to a murderer who decided he no longer wanted to kill, and had found religion. Saying I am now a prayer not a slayer wouldn’t wash. And Russell’s crimes need airing and he needs to take the punishment.

I feel very sorry for his children, his daughters. They are going to know just how badly he hated women. How do you process that?
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In the Edinburgh story...isn't his whole thing that he's sober and was definitely sober during this time. So to be having sex with drunken women is already predatory...right? I'm also sure they talked on the show about how Trevor didn't drink.
Yes, he was sober and mentions it several times.

And yes, from a legal point of view, all of these women sound like they're too drunk to consent.

There is loads of other highly dodgy stuff in the book. I can post more excerpts here and there. I find the 'feeling a sense of guilt even when you didn't do it' bit very strange, the more I look at it. It's almost a confession.
Thanks for sharing. It’s interesting reading. Christ though, he’s such a pretentious dickhead with his use of language. How on earth did he get away with his crap for so long.
I think he's not a bad writer. I find the whole book really bloody weird to read now, in the light of everything that's coming out. It's sort of all there, but there's a fundamental dishonesty too. So he's acting as if he's being completely transparent and honest about all his terrible behaviour and feelings, and he sort of is, to an extent, but he must know that at the same time, there is far, far worse stuff that he's very much not saying.

I mean he portrays himself as a misogynist, predatory, unfaithful, narcissist, but at the same time, he has the nous to leave out anything that is actually truly damning or illegal. Which makes the whole 'transparency' thing just... bollocks.
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surprise surprise it was an open secret when he was part of the elite crowd and was just left alone to carry on - No longer part of that bunch of fucking weirdos and here we are.

BBC yet again not investigating complaints too. Oh what a surprsie.
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I'm sorry but you are thick if you're giving someone with more than enough money even more dosh which will be going towards his legal bills if this goes to court. I've noticed that some of the great minds on social media supporting him also voted for Brexit which gave the Tories unfettered power. Not exactly the best way to protest feeling let down by your government.
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Yeah I agree I don't know what I was expecting but I expected more for the hype built around it and the extended run time.

The stories are horrible and I completely believe the women, but I feel they've been let down by this exposé. I don't think some of the selective editing helped. Something this awful doesn't need added manipulation by editing.

With the email address at the end it felt like the programme was more a call to arms, which maybe it is. Maybe it's to get more women to come forward and get him charged.
Maybe. He didn’t do anything with me that was non consensual but I was under 18 and would happily tell my story to them if I thought it might help other women… if that makes sense.
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Back in 2013 RB scoured the Chatty Man audience for ladies to shag and Alan Carr made some joke about Jimmy Savile.

RB really was just some lothario Casanova that was just chuckled at and excused. Back to his ‘randy old self’ after his divorce.

Ugh, how was this ever ok?

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I really don’t think so. If someone went on their insta stories tomorrow accusing you/your brother/your partner of rape without even reporting it how would you feel?
With evidence like there is in this case? I’d feel absolutely fucking disgusted, and not with the victim

Have a word 🥴
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Aaron Mate - Far Left genocide denier and useful Putin mouthpiece

Robert Epstein “Google is out to get you”

And Glenn Greenwald - “Everyone is out to get you”

Should all whip Brands followers into a frenzy of tinfoil paranoia. Jeez they must have a mini heart attack every time the postman knocks at the door. God only knows what they’ll do if it’s Amazon Prime……
I am shocked about Aaron Mate, his father Dr Gabor Mate has done immense work studying the impact of childhood trauma on adults, and has spoken very movingly about how he himself was separated from his parents when the Nazis forced his father into a labour camp, but now his own son is a genocide denier. Wtf.
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I don’t think he’s changed. His narcissistic, cultish personality is still on full display; he’s just repurposed himself to gain another set of followers. I wonder what his wife has to put up with behind closed doors.
💯 - well said. His poor wife is pregnant too
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Hah! Finally this piece of shit is getting what he deserves. Brace yourselves for a word salad to end all word salads.
Couldn't have happened to a nicer bloke
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House of Tea

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His wife is going to be clinging onto him like she always has. An ordinary woman, she sees him as a massive prize. He chose her because she was never going to walk, from a respectable family. She isn’t going anywhere.
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Anyone who frequented Camden, Soho or was part of the comedy scene can 100 percent back that Brand is guilty. Are they all part of a sinister ‘establishment’ ploy? The amount of shit I heard about Brand through friends and someone who worked with him is insane.
He is 100% guilty. In addition to what I've previously mentioned, some of my friends from around that time were also comedians (some still are) who'd I'd watch and socialise with regularly.
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