
VIP Member
Grown women defending him is scary, one women who claimed to have 3 daughters and grandchildren said she believes Brand because he always speaks the truth. Just because you like someone doesn't make them innocent. Imagine if it was one of her family? I think a lot of women have had at least one bad experience with men. I've got some tales personally and when I think back on them I realise just how bad they were. Brand was popular and him being a celebrity allowed him to have sex with whoever. Someone is entitled to have as much sex as they want but as long as they aren't hurting anyone.
Yep, it’s very scary. I interpret “he always speaks the truth” as actually meaning “he always says stuff I agree with”. No one alive has a monopoly on truth. Isn’t that the sole province of the supreme being alone? Be that god, allah, ra god of the sun, or the the pink sparkly unicorn that shat out the universe.

And once you do start venerating one person as the true truth speaker you are entering the realms of near religious devotion. And well you can’t reason with fanatics….
I’m starting to agree with those who say he’s like a cult leader. I could definitely see him going down the Jim Jones or David Koresh route, maybe not inciting a mass suicide, but he seems to have certain people wrapped around his little finger. The way they can’t see the evidence in front of them is disturbing.
As I said, can’t reason with fanatics.
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Supply this evidence please. Please note that evidence does not include the account of the victim.

Wikawika pedia. Fanks darling.
Under section 9 of the criminal justice act (1967), verbal testimony is submissable as evidence in a court of law

Edited to add: happy to provide you with a link to the full copy of the act if you want to look it up yourself. It’s all in legalese though so you might need a grown up to explain it to you.
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Fi scot

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Fearne Cotton has unfollowed him today. Pretty sure she is good friends with Laura and she’s always been very pally with him, hasn’t she?
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Think I'm going to have to step away from FB. The amount of people,women especially saying why didn't they come forward sooner,money talks, ulterior motives etc. I feel sick.
I’ve had to unfollow and unfriend a number of people over this… some of the comments have been absolutely vile
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For a while I absolutely believed Amber Heard and all my teenage years of adoring Johnny Depp went down the toilet as I truly believed that because she had accused him of battering her, that it must be true. Women are told to believe women no matter what.

Im going to keep an open mind this time, watch the programme and see how it all plays out.
That is an understanble view to take to be even handed but this article and documentary is not just one person's account. It is an examination of a pattern of behaviour over a long period of time. There arebtesrimonies from women alongside reports from institutions that helped them in the immediate aftermath.
This is not a gang of lawyers trying to sway a jury. I think this is a big wedge of information laid out to je seen and as others have said, combed through for anything that is unsupported.
If RV feels so achieved then I wld urge him to consult a solicitor and bring proceedings against the times and channel 4. That's what the law is there for
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Chatty Member
This is so light touch compared to the subject area and I do not feel in any way a victim just to give this context...
But I was recently on a flight with my kids (all under 3) where a man got naked and started masturbating in the aisle (2 seats infront of me). The cabin staff told him to get dressed and continued to serve him drinks and joke with him.
My point is people enable behaviour without a second thought to the actual hierarchy of abuse. He was wrong. It was illegal. My children should have been protected (along with other passengers). But it was made a joke and on it goes.

It's not difficult to see how people let things go to a point that it was so far gone they no longer felt they could speak out.
I reported this to the airline and to the police so there was a record if / when further / more serious abuse occurs under the care of this company. This is why it takes so long for people to come out of the woodwork. Not all of us do it for ourselves now but to protect others in the future.
I would've accidentally spilled hot tea right on his old boy. Dirty bastard.
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Update on mutual Instagram followers, went from 58 to 55 (thought it would be a lot more over night to be honest!!) Roisin last night, and now Jodie Comer, other one is my own friend.
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Georgina Baillie needs to make her mind up, I've seen a couple of interviews she's done and it's all so contradictory. She believes the women but RB is an addict and not a rapist. Oh make it make some bloody sense sweetheart. He's a groomer and an abuser.

I do hope everything that's happening is a big move to him being cancelled but he still has so many cult followers, cancelling him doesnt feel like justice. Also I'm sure his beautiful retreat and millions in the bank will keep him content for the rest of his life.

God, I hope so!
His followers will just see him as a latter Christ who has been crucified and he will overcharge them for Wellness Festivals and workshops his millions will keep him and his family going for years. He is a con man for sure he will rise again and his followers will truly believe he is the second coming.
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I believe he shagged Lauren, always have. There's no way she'll not have piqued his curiosity. Plus she was (is?) a vulnerable character.
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That article makes for some very tough reading. I'll probably sitbout the documentary as I don't want to look at his smug gurning, thinking he's hot as shit and irresistible.
He is so absorbed in himself, the feelings of others don't get figured into situations.
I also remeber the night he told an audience he'd "had a go on Rod Stewarts daughter". Rod Stewart was in the audience I thi k and took him aside for a word afterwards
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He picked her up and dumped her loads of times so she was used to being his doormat not sure why she actually married him knowing how he had treated her in the past. I know someone who worked with her along time ago and she had another boyfriend at the time she was an aspring author but wasn't getting anywhere. A few years after he marries her she has 3 published books probably through his publishing connections. 2 of them were her own "creative ideas" and what annoys me is that her "creative ideas" have been on the Internet for years so she is a charlatan as well. She knew he was a misogynist but still went back to him and even married him, she has DOORMAT stamped on her forehead that was her main attraction for the likes of Brand.
I think she was groomed by him, and that it's going to take a lot of time to deprogramme her, which she'd probably be resistant to anyway.
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Can't believe they continued serving him drinks and even joking with him. He should have been arrested as soon as he got off the flight.
Instead we were told not to fly to Ibiza on a Thursday because it can get much worse....not sure what much worse is unless we are looking at Brand here!
--- wasn't a sympathy story just an every day example of how things are overlooked that absolutely shouldn't be
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I always find this chart helpful for people who question why the victims don’t go to the police, the rate of conviction for rape is a disgrace.
This chart should be at the very beginning of the thread!! I find it staggering the amount of times I've seen this question asked.

53 of my Instagram followers were following Brand before that Dispatches show.53 are STILL following him as of 2 minutes ago.I mean....I would unfollow so fast.
I wouldn't think too much about the people following him on Instagram. I think a lot of people follow out of curiosity rather than liking and supporting him. Also, if RB decides to make his profile private, you'll still be able to see what he's posting.
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Dotty Merton

VIP Member
Just rewatching his rebuttal here… isn’t it weird that he doesn’t blink once? Watch it again - it’s intense.

I wonder if the body language people will have a look at it.

These women all consensualy had sex with mr brand,just think these witches have sour grapes.
They are pissed of because he just wanted sex not a relationship,boo boo girls get over yourselves.
Team Russel 😂😂😂
You bring disgrace to the face of Victoria Wood.
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This comment has just made me feel like I should share my own experience....its quite long and I don't care, I'm not gonna be ambiguous to try and protect his identity, if someone reads this and figures out who the person is or who I be it.

It starts at age 10, my parents want a bigger place, we do a council house swap with a mother and her 35yr old son who are living together in a 4 bed house, they swap with us and we move, they move to our old place which is next door to my grandparents (step grandparents, my dad is not my bio dad). So the place we moved to is a small village where everyone knows each others business. Get to know the kids my age and the day I move in we start getting told the 35yr old guy who lived there is a pedalo, that he was in a "relationship" with a 14yr old girl from the village. Well a few weeks later its confirmed to me to be true when I open the cupboard of my bedroom, used to be his room, see written on the wall inside the cupboard R×××××d loves ×××××. I was like wtf. Anyway years pass with the occasional pisstake that omg a pedalo used to sleep in ur room etc.
Fast forward 5 yrs, another new family move to the village, single mum with a daughter my age and a younger boy. I made friends with the daughter, turns out the people who lived in my house, its her Grandma and the guy is her uncle. She takes me to her grandma's house (my old house) one day about half an hr away from where I now live. The uncle is there. My life is a mess, my parents have split 2 yr before, my mum has moved out and moved about 2 hrs away with her 18 yr old boyfriend ( bear in mind, I'm 15 at this point) my stepdad has just kept us for the benefits, does nothing to support us, I'm starving constantly, dirty, and feel worthless....the uncle offers me a "job" cleaning his aivairy once a week for £5 a week. I jump at it, its a chance to finally have money to eat, my dad was so unbothered and lazy, he didn't even apply for us to get dinner tickets at secondary school, so I'd often go whole days with no food and even scavenged in bins at points cos I was weak with hunger, so to me £5 a week was a huge huge deal. So I start going after school, walking the journey, 1 hr there. It started almost immediately, he starts grooming me, saying he loves me, we should be boyfriend and girlfriend...then the sexual activity comes, always bjs, never any further than that and for that I am at least thankful. It goes on for about 1 and a half yrs, I genuinely thought I was in a relatuonship with this guy, I was a vulnerable child. I dunno how I broke free of it, one day I just stopped going, it had got to the point I was going daily after school and at weekends. I was giving him bjs every single time. He never "finished" ever. The truth when I look back is I think he was gay and he had been abusing a boy, he always used to talk about this boy he knew before we met and how they were such good mates and one day the boy just burnt down his aviary and he was gutted cos all his birds died and he had to build it all again. Looking back I think I knew why he always just wanted bjs, why he never finished and why that boy burnt down his aviary.
The worst of all this is that there were so so many adults who knew and done NOTHING to protect me...His mother who seen me in her house daily, my grandparents who seen me going in his house daily, my father who knew where I was going, I never hid it where I was and who I was with, all his extended family members who seen me in their house all the time and just accepted it as normal.
I have never reported it. I feel utterly sick at having just wrote all that down. There's so much more I could write, but that's all I can say right now.
I’m so sorry this happened.
I’m sending you so much love. Thank you for sharing your story. I hope it will bring you a little relief at least.
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I’m saying it would benefit women to try and see what men have to deal with (constantly being held in contempt or suspicion because they’re male) and then perhaps men would be more likely to try and see women’s struggles as well. Weird how that’s so controversial.
Conversely, it would benefit men to try and see what women have to deal with and then perhaps women would be more likely to try and see men's struggles as well.
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