Our_homefund Gossip Forum

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  1. GiveMeFreebies

    _ourhomerenovation_ #7 back in care, mould manor sold, can’t stop spending, won’t be told

    Previous thread: _ourhomerenovation_ #6 Abby no job Former Insta names; our_homefund home_byabby Home_withthedunsmures _ourhomerenovation_ Former TikTok; AbbyLouise New thread created ready for Abby’s next phase of psychosis congrats @QwertyBert for your suggestion --- Please can someone...
  2. Magee

    _ourhomerenovation_ #6 Abby no job

    New thread launched juuuuust in time for her podcast reveal. Hopefully not as disappointing as her front door path reveal. Abby sensationally quit her 1 weeks worth of e-learning in the prison service because she was told her colleagues may be having affairs. The work life balance just wasn’t...
  3. Magee

    _ourhomerenovation_ #5 more unhinged than her bathroom door

    New year, new thread, new diary to write pointless tasks on. You got this gal 👊🏽 Former Insta names; our_homefund home_byabby Home_withthedunsmures Currently _ourhomerenovation_ Abby ended the year on a high, having finally finished in the care sector (her 7th job of the year) whilst she...
  4. Marmite.Crumpets

    Home_withthedunsmures #4 wet plaster, black mould, that island on wheels is comedy gold

    Winning thread title goes to @Erling Haaland with 35 reactions. Used to be our_homefund but she changed that since she got the house. The account has recently been deactivated because she reads here - taking bets on how long till she's active again. Oh, and she's won the lottery. She wants to...
  5. GiveMeFreebies

    Our_homefund #3 Stu bought a house

    Time for a new thread - Abby has changed their account name AGAIN to home_withthedunsmures if anyone is struggling to find her. Congratulations @Magee with the most popular suggestion. Would anyone like to recap - I don’t think I’ve got enough time or the mental capacity to actually do it...
  6. Magee

    Our_homefund #2 Rattled by Tattle

    Couldn’t see a thread suggestion so popped this in. Recap Thread 1 gained momentum when followers who initially joined along for the savings/finance content were seeing irrational spending, mixed messages on life plans and Abby dragging her and her husbands family on social media for being...
  7. C


    Does anyone follow our_homefund on Instagram? She’s so bloody annoying with her constant updates about cash buying a house for 70k.