In her head though she thinks it comes across as really cute and romantic and the really crazy part is.... Some of it is totally made up. Even if she's say 4months gone, there's still no way the egg chair story adds up. She got that chair mid April,the chair she used to sit in imagining rubbing her pregnant belly and Adam looking out his office window saying one day you will hold our baby in your arms. Spring felt like the right time, I was calm, surrounded by nature, I mean what a load of pony. And I agree, walking around with a babygro patting an imaginary bum is absolutely crazy town. The 2 of them are away with the fairies.
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Her latest story about the hair supplements, I get she’s conscious of her thin hair etc and I don’t want to seem like I’m attacking at all, but if you’re promoting a product that’s supposed to thicken/ encourage growth etc - would it not be useful to show your hair rather than your face with the top of your head cut off?
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oh look Larby is in one of the least vaccinated age group with the rest of the selfish entitled, socially irresponsible peers my age
Seriously? 🙄 I’m the same age as her, unvaccinated and pregnant and I am not “selfish entitled or socially irresponsible” Joanne maybe a dose but there is absolutely no need to comment on peoples choices in regards to taking the vaccine. In her defence, she is never really around many people and I’m sure she can limit her contacts for the remainder of her pregnancy.
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There's something about that story that doesn't add up. Hardly surprising though is it for her to make up fairytale in her head. She looks about 5 months pregnant at least, she's definitely in the 2nd trimester. She got that egg chair in April/may. She was 100% definitely pregnant when she got it so what's with the story "Adam looked out his office window at me swinging in the chair and said one day you will sit in that chair with our baby in your arms". Like who even fucking talks like that. It sounds like kids playing mammies and daddies. It's so bizarre. She should have shared her already oversharing reel yesterday and left it at that. It's just ridiculous now already.
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This is a new low, and the two sock puppets up and at it commenting on the boots this morning, still within a minute and her replies within a minute. I suppose she figures if she stops immediately it would be too obvious she was caught out.

I had a little scroll back and it actually made me sad looking at her commenting on how hot and gorgeous she is. Imagine you post a picture, log in from your fake accounts, compliment yourself on how gorgeous you are then back onto the main account to reply to yourself with love hearts. And all of this on photos that are actually nothing like what you look like. All this for what? Money? Free deodorant and ready meals?

Would you not just get a job and buy your own deodorant and ready meals? What price your dignity Joanne? This is so humiliating.
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Awh lads... I hate to say it as I know it's horrible if you are a new mam but by lord she is in for a rude awakening. I'm an ivf mammy so I really do know my babies are Miracles (so I feel extra guilty when I find things tough). But it is so fucking hard.

I locked myself in bathroom to get away form them earlier. I have sat down about 50 times today only to get up straight away to get food, wipe an ass, clean a mess.

I literally if I'm lucky get an hour a day to myself and that is to do stuff for me. A hobby, or chat to husband. Usually I just sit in silence.

As I said I hate saying it to those who don't have kids but lower your standards ans throw out all your ideals out the window.

Oh and the best advice I got was from my boss who had four boys. While everyone was telling me it's amazing and great, she was the only one to take me aside and say look after yourself, take help, it's really tough. Go easy on yourself. That's the advice you want to hear, not the bullshit that it is amazing because it's tough!
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I got up at 5am

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Generally you only ever see insecure people go on like that, they don't feel confident or secure enough to speak as "I". With her it's like she's uncomfortable to refer to herself as an individual rather than as half a couple which is pretty pathetic, it's like she feels more important saying we rather than just I. Referencing she is part of a couple when there's totally no need to is nauseating, she said something along the lines of "we keep our veg on a veg rack". Not normal.
Exactly this. She has no personality of her own. When she was with Paul she was a gym bunny, the dream was the loft apartment in London. Who can forget the we have a concierge bragging 🤮 she met Adam then & started eating grass, making her own wrapping paper & wanting to be a rural goddess. She has weaved such an intricate web of lies I’d say she doesn’t even know who she is.
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Again with the "I manifested my son" bullshit. You cannot manifest a child. If you could there are countless couples out there who wouldn't be putting their hearts, bodies and minds through the strain of fertility treatment. Does she think those women just didn't manifest hard enough?? She has absolutely no clue! Absolutely boils my blood.
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A cake to celebrate her greatest achievement? So all those women who don’t carry full term, give birth to prem babies, miscarry, have ectopic pregnancies etc are just shit under achievers?
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Watching Joanne trying to be sexy is like walking in on your parents having sex 🤢
It gives me the chill when she's at all that slow moving pouting, the weird smirk and the creepy wink into the camera. It's all so weird, she's not in the slightest bit body positive, it's all just a complete shambles for an Instagram post. Most people are at home working, or out physically working in their job, or doing the school run or whatever. She's at home, in March, in Ireland, beating herself into a swims at least 3 sizes too small, trying to hold it all in and stand at an angle. Logging into her various other accounts to like this mess and then flat out sending herself questions and she has the answer and swipe up ready 5 seconds later all the while replying TKU lady❤ to every comment coming in telling her she is the hot spring girl. 🙄. It's insanity.
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Chatty Member
“The bike itself is a lot more expensive though, but you (peasants) dont need to get an expensive bike” can she hear herself? What an elitist snobby thing so say. Why does she make everything sound so unattainable and out of reach? Most of us have 2 steady full time incomes coming in and our own property you absolute prick. There is nothing in her life I aspire to yet she act like she is the person we all look up to. She is so utterly unlikeable.
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She's really annoyed me with that rubbish about breastfeeding. I breastfed my 3. I didn't do any research, just said I'd try it. Got great help at the hospital after the birth and then was really lucky it all went well for me and my first. But do you know why I decided to continue breastfeeding my first for a year ,and then the next two kids? ...because it was easier for me, simple as that. No major sterilizing as I rarely expressed, no getting out of bed to make /heat bottles,no planning ahead with bottles when leaving the house. Not to mention not having to spend money on formula. Yes I was a bit more limited freedom wise but only for the first few months. Breast fed babies are the same as bottle fed babies,,,they grow and go on to solids and need less milk. You're not sitting under them for 5 hours a day for a year.(according to her ridiculous comparison ).
I've never heard anything so ridiculous. I loved breast feeding, cried when each of mine stopped but my God!, I never thought less of other mothers who bottle fed. If anything I admired them for the extra work they had to do to keep their babies healthy.
What an absolute tool she is. She would put anyone who is trying to decide which way to go , completely off breastfeeding. Making out it's some huge sacrifice when in most cases once mother and baby have got the hang of it and there's no issues it's less work than bottle feeding. Especially when there's just one baby and no toddlers or older siblings running round.
She makes everything a f+#jing production!
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