Imogenation Gossip Forum

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  1. Jelly Bean

    Imogenation #8 Colon is throbbing, tea is piping, have a panic attack to keep them subscribing

    Thanks to @lilkawaii for the title (Had to be slightly changed as it was a bit too long :))
  2. D_Wills

    Imogenation #7 Hello Hunniez it's me, Mills. I've got to keep lying to pay my bills

    Well done @Elle ! Our girls got herself a 7th thread. As you were....
  3. serp

    Imogenation #6 contradictions & story times full of fiction. husband spenny lacks the diction!

    @Immoslips thanks for the suggestion! Wanted to add Grimogen so badly but not enough space! Wanted it to be Imogenation #6- Grimogen, contraditcions and storytimes full of fiction. Husband sideshow spenny lacks the dict
  4. serp

    Imogenation #5 Never admits she's had her lips done, naughty Spencer likes 'em young?

    Thank you @D_Wills for the suggestion! There were so many close ones too!
  5. serp

    Imogenation #4 Lip filler lies, fake red eyes, playing victim again - what a surprise!

    Thank you @Iddiebiddie for the title suggestion! I personally haven't been keeping up with Imo lately due to work and the fact I'm still blocked on her socials :rolleyes: and quite frankly I don't wanna give her any money from watching her videos. Any gossip?
  6. serp

    Imogenation #3 Wont stop lying, can't stop crying

    @D_Wills you're a star.
  7. D_Wills

    Imogenation #2 Hygiene? She sold hers on depop

    Hun bun princess pie has got a second thread! Great title from Serp 👏🏼👏🏼 Could have also been "Imogen and sideshow Spenny, watching porn is cheating, she doesn't do much eating" from Immoslips but I wasnt sure if they'd allow porn in the title or the eating reference 🙊
  8. GossWhore


    "AnGeLs" "HuNs" "BaByGiRl" She's actually so annoying and try- hard. I can kinda understand why she was hated at school. And she has merch. Lawd have mercy.