
VIP Member
Just watched her empties video. Don’t judge I‘ve not watched her in ages but I do like an empties video! 😳

Anyway a couple of people commented that Cult and Space both had 20% off at the moment. Gangsta replied something along the lines of that it was no coincidence, these companies knew she was doing an empties video which is why they’ve done the discount! 😮 Her self importance knows no bounds!
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Chatty Member
Filming entries videos, ranting on Instagram and attending corporate events where everyone kisses your arse every weekend is NOT the same as working every fucking weekend on minimum wage, retail, hospitality, care, NHS, services etc so she can FUCK RIGHT OFF with the "i haven't had a fucking weekend off since 1996"

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Chatty Member
Someone asked for recommendations for a genuine BUDGET eye cream. So of course, one of the Freaks suggests an Italian brand at £40 for 15ml. Disingenuous, show boating tosspot.
I do like that the original poster called them out on it though. Got a chuckle from me.
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She’s just said on her live that you need it if you’ve had a baby, been pregnant or had a miscarriage in the last 3 years. Or if you’ve had hormonal changes. More eyes rolls.

She’s also showing everyone how she “sandpapers” her skin right now so I can only assume theres a barrier repair box or product on the horizon for when her loyal subjects have fucked their faces up by following her lead.

Oh and she’s just said her skin is bright red because she had a glass of Guinness earlier. Nothing to do with scrubbing the shit out of it with acid then immediately following with a retinol 👀
She actually said you need it if you’ve had a miscarriage?!
So she advises someone who has had a miscarriage to buy a MATERNITY box?! I wonder if it comes with free salt to rub in their wound?
I am flabbergasted tbh. She is so thoughtless but anything to make a quick buck eh?
How she has the nerve to say skincare is not merch is beyond me.
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Active member
Hello all,

I must confess, I was a pretty devoted freak for few months there.
Found these threads and thank god, it was the intervention I needed.
Fell completely into the kit buying frenzy and ended up with two. I've been shifting stuff on the selling pages ever since - as are so many :rolleyes:
Blue racoon gave me cystic spots. I will not forgive and I will not forget.

And, good god am I getting sick of the same questions over and over on the page. Put a bleedin' FAQ up already!
Puffy eyes from crying for DAYS? Cold compress and a qualified therapist. Log off.
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The most expensive kit (£295) from last time is still available on her store page so I reckon she'll be worried about having loads of the new one left over
Tbh I don’t see the usual excitement on the Freaks page other than a handful of girl fans.
To announce this kit at the same time as those in the UK are dealing with extortionate fuel price hikes and rising inflation shows just how out of touch she is. No doubt she’ll spout the usual line of having to still release it to keep the beauty industry going. 🙄
Read the room Gangsta!
Why doesn’t she release a £30 box with say, £75 value of products? Affordable to the majority.
She could include brands such as Pixi, Inkey List, Body Shop and The Ordinary and forget the kit bag.
Oh there’s not as much profit in it for her I assume.
She likes to make out she is doing it for The Freaks out of the kindness of her heart. Wake up Freaks! She is in it for the profit and the ego trip. She has a mansion to heat and you suckers are her regular income.
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Long time lurker here. I've been going off Caroline for a while but this has sealed the deal for me. Go back and watch her old YouTube videos and you'll see she is a completely different person.

She's really pissed me off with her video of the Trinny cleansers. Wow it's so blatantly obvious she's jealous. They're supposed to be friends and she seems very threatened and unsupportive by this launch. This is all coming from a woman who says she doesn't want to pit women against each other, or slag off other women, yet she's happy enough to post a not-so flattering video of her so-called friends cleansers?! And how can we forget that time she wrote a scathing blog post and got a load of derms to pile up on Gwyneth Paltrow because of her PERSONAL use of SPF?

She's just nasty. She can't be happy for anyones success. She's bitter, jealous and has a "do as I say not as I do" persona.

Maybe if Trinny paid Caroline a sum of money the reviews would have been glowing because, be honest, thats all Caroline cares about these days is money.

Did anyone else notice she posted an instagram post mentioning NPD (New Product Development) the day before that Trinny's cleansers launched? It was just a way to try build hype for her own products and try overshadow Trinny's launch. Hoping the freaks will say 'I'll hold off buying and wait for Caroline's launch'. Didn't work though - she only got 46 comments on her post (none of which have been responded to) whereas Trinny's launch post has 1023 - all of which look to have been responded to either by her or her brand.

The sad thing is when Caroline launches her range, I bet Trinny will be complimentary of her products and feature them in her lives. That's just the kind of person Trinny is.

I really hope that people are starting to see the kind of person Caroline is, because she's starting to stink.

I've bought the cleansers - I want to try them out and I like Trinny as a person and her videos. I feel I learn something from her skincare videos, whereas Caroline these days I just feel its all about her, calling out her 'mates' (Kate, Jordan, Josh), slagging off the brands who have pissed her off etc, or shilling a new kit/box. There's barely any mention these days of new products, brand overviews etc. Her mate Kate released new products and they havent even been mentioned by Caroline, nor featured on her blog.

Sorry I'm ranting, i'll stop now!
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Baylis and Harding? I hope I don’t offend anyone who loves it but it’s the stuff of work related stocking filler nightmares for me.

I see it in Boots and it’s had a makeover , still wouldn’t touch it with a barge pole; drying and itchy on the skin if my memory serves me right.
Sorry if someone else says it as I’m just catching up but it’s the women’s version of a Lynx Africa gift set.
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I also wish she would look closer to home before she starts mouthing off and lecturing everyone else on the subject of race. Why has she not had words with her darling Ava on cultural appropriation?
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Caroline "fuck the tories" until a white influencer is being called out for promoting more right wing views than most active Tory politicians. To suggest that someone poor buying clothes from a fast fashion brand is the same as someone holding a director position of a company using slave labour is astounding.
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There is a difference between spending £190 and having £1,600 taken from your account though. I'm not sure many people would be comfortable spending £1,410 more than they intended to in a month. I don't hate CH at all I just think she's overly aggressive and the majority of the Freaks group are terrifyingly devoted to her.
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Well-known member
View attachment 409409View attachment 409410
Oh my god I think that’s the worst one I’ve read. Please get a life.
Oh my gosh. I’ve been with my partner for 7 years and if he saw me downstairs with my clothes off because I was too stressed and too hot to keep them on to buy a Caroline kit? I know he wouldn’t take out his laptop to help, he would call somebody for the mental breakdown I was having. As any good partner should do. That’s ridiculous and embarrassing and should have been kept between the husband and wife and swore an oath to never speak of again.
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Did we ever find out which hotel supposedly had the Votary flannels?!
Nope. She’s closed the comments as well. I’ve just had a look though stuff she posts to the group and she posts complete nonsense every few days.

Apparently her hubby was a best man at a wedding and at the very end of his speech said “wear yojr SPF people. We don’t want to disappoint Caroline.” Unless the bride was Caroline Hirons I’m sure the guests were very confused.
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I really wish the admins would clamp down on people using autistic children for attention.

It’s got nothing to do with your skin, and you don’t deserve praise, attention or free shite because autistic people exist.
Just be a human being will you?
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Well-known member
Ooh I'd be interested in reading that if you think it's any good? I've followed her for a while and liking her 'less is more' advice (not just for the fact that it flies in the face of the freaks and their 100 product regimes). She's well qualified and the freaks know it....Nana is continually asked about her on her lives, and she's creeping into the freaks FB topics more and more too.
I actually don't follow her. I only heard about her via this thread and went and bought her book straight away once I read that she has been a bit shady towards CH 😂 I'll let you know if it's any good!

Her first paragraph... Shots at Nana and her book have been fired!

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VIP Member
Absolutely gutted. Missed out on a ticket and I'd already got my list of questions ready for the Qween :cry:

1. Should I apply SPF50 before I go to bed at night?
2. Is it okay to only apply SPF50 once before bed when it is already dark outside? Should I wake at dawn to reapply or can I wait until I am awake?
3. I am going on holiday next week and am freaking out so bad - should I apply extra SPF50 during the flight as I will be so much closer to the sun?
4. I have had a spreading rash for weeks, before I see the GP, is there any skincare that might help? Not after medical advice, just want some skincare to help me x
5. Not after medical advice, but can you advise what these weird patches are on the back of my knees?
6. I was made redundant last month and lost my cat (he ran away after he ate some of my Oskia cleansing gel - it's the only thing he will eat since he was diagnosed and now every time I wash my face it reminds me and I am grief-stricken all over again) and I spent all my money on flights from Fiji just to come here today. What should I buy (sensitive skin with oily t-zone)?
7. I have brought my friend's sister's aunt with me today. She has only used Dove soap and moisturiser for the last 97 years. Can you suggest a personalised routine for her today? She is adamant it's nonsense, but I know better and have already gifted her The Bible so she has - thank god - got some knowledge now. She doesn't want to go the botox route but is interested in fillers.
8. Can I pay with Klarna today?
9. Where is your jumper from?
10. I know clean beauty is the devil (amen), but I really want to be clean so I am confused. What will happen to me if I clean my face? Does this also count for hair, or is shampoo ok (bit worried about the 'poo' element tbh).
11. My foof is not as soft and moisturised as it once was, would some liquid gold restore it to its former glory? My gynae says to leave it alone but what does she, a medical professional, know? When are you bringing out a kit for that?

12. I'm pregnant, should I bring some sunscreen with me to slather on my baby as soon as he or she is born? Obviously I'm concerned with the UV from the bright lights of the delivery room and ageing starts the second the baby is born so I want to give them the very best start in life.

13. My 3 year old child is more interested in Paw Patrol, what are your best tips for getting a disinterested toddler to follow a suitable regimen?

14. My childs first words were 'Mama' and not 'Caroline' or 'SPF50', am I a terrible parent? What am I doing wrong?

15. My husband says he'll divorce me if I don't stop buying your kits and squandering our savings on yet more skincare. Can you recommend a suitable routine to help deal with the stress of an unsupportive husband and potential marriage breakdown. Here's my Cult wishlist if it's of any interest

16. I was in the shower this morning and while I usually follow your advice of holding my face up as if the water has offended me, I absent-mindedly let some shower water drip onto my face, is my skin ruined? What can I do?
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