
VIP Member
Another tale of woe - dad died last friday and needs advice for her mum, her sister and herself for burns and blisters under eyes!!! What were they in a house fire?????? I know I am going to hell for posting this, but when my dad died I wasn't thinking about posting on a bloody FB beauty page.
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Maybe I’m nitpicking but Cazza doesn’t need to worry because even though her precious daughter likes to act like she’s black, she’s not going to be racially profiled. 🙄
CH has to learn that you don't need to centre yourself in everything for it to matter. You can care and be shocked and want justice without making it all about you. It's tasteless in the extreme, as is the insinuation that she's made in that screenshot that she's a better mother than Child Q's because she "wouldn't rest" because apparently Child Q's mother has been happily living her best life since the assault on her daughter and doing nothing? Completely thoughtless and hugely offensive.
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"Glad we had this chat" sounds like something a bully passive aggressive boss would say after and awful 1 to 1!
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Hello everyone,
I’ve been reluctant to post on here. Not just on this thread dedicated to Caroline but on any thread. However, this woman irritates me beyond words. Perhaps it’s the smug, ignorant and brash behaviour mixed with the bizarre heavy breathing (please tell me someone understands what I mean by that? It’s like a really big, loud nostril inhalation that happens far too often!)
I often find myself dumbfounded at the sheer audacity of this woman and the rudeness she projects on to her followers who often have good intentions. She strikes me as someone who feels incredibly entitled.
I am a very tolerant person but lord have mercy, this woman is another level!
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Can’t these people use Google
God, just use a clean teaspoon. Next.
Google doesn’t send freebies though… 😉
Well a Freak suggested a teaspoon - OP didn’t even acknowledge the post. Another Freak offered to send her some and she replied to that!
Job done! 🙄

Perhaps the FB group needs to be renamed “Caroline Hiron’s Skincare Grifters” or, better still, “Gangsta Gran’s Skincare Grifters!“ 😆
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A Freak is offering a CH bag with many products, including Zelens, for free to any Freak who comments why they need it.
One lone voice says, it’s lovely gesture but she does’t like that people have to compete with their tales of hardship to get it.
Well said sister - come join the dark side! We’d get a full house on our bingo cards with those begging to be chosen!
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Jelly Bean

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Eeuww I'd be so pissed off with the hairdresser too. Discussing a colleague like that with a customer - revealing she had acne on her back like 'burns', her medical history and that she had had bulemia and depression. Wtf? Honestly I can imagine just them gossiping away about the poor girl.
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The freaks trying to out-do themselves is 50% hilarious/50% cringe your inside out. Niche feeling I only get checking the freaks group.

One of them today had returned from a 3-hour doctors appointment (no idea why it took 3 hours based on her description of very routine quick tests) and her partner sat her down when she came home, gave her a glass of water for her skin hydration and played her the CH segment that he had taped for her on This Morning...

What will happen next in the never-ending saga of Things That Never Actually Happened To The Freaks? Stay tuned, or get your husband who never pays you any attention, uses your goats milk cleanser to clean the bog, refuses to adhere to the simplified 9 step routine you devised for him and recycled your copy of The Bible, to surprise you with every single kit that Caroline has ever released which he had been storing secretly in a specially rented out storage unit after your 57th night shift in a row with a broken leg, the day after you got the all-clear from your blood tests.
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Because L Ron has made them think they need her, that they can’t do it by themselves, that great skin exists only if they follow her teachings.
Striving for ♡Perfect Skin♡ really is such a thankless task. I saw a dermatologist years ago for severe acne and they said something that I appreciated even if, at first, it made me feel a bit down: that my skin would get better but may not be perfect or great or even "good". She said that the world is a diverse place, and skin is also diverse: not just colour or undertone but also texture, scar capability, roughness, oiliness, etc. It cannot be changed and trying to change it will always end in disappointment. It's not a simple case of everyone having great skin that sometimes plays up, but more that skin has a wide spectrum of health and can be good even if it doesn't look good.

The recent obsession with skincare is feeding into the myth of you could have great skin if only you did A+B×C, but the reality is that there's a huge group of people who even with all the products and lasers and ointments and medicines in the world will still have skin that society would deem imperfect or bad. I was grateful for hearing that because it did stop me from chasing every single "cure" that the industry puts out each year. I have a routine and I use the items because I like them or want to try something, not because I'm expecting miracles. So much less anxiety and stress this way.
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What's wrong with having a private account of 182 followers and why does it mean the person in question should shut up? Some people like to keep their Instagram accounts private and only have friends and people they know as followers. What a stupid bint she is
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She's literally gone from:



💅It's not expensive, you're just poor!💋

Which is a whole look in this economic climate if we're being honest.

Ah well. Woman of the people and all that.
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