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Every time I see these comments from nhs workers I die a bit inside. I’m a nurse working on a covid ward and honestly it’s f**king horrific but I could not be more grateful for being in a secure job this year (if anything earning way more due to the extra shifts, eliminated parking charges and now free lunch). My partner also works for the nhs and during the first wave we were in the supermarket using our 10% discount and the guy on the till called out to his coworker nhs discount to get it authorised and I had this sudden realisation that the person behind me at the till may have lost their job or be on furlough and not know if they have a job to go back to and we haven’t used it again since.

Having said that ppe and a lack of sleep have wrecked my skin this year and I did fancy a kit this time round but I was working (I know poor me, I’m expecting my personalised kit directly from CH in the post any day now) but I did take advantage of the discount codes in oskia and medik8 haven’t used either brand yet, very excited for them to arrive.
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Jelly Bean

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Shall we start off with a cracker this morning from the freaks…

Putting aside the fact it obviously isn't true her husband sounds deranged.
But extra points go to the entirely unnecessary shoehorned in detail about illness and nurses.
Poster did good 🤢
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I haven't been following the kit mess, but saw an angry comment saying they got charged 3 times now they can't pay rent... Umm I'm not one to tell people how to spend their money, but if you barely have 4 digits in your bank account, you shouldn't be spending money on anything other than food and bills...
Someone could have saved and planned for 200 to go out for a kit, and made sure there was still enough for rent.
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I’d understand if she was kicking off people making comments about her appearance, people trying to sell MLM or the ones peddling sob stories for freebies. This is more like kicking out anyone who gives any feedback you don’t like. What’s wrong with expressing disappointment in her discounting stuff so quickly after whipping hundreds in a purchasing frenzy? It’s like those businesses that try to bury negative reviews or persuade people to change their negative review rather than take the criticism and improve.
Yes exactly like deleting bad reviews. It’s so dishonest. And her comments saying why are you upset at the discount when you already had 55% off - why would you not be upset at further savings, and just because you can afford something doesn’t mean you wouldn’t want a better deal.

It’s so arrogant and ridiculous. The posts about how everyone should be grateful are driving me up the walllll, I can’t believe people actually think she’s doing this to be kind. Like no one’s thanking Amazon or John Lewis for selling products and working with brands. It’s called merchandising ffs
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Seriously, imagine being married to a man who (allegedly);

On a night out mentions a blogger as if she's a friend

Is planning to mention Caroline as a closing line in a best mans speech followed by a cheshire cat grin

Considers an acknowledgement from Caroline to be 'life goals"

This can't be real, surely!

Oh I forgot:

Lectures nurses on skincare instead of focusing on his sick wife and letting the nurses do their job

Even one of those things would be a top turn off for me, never mind all of them!
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There is already a Think Science Ltd. An educational company who have the .co.uk domaine and Think Science trademark logo. But guess what....hers is THINK SCIENCE....ALL CAPS!!!!

Lolling at Think Science and then doesn't understand what Peer Review means!

I just looked at her UK trademark entries. Has anyone posted this before? It's hilarious what she has trademarked.
This was so awkward 😂
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It's a choice, but in healthcare roles it shouldn't be IMO. You are working with the most vulnerable group to infectious illnesses of all kinds and present a risk to them when unvaccinated for various illnesses and it's a total betrayal of medical ethics IMO to risk wander around spreading disease when you can be vaccinated and protect them and yourself. When your choice presents a risk of your patient's health or ability to survive their hospitalization i.e. the ability to do your job without being a risk, it's quite another thing. Your choice shouldn't potentially kill or maim people who are trusting you to do your job.

I know someone whose elderly dad went into a hospital around my way for a needed and already very delayed back operation last December. Quarantined for two weeks prior to entering the hospital, tested negative, then was infected in the hospital post-operation and subsequently nearly died of COVID. Should have been out within a week, spent over a month in there instead and still is suffering the after effects of the illness. Unacceptable to begin with back then, and clearly transmitted by staff as no patients were allowed in without mandatory quarantine and testing, but it would be ten times as unacceptable now, given staff have better means to protect themselves from the disease.

I have two relatives in the NHS, one in a lab role, and another one who tends to dabble a lot with conspiracy shit, and even he manned up and got both vaccinations after some whining. The first in December last year. His job takes him miles around the hospital every day, in and out of wards, plus handling food, and if he were infected with COVID he'd be the equivalent of Typhoid Mary taking out patients left, right and centre, so he got vaxxed. Thankfully.

The fertility thing shows they've been reading crank sites. There's no evidence whatsover for any of the vaccines impeding fertility. There's not even a medically possible pathway known that could even do it. It really bothers me that people in healthcare would begin the swallow that scare story, because it implies kneejerking in fear rather than proper investigation, and reading nonsense sites rather than seeking out actual credible medical sources. Shouldn't we at least expect people in healthcare to read proper medical sources?

It's like the bloodclot thing, people going crazy about some super rare events that aren't necessarily caused by the vaccine, when other very commonly used drugs such as various contraceptive pills and the blood thinner Heparin have much, much larger incidence of thrombosis. Heparin 1000x more commonly. Yet, nobody suddenly decides to eschew blood thinners or the pill when indicated despite these being known risks, or form a far reaching world conspiracy around them. Probably half the people squawking about AZ or whatever are taking daily prescribed drugs with higher chances of causing a blood clot.
My Dad caught hospital acquired Covid. He’d shielded successfully for 10 months but he had to have a procedure. Had 2 negative tests before admission and another negative test upon admission. 10 days later he was gone. Never got to see him. I’d hate another family to go through that now that vaccines are available.
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I would be absolutely furious if I was just trying to do my job and some jumped up man started giving skincare advice that I never asked for
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'Companies use it because it's cheap!' I guess you use Alibaba to produce your neoprene bags because they're top quality, Hirons
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I’ve just realised it’s the same lady who posted about Duran Duran playing during that theatre show and thinking of Caroline. I’d be seeking a restraining order at this point 🔪🔪
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After a bit of Googling Caroline Hirons Skin Rocks 😜 I came across this on Reddit.
It was posted by the lady who wrote the now deleted Space NK review!

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Hey all! Going out for dinner but it's to a place I've never been before. Only thing is I'm a bit nervous about trying somewhere new as I can't justify the price if I don't like the food. Anyone want to help out? Only if you're sure!

I want to buy a book but what if the book is awful and I've wasted 10 pounds? I can't justify that! Anyone want to send me a free copy? I feel like I'll be happy to spend a bit more on books once I know what I like!
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First of all was the stupid self indulgent story of the entitled vacuous brat of a daughter being unnecessarily taken to hospital in an ambulance, but what’s really got my goat is the fucking TikTok!!

She’s wearing make up, not remotely ill, and getting her moronic mate with the stupid name to film it in the corridor with a paramedic standing behind her!

Someone needs to mention that bit to the Oaf - was that before you had to ‘carry her out’ of the hospital because she couldn’t walk? This is utter shite and Ava is a tramp.
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