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Have they got another Tesla? In her vlog she's in town in what looks like a Tesla but in Alfie's vlog from the same day he was the one who drove to town in their Tesla to meet Zoe... seriously how much money do they have to buy such expensive cars for each of them
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I'm guessing the primary school they want probably has a pre-school that Ottie will start in September, before moving to reception class next year. I'd be interested to know how that goes for them, whilst she is clearly very outgoing and confident, she seems to have had minimal interaction with other children and has spent almost all her time with her "comfort adults" (parents, grandparents)....largely due to being the only child in the family for so long...but I could see nursery and being surrounded by lots of other children, who all need equal attention, a struggle for her. She may also struggle with adjusting to being out of the house and leaving her Mum and Dad at home with her sibling, I hope they take the time to help her adjust properly (unlike the last minute room moving when Novie was on her way)
yep. No way she’s going public, there will defo be a pre-school
I just always think of how it's affecting the kids. I mean, we all remember being young and getting sick, it can be so scary to feel like your body is fighting and working against you, especially when you have to throw up. Having my mum there, holding me and telling me it's okay and making me feel safe was so important then. Imagine being this little and being really sick and your mum is too scared to ride it out with you :(
Kids will pick up on that and probably end up having emetaphobia as well 😢
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God I felt genuinely down after watching that vlog 🙁

I seriously think his content should come with a trigger warning for anyone feeling any kind of way with your life, be it struggling with anything physically, mentally, financially maybe grieving the loss of family member
basically if times are tough brace yourself before watching would be my advice tbh .
Take solace in the fact she is a millionaire but still looks like crap and waaay older than her actual age! 😂
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Chatty Member
No that’s not the case. It seems in her head she has a “schedule” since she’s has said the posts are late a few times (like the most recent one). But what that scheduled day is supposed to be isn’t really clear.
I gave her way too much credit here, didn't I 😂😂😂
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Starting school? Isn't she turning 3 at the end of august?
Yes so She could start nursery in sept… Or they can decide to wait a year so she doesn’t go to reception until she’s 5 based on her birthday being the end of August. It’s up to them when they put her in. A lot of parents with kids birthdays end of August wait an additional year so they’re oldest in the class not youngest. She also doesn’t have to do nursery of course.
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Probably just work friends that drifted. Felix has also had plenty controversy over the year so I imagine if Zoe did follow him she probably unfollowed him at some point to avoid being dragged into it.
Thank you for your reply! Is there a thread that talks about the Felix controversy? Feel like I’ve been living under a rock 😂
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Chatty Member
Yes so She could start nursery in sept… Or they can decide to wait a year so she doesn’t go to reception until she’s 5 based on her birthday being the end of August. It’s up to them when they put her in. A lot of parents with kids birthdays end of August wait an additional year so they’re oldest in the class not youngest. She also doesn’t have to do nursery of course.
Ottie seems to be quite intelligent for her age, so I imagine going to school with the other 4 year olds would be better for her. I have an August baby and was told they only keep children back if there is a social issue with the child, I haven't done a heap of research though so don't quote me on it 😂
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I think braces aren't a big deal to be honest. It's Invisalign I assume? That's the annoying bit. Someone I know got train track braces before she got married and the teeth moved in 6 months but she had to have a big metal plate in the roof of her mouth! Zoe would never dream of something like that. But if she had had the normal train track braces she'd be a lot more relatable and perhaps inspire others to get theirs done too if their dentist had recommended it because not everyone can afford Invisalign. Her young audience I mean, as if you get braces under 18 on the NHS you don't have to pay. I went to see how much Invisalign would cost for me and my teeth aren't that bad, my dentist has never suggested braces. Over £2000!
I mean if it is cosmetic, I feel as though she wouldn't have put it off. But I do think her teeth are fine as they are. I've never noticed anything wrong with them.
My teeth aren't perfect, but they're okay for me so no braces for me. Also, my brother had braces to correct badly crooked teeth, and they messed up his teeth roots! Pretty sure they were expensive since I live in the US.
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When he was friend with Louis, and they all had those stupid pennyboard skateboards. He's so uncool, he has had zero hobbies of his own. Just tried to fit in with others.
Now he thinks he's some lifestyle guru talking about filling your cup. Yes you may have filled your cup up with time but that's because you don't do anything, you don't do anything adventurous, don't go anywhere interesting, and your fiancee is the most boring lazy 34 year old around. His highlight of the day is going for a coffee and working out in his garage 🤣
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It really is amusing but also super sad that they are plastering their kids online yet pretending to be parents of the year. Even using them in ads now. Alfie especially despite clearly being a very present and caring father (not that hard when he’s basically showing off looking after them for a job now) is getting most of his views and likes due to his kids now. Zoe I would argue despite the fact that most of her content is also about the kids would probably still be getting the views and clicks etc as she was so popular before.
They have said they will stop showing Ottie’s face when she starts school in September. Wondering if they will even stick to that. I expect baby number 3 will be on the way next year so they have a steady flow of babies to keep exploiting. Despite Zoe saying they were done and her taking to her bed for much of Novi’s pregnancy she does love the attention of being pregnant and doing all the bump shots.

Also funny when they realise that Ottie will start being aware that they aren’t taking photos of her and she’ll get upset to be left out. I’m sure they’ve been showing her Instagram and the pictures of her. Kids are such sponges and she’ll clock on. We’ll then get the ‘we planned to stop showing Ottie but (despite being a little girl with no idea of the implications) she really wants to be in our videos, such a vlogger in the making’ bleurgh!’

Wondering actually if wedding next year and then baby 3 year after. One of those 2 things next year for sure
Starting school? Isn't she turning 3 at the end of august?
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I’m 4’11 and got bullied (no exaggeration) in school when I said I had to buy petite because my frame is curvy lol. People just lack brain cells
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I've always got the impression that she feels superior to Dianne.

Perhaps she's afraid that her girls will want to wear colour like Aunty Dot. Also, Dianne's mad energy and work ethic probably make Zoe twitch. 😂

Her mum and Alfie's always go to see any tour Dianne's doing - I wonder if she'll join them or if she just doesn't have enough 'me time' to spare.
She certainly never makes an effort to go. She’s been to the ones on her doorstep (Brighton) but never bothers her backside to go further to see the likes of the arena tour.
She’s never been to the actual strictly tv show apart from once when Joe was on it. I remember there was people trying to argue on here at one point that Dianne never invites her. But Tracey goes multiple times a year (even after D’s been eliminated), Amanda goes at least once a year as does Tracey’s mum. And if I remember correctly Alfie mentioned once that Dianne got his mum’s friends tickets to go. So she’s definitely invited and just could not be bothered. All of the above also go to all of her tours.
I’d love to know if she actually shows O any of Dianne on strictly (ik we had this discussion at the time and lo and behold the next day she was talking about O watching it) and whether she’ll bring her to any of the tours in the future. Or as you said would that be showing her how much mummy and daddy do sweet F all and make her want to spend more time with Dianne than her own parents
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IIRC it was the interior design internship and then at a fashion retailer for a short while, before her blog took off
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